International Digital Asset Exchange Association

International Digital Asset Exchange Association

International Digital Asset Exchange Association We form the united voice of the world’s Blockchain and Crypto Trade Associations and their respective Members

حول International Digital Asset Exchange Association

IDAXA was established during the V20 summit in Osaka, Japan – a two-day industry summit for the world’s leading Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs). It was held in parallel to the G20 Leader’s Summit, bringing together leading digital asset exchanges, key domestic industry representatives, bodies and dignitaries.

“Upon bringing together the leading VASPs in Osaka for the V20, we recognised a need for an international dialogue to drive collaboration between government and industry (and other such-key stakeholders moving forward) to deliver a coordinated response to the updated standards proposed by the Financial Action Task Force”

The outcome of the V20 was the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) which signified a willingness for a unified approach in developing a solution that will be both workable for business and acceptable for regulators. The signatories of that MoU will drive forward IDAXA as the vehicle for the industry to engage with FATF.

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