hedera hashgraph

hedera hashgraph

The Hedera hashgraph platform provides a new form of distributed consensus; a way for people who don't know or trust each other to securely collaborate and transact online without the need for a trusted intermediary.

حول hedera hashgraph

The Hedera Hashgraph Platform provides a new form of distributed consensus; a way for people who don't know or trust each other to securely collaborate and transact online without the need for a trusted intermediary. The platform is lightning fast, fair, and secure and, unlike some blockchain-based platforms, doesn’t require compute-heavy proof-of-work. Hedera enables and empowers developers to build an entirely new class of decentralized applications that were never before possible.

The Hedera Hashgraph Council will be the governing body of the Hedera Hashgraph Platform. The council will consist of up to 39 leading organizations and enterprises in their respective fields, with membership designed to reflect a range of industries and geographies, to have highly respected brands and trusted market positions, and to encourage a wide variety of perspectives. The Governing Members will elect the Governing Board and also contribute expertise through subcommittee membership. Hedera’s governance terms ensure no single member will have control, and no small group of members will have undue influence over the body as a whole.



9 202
7 813
28 355
1 933


Tom Trowbridge
Dr. Leemon Baird
Mance Harmon
Co-Founder and CEO
Patrick Harding
Senior Vice-President, Product
Mehernosh (Nosh) Mod...
Senior Vice-President, Engineering
Jordan Fried
Vice-President, Global Business Development
Natalie Grunfeld Fur...
General Counsel
Christian Hasker
Chief Marketing Officer
Edgar Seah
Head of Asia Pacific Region
Ken Anderson
Chief Developer Advocate

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