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eesee is a one-stop liquidity solution for sellers, with a fun and safe raffle system at an affordable cost. Tailored for digital assets, tokens and RWAs
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WHAT IS eesee

The Gamified Digital
Asset marketplace


eesee enhances digital asset trading with a gamified system that integrates real world assets, powered by the $ESE Token. Our platform is designed to accelerate sales, improve liquidity, reduce costs and nurture a vibrant community.

How does the platform work?

Experience the power of eesee marketplace with high demand and faster sales

  • The seller sets the asset price, the number of tickets, and the value of each ticket
  • The participants pay for the ticket to secure their spot as a potential new owner of the asset
  • When the total asset value is accumulated, Chainlink VRF chooses who gets the digital asset on-chain
  • The seller gets the total asset worth, one participant becomes the new owner of the asset, and other contributors receive rewards Equipe

Verificado 80%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Vova Sadkov
Aiden Chen
Blockchain QA Engineer
não verificado
Alex Stephan
Ivan Menschikov
Lead Blockchain Developer
Alex Drobenkov
Head of Design
verificado Entrevistas

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am a CEO and a founder. I created the idea and now building this idea for one and a half years. I am leading the team and managing all marketing, busine4ss development and fundraising.
What do you think about idea?
This idea will change the web3 market and bring a lot of new users as we are building a one-stop liquidity solution for sellers, gamified concept that let’s users to get onboarded to the market at a lower cost, tailored for digital assets, tokens and RWAs.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am co-founder and CTO of eesee. I am leaving all the development of back-end, front-end and architecture of the project. Working full-time to make sure that project is able to scale and answer all expectations of our final users. Building this project since January of 2023.
What do you think about idea?
I think that eesee has big potential as it presents the novel approach and allows users to lower the cost barrier to enter the market. We are making it possible for anyone to enter the market and this is how we are planning to bring new users to the community.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I developed the architecture and led the development of all the smart contracts for the project, including contracts for a digital asset marketplace, a token contract, as well as cross-chain contracts for transferring digital assets between EVM-compatible blockchains.
I conducted rigorous testing for all the contracts in our suite and successfully guided the project through multiple audits by external firms.
What do you think about idea?
eesee is an innovative digital asset marketplace platform, built on top of the latest Ethereum technologies that combines the ease of use of traditional NFT marketplaces with unique gamified mechanics. As a cross-chain marketplace aggregator, eesee serves as a one-stop solution for everyone interested in trading digital assets.
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Head of Product Design Web3
What do you think about idea?
eesee is a next-gen gamified NFTFi & SocialFi platform and Digital Assets Marketplace that accelerates sales, provides additional liquidity and trading volume to the digital assets market, enhances artists and lowers cost-barrier to enter the Web3 market and helps to speed up the process of Mass Adoption using the unique protocol. Últimas notícias

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