

Faceter is the first decentralized surveillance system for consumers. Faceter makes video surveillance smart, giving brains to cameras through enhanced face detection, object detection and real-time video analysis. These features allow cameras to understand the situation and respond to it, offering much better security to all the customers. At Faceter’s technological core is the absolute respect for privacy, and the utilization of the features of convolutional neural networks to split the tasks reinforces this commitment. As a result, sensitive data is always processed in a completely trusted environment, and all images not subject to recovery are passed to the decentralized network.

حول Faceter

Faceter is the first decentralized surveillance system for consumers. Faceter makes video surveillance smart, giving brains to cameras through enhanced face detection, object detection and real-time video analysis. These features allow cameras to understand the situation and respond to it, offering much better security to all the customers.

Usual computer vision technologies are expensive to develop and require the additional expense of requiring substantial computing resources to run. Only a few very expensive B2B solutions have computer vision and video content analysis implemented as a part of their technology stack. As a consequence, their technologies are still very early-stage compared to the possibilities offered by the vast potential of neural networks.

Computer vision technology on the blockchain powered by a decentralized network of miners makes the product affordable for all-sized businesses and mass market consumers. The benefit from a mining perspective is that a
contribution of miner's resources to Faceter is twice as profitable as the mining of Ether on the same
Graphic Processing Units.

At Faceter’s technological core is the absolute respect for privacy, and the utilization of the features of  convolutional neural networks to split the tasks reinforces this commitment. As a result, sensitive data is always processed in a completely trusted environment, and all images not subject to recovery are passed to the decentralized network.


35 376
34 628
3 370


Robert Wayne Pothier
Co-Founder, CEO
Vladimir Tchernitski
Co-Founder, CTO
Leon Olckers
Technical Deployments
Jayson Gouws
Solutions and distribution


$7 390 000

Paul Scott
Business Development
Graham Perry
Sales and Distribution
Aleksandr Chernov
Tech Lead
Anton Ivashkevich
Vitaliy Kuzmenko
Mobile Development