US Lawmakers Propose Ban on Crypto Mixers to Combat Illicit Finance

9 Mayıs 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Democratic representatives in the United States have introduced the US Blockchain Integrity Act, a legislative initiative aimed at tightening regulations in the cryptocurrency sphere. The proposed bill, led by Sean Casten and supported by fellow Democrats, seeks to crack down on cryptocurrency mixers, which are often utilized for illicit financial activities.

Cryptocurrency mixers, also known as tumblers or blenders, serve as pools where users can obscure transaction trails by generating new addresses and withdrawing funds without revealing the connection between the depositor and withdrawal addresses. This opacity poses significant challenges for law enforcement agencies, hindering efforts to track the origins and destinations of funds and creating opportunities for unlawful activities.

The US Blockchain Integrity Act proposes a two-year ban on cryptocurrency mixers, aiming to disrupt the flow of illicit funds and promote transparency in the crypto ecosystem. The legislation would prohibit financial institutions, cryptocurrency exchanges, and registered money service businesses from accepting funds processed through a mixer, with violators facing civil penalties of up to $100,000.

In addition to the ban, the bill mandates that the Treasury Department compile a comprehensive report during the ban period, evaluating various aspects of mixer transactions, including their involvement in illicit finance, legitimate use cases, law enforcement capabilities, and regulatory approaches in other jurisdictions.

While Democrats advocate for the initiative as a necessary measure to combat illicit finance, the proposed ban faces political challenges, particularly within the Republican-majority House, where its passage remains uncertain. Republicans express concerns about stifling innovation and emphasize the need for balanced regulatory oversight.

Cryptocurrency mixers have come under scrutiny due to their role in obscuring transaction trails and enabling user anonymity, prompting alarm among law enforcement agencies regarding their exploitation by criminals for money laundering and terrorist financing. Recent incidents, such as the Poloniex hacker laundering stolen funds through a mixer, highlight the risks associated with these services.

Lawmakers have also raised concerns about offshore-issued stablecoins like Tether, citing potential links to illicit finance. The rise in mixer usage, as reported by blockchain intelligence firm Chainalysis, underscores the need for regulatory measures to address the growing threat of illicit finance in the cryptocurrency space.

As legislative efforts to regulate cryptocurrency mixers unfold, the debate surrounding the balance between innovation and regulation in the crypto industry intensifies, shaping the future regulatory landscape of digital assets in the United States.