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تخلق إيصالات تشفير الإيداع (CDR) والناشرين الأصليين موارد مالية جديدة تمامًا في العالم ، وتزيل سلوك الشركات ، وتسمح بالملكية الكسرية وتقلل تكاليف المعاملات تقريبًا بالكامل. يتم شراء الأسهم الرئيسية في الأسواق أو الشركات (إصدار أسهم جديدة). أصدرت CDRs سلاسل كتلة الثقة الحافظ من شأنها أن تسمح لعقد ذكي للتصويت. يمثل كل CDR سهمًا واحدًا ويمكن تداوله بواسطة سهم واحد أو واحد أو أكثر من العروض الترويجية. يمكن تداول CDRs مباشرة أو بين الجانبين. ويجري حاليا اختبار مجلس الإنماء والإعمار.

كما نعمل مع الهيئات التنظيمية في جميع أنحاء العالم للقضاء على الحاجة إلى الأسهم التقليدية ومشاركة الشهادات.
Private Sale
To be announced
تفاصيل الرمز
مبرقة كاتبة
العملات المقبولة
تفاصيل الشركة
البلد المسجل
United Kingdom, Cayman Islands
تفاصيل اضافية
Ethereum ERC20
نعم فعلا

حول CDRX

إيصالات الإيداع المشفرة (CDR's) والإصدار الأصلي تفتح عالما جديدا كليا من التمويل ، وتزيل إجراءات الشركات ، وتسمح بالملكية الجزئية وتقضي على تكاليف المعاملات بالكامل تقريبا. يتم الحصول على الأسهم الأساسية من السوق أو كيان الشركة (إصدار جديد). ثم يتم إصدار CDR من قبل أمين الحفظ على blockchain والذي يسمح بالتصويت عبر عقد ذكي. يمثل كل CDR سهمًا واحدًا ، ويمكن تداوله في كسور سهم أو سهم واحد أو عدة أسهم. يمكن تداول CDR في البورصة أو مباشرة بين طرفين. يجري اختبار CDR الآن.

نحن نعمل أيضًا مع المنظمين في جميع أنحاء العالم لإزالة الحاجة الكاملة إلى المشاركات التقليدية ومشاركة السجلات.

لاستكمال تقديم CDRs و cryptoshares ، سنطلق قريبًا عملية تبادل للإدراج والتداول. تعد عمليات تشفير البورصة بمثابة نموذج أعمال مجرب ، وفريقنا العالمي من قدامى المحاربين في مجال الاستثمار المصرفي هم جميعهم خبراء في مجالاتهم ، ويشملون هندسة البرمجيات والتجارة الإلكترونية والنقد الإلكتروني وتجارة المشتقات والتعلم الآلي والهيكلة والمبيعات وقانون الأوراق المالية والتنظيم.

  • يتم التداول على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع ، عبر محرك مطابق عالي السرعة
  • مصادر السيولة العالمية وتكاليف التداول التي لا تذكر ، مما يضمن الأسواق العميقة لتلبية احتياجات العملاء
  • الدعم في البداية: السوق ؛ أوامر الحد والإيقاف ، مع مجموعة أدوات algo تتبع بعد ذلك بوقت قصير
  • واجهة برمجة التطبيقات من فئة المؤسسات وخدمة المزاد الدوري للعملاء من المؤسسات / المحترفين
  • خيارات تسوية متعددة مقبولة من الناحية المؤسسية

٪ name٪ خريطة الطريق

  • 01-Feb-18

  • CDR testing began with a closed set of clients
  • 05-Mar-18

  • Roadmap for regulator engagement laid out
  • 07-May-18

  • Development of Exchange started
  • 22-Jun-18

  • Agreement to use (and right to buy) for Exchange
  • اقرأ أكثر
  • Q4 2018

  • Audit and penetration testing of Exchange begins (weekly)
    Launch of Exchange (ver 0.9) - closed beta Indices defined
    Non-securitised market makers onboarded
    Listing service provider agreements signed
    Algo toolkit (ver 0.9 beta) launches
  • Q1 2019

  • Release of Exchange (ver 1.0)
    Rating agency agreement for new issuance signed
    Launch of industry think tank – tier 1 banks and brokers, business and technology
    Algo toolkit (ver 1.0) released
    CCP agreement signed
    CDR market makers onboarded
    Regulator approvals received (small jurisdictions)
    Equity CDRs open to the market in approved jurisdictions
    Exchange trading of CDRs begins among approved investors
    Extension into cash bond CDRs
  • Q2 2019

  • Indices launch and licensing (including 6 months of history)
    Sponsorship of collaborative R&D programme across industry and universities
    Custody service (ver 0.9 beta) launches
    Launch of institutional OTC desk
  • Q3 2019

  • Custody service (ver 1.0) released
    Extension into derivative CDRs and native issuance
    Licensing of liquidity to brokers and banks
    Purchase of stake in an authorised and regulated exchange
    Release of decentralised Exchange (ver 2.0), non-securitised
  • Q4 2019

  • Regulator approvals received (mid-sized jurisdictions)
  • Q4 2020

  • Regulator approvals received (large jurisdictions)
  • Q2 2021

  • Purchase of stake in traditional bank enabling improved ‘real-world’ integration

CDRX الفريق

التحقق 100%

David Ward
Matthew Spittle
Zung Le
Head of Market Microstructure
Thanh Nguyen
Head of Software Engineering
Mo Hakeem
Head of eCommerce
Ethan Low
General Counsel
Thomas Sandberg
Head of Sales & Structuring
Wei Bing Lee
Head of Regulatory


التحقق 100%

Phavie Leang
Primary Markets
Jean-Laurent Wotton
Startup & Blockchain Marketing
Nozomu Nakazato
Crypto Marketing
Andreas Hauser
Crypto & Blockchain Growth Hacker
Toni Hilti
Tech Entrepreneur

CDRX مقابلات

David Ward
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO of CDRX. I have two decades of investment banking experience including technology and trading
What do you think about idea?
CDRX delivers never before seen savings (up to 95%) for both investors and issuers. It bridges the traditional and crypto markets, making real world assets available in crypto form. Critically we are the only business in the world to convert existing stocks and bonds - imagine you could trade Nike, Wal-Mart, Google, Amazon, Apple and any other stock in token form, without having a broker or a lot of money - from early 2019 you can
Matthew Spittle
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am CTO of CDRX and therefore I driving all areas of technology from development through to architecture and infrastructure
What do you think about idea?
I'm very excited about it. CDRX solves huge inefficiencies in the existing securities market whilst massively reducing the cost for both securities issuers and holders in a way that no other blockchain company is. It really is the killer app for blockchain
Zung Le
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Optimizing order management, high frequency trading, tick data, data mining, data analysis and machine learning.
What do you think about idea?
Crypto Depository Receipts (CDRs) and cryptoshares are the natural evolution of traditional equity ownership, they provide all the advantages of traditional stock (aka share) ownership and the solution to its frictional disadvantages.
Thanh Nguyen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I work on the technology for CDRX. My role includes customer facing platforms, back-end systems, crypto service layers and core infrastructure
What do you think about idea?
In Vietnam anyone with internet access can buy bitcoin, but few people can buy famous name companies. CDRX means anyone can buy Apple, Tesla, Coca Cola, Starbucks or other famous companies. Millions of people can become investors and improve the future for their families
Mo Hakeem
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Mohammed Hakeem – Head of eCommerce. Former Global Head of eCommerce Support at Standard Chartered. Two decades experience at banks including JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch and HSBC in London and Asia. Responsible for infrastructure and architecture design, development and support of high speed trading and market data systems, including multi-billion dollar real- time FX trading platforms. Studied Computer Science at Glasgow University.
What do you think about idea?
Mohammed Hakeem – Head of eCommerce. Former Global Head of eCommerce Support at Standard Chartered. Two decades experience at banks including JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch and HSBC in London and Asia. Responsible for infrastructure and architecture design, development and support of high speed trading and market data systems, including multi-billion dollar real- time FX trading platforms. Studied Computer Science at Glasgow University.
Ethan Low
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the general counsel of CDRX. I look after all the legal issues surrounding the ICO and helping also to plan the regulatory roadmap of this ICO journey- and beyond.
What do you think about idea?
Novel, state-of-the-art and revolutionary. It is also long overdue and with the potential of our idea, we definitely will be able to upend the rigid parts of the financial markets and mark our place in history.
Thomas Sandberg
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Head of Sales and Structuring and instrumental in the CDR posititioning for the global financial markets industry
What do you think about idea?
Truly a fundamental shift in financial markets trading and issuance offering a step change in speed of trading and settlement with significant cost savings for issuers.
Wei Bing Lee
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Oversee relevant regulatory landscape within the capital markets ecosystem, and implement regulatory standards that meets and exceeds industry requirements and best practices
What do you think about idea?
Blockchain is the Fourth Industrial Revolution and will revolutionize the way financial markets operate
Phavie Leang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m an independent advisor with particular expertise in primary issuance in the capital markets. I was excited to work with CDRX to help deliver a groundbreaking product.
What do you think about idea?
This can transform the securities market in line with the globalisation trends in today’s fast evolving e-world, delivering a more level playing field for investors and issuers.
Jean-Laurent Wotton
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an advisor to the board of CDRX. I provide support on Marketing, Analytics and Startup growth related topics.
What do you think about idea?
First, CDRX is a perfect candidate for a Blockchain project - benefiting from the scalability, stability, ownership and low cost of running on such an infrastructure. Second, it is a great solution and improvement to a problem that thousands of people face everyday: buying and selling shares efficiently - faster, at lower cost, fractional ownership, etc... And third, it addresses a huge billion dollar market.
Nozomu Nakazato
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a team marketing advisor specializing in Japan. We also give advice on ICO and general blockchains.
What do you think about idea?
Currently, various projects are procuring funds, but it will be difficult to collect such teams. It is possible to get rid of barriers to CRYPTO and widely call professional investors, this project will bring light to the industry as a whole.
Andreas Hauser
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I'm giving advice on how to properly convey their message to the public, giving feedback on online content.
What do you think about idea?
It's really nice. Opening up traditional systems will benefit all parties immensely. I personally know a few companies that could really benefit from this.
Toni Hilti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am an adviser, mostly helping the team with my banking and tech network (tech entrepreneur myself) in Europe & China
What do you think about idea?
I see CDRs as a great evolution to trading equities, at significantly lower cost. This is one of the most compelling applications of the blockchain technology to date!

CDRX آخر الأخبار

5.0 4
ICO الملف الشخصي رؤية نشاط محتمل المنتج الفريق

٪ اسم٪ مراجعات
ICO review website

As anyone with even a minimum of experience of having worked in fintech will tell you, the current technological infrastructure among institutional investors is riddled with inefficiencies. Legacy systems continue to dominate the investment arena when we know – particularly now with blockchain technology on the scene – that things can be done much better.

The CDRX proposition is one of a number of competitors entering into the field of tokenised securities. But that number remains relatively small in relation to the sheer size of the industry itself. In other words, there is an argument here for saying that any blockchain-based startup which is capable of delivering a reliable product to market, and which can perform the necessary outreach to gain even a tiny fraction of that market, will be well positioned to making a success of its own venture.

Judging from the project token’s economics, the native token will likely only take on value when and if institutional investors line up to accumulate the necessary tokens to gain access to the range of services and benefits outlined earlier. This aspect of the project’s potential could be very well gauged from the partnerships it achieves right at the beginning of the venture. One to watch.

اقرأ أكثر
ICO review website

As anyone with even a minimum of experience of having worked in fintech will tell you, the current technological infrastructure among institutional investors is riddled with inefficiencies. Legacy systems continue to dominate the investment arena when we know – particularly now with blockchain technology on the scene – that things can be done much better.

The CDRX proposition is one of a number of competitors entering into the field of tokenised securities. But that number remains relatively small in relation to the sheer size of the industry itself. In other words, there is an argument here for saying that any blockchain-based startup which is capable of delivering a reliable product to market, and which can perform the necessary outreach to gain even a tiny fraction of that market, will be well positioned to making a success of its own venture.

Judging from the project token’s economics, the native token will likely only take on value when and if institutional investors line up to accumulate the necessary tokens to gain access to the range of services and benefits outlined earlier. This aspect of the project’s potential could be very well gauged from the partnerships it achieves right at the beginning of the venture. One to watch.

اقرأ أكثر
  • نظرًا لوجود اختلافات زمنية في تحديثات المعلومات ، يجب التحقق من المعلومات الدقيقة حول كل مشروع ICO من خلال موقع الويب الرسمي أو قنوات الاتصال الأخرى.
  • هذه المعلومات ليست اقتراحًا أو نصيحة بشأن الاستثمار في تمويل ICO. يرجى التحقيق بدقة في المعلومات ذات الصلة بنفسك واتخاذ قرار بشأن مشاركة ICO.
  • إذا كنت تعتقد أن هناك مشكلات أو مشكلات يجب تصحيحها على هذا المحتوى ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال مشروع ICO الخاص بك إلى القائمة ، فيرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
يرجى قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. عرض إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. <ديف إد = "ديسكليمر-لونغ-تكست" ستايل = "ديسبلاي: نون">     

تنويه & أمب؛ تحذير المخاطر     

يستند هذا العرض إلى المعلومات المقدمة فقط من قبل العارض ومعلومات أخرى متاحة للعموم. إن حدث بيع أو تبادل الرمز المميز لا علاقة له بكامله تجاه أصحاب الحيازات الدولية، ولا يمتلك أصحاب الحيازة أي مشاركة فيه (بما في ذلك أي دعم تقني أو ترويج). وتظهر مبيعات الرمز المميز المدرجة من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم علاقة بين أصحاب الحيازة فقط لمساعدة العملاء على تتبع النشاط الجاري في قطاع الرمز المميز العام. وليس المقصود من هذه المعلومات أن تصل إلى المشورة التي يجب أن تعتمد. يجب عليك الحصول على المشورة المهنية أو المتخصصة أو تنفيذ العناية الواجبة الخاصة بك قبل اتخاذ أو الامتناع عن أي إجراء على أساس المحتوى على موقعنا. إن أي شروط وأحكام يتم الدخول فيها من قبل المساهمين فيما يتعلق باقتناء الرموز المميزة هي بينهم وبين مصدر الرمز ومالك الشركة ليس البائع لهذه الرموز. لا يتحمل صاحب المشروع أية مسؤولية قانونية عن أية بيانات مقدمة من أطراف ثالثة فيما يتعلق بأي بيع رمزية وأي مطالبة عن خرق العقد يجب أن يتم أيضا مباشرة ضد الكيان المصدر للإصدار المميز المذكور هنا.     

إذا كانت لديك أي مخاوف بشأن طبيعة أو خصوصية أو قانونية هذا البيع المميز أو الأشخاص المتورطين فيه، فيرجى الاتصال مع معلومات مفصلة عن المخاوف الخاصة بك.