Oberwasser Consulting

Oberwasser Consulting

Discovering valuable customer needs is not magic! We are here for you, just give us a call.

关于 Oberwasser Consulting

Aligning innovation and transformation with customer needs is the basis of all success. If you have clarity about what progress looks like from the customer's perspective, you can create a lasting, strong pull. With Jobs to Be Done (JTBD), we use the most effective economic theory that can capture and understand the needs of your customers. In doing so, we provide the basis for the successful work of your employees and for their integration into the business model design. Because it is only your customers who bring capital into your company. And if you have certainty about when, why and for what a product and a brand is bought or a service is actually ordered, you have the greatest information advantage that you could wish for in constantly changing markets. If you wish, we can provide you with an all-round, worry-free package. Alternatively, we can also support you with our expertise or enable you to carry out these existentially important investigations yourself. Just as it best suits your individual and holistic success strategy.