Congressional Blockchain Caucus

Congressional Blockchain Caucus

The Congressional Blockchain Caucus is first and foremost interested in how blockchain technology can improve government services. Identity and personal data are nowadays synonymous with fraud and hacking. Blockchain technology poses a solution to identity management, giving an individual ownership of their identity. From smart contracts all the way to patient records, blockchain technology offers increased security and ease of use.

حول Congressional Blockchain Caucus

The Congressional Blockchain Caucus was founded in the 114th Congress and is enjoying significant growth and an ever-expanding focus.  We are a bi-partisan group of Members of Congress and Staff who believe in the future of blockchain technology, and understand that Congress has a role to play in its development.  As a Caucus, we have decided on a hands-off regulatory approach, believing that this technology will best evolve the same way the internet did; on its own.  

The Caucus is a platform for industry and government to come together to study and understand the implications of blockchain technology.  We're fascinated with the potential for blockchain technology to significantly improve identity management, asset tracking and ownership, healthcare records management, intellectual property rights, and much more.  

We are in the early days of this technology, and we feel it paramount that Congress be a bridge between industry and government to foster collaboration and ensure competitiveness on the global stage.  Please feel free to reach out to either of our staff co-chairs for topics you'd like to see addressed at lunch briefings, or just ideas you have in general for the Caucus.  


Jared Polis
David Schweikert
Bill Foster
Tom Emmer

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