

Created using Figma
Fair Launched DeFi project for Real Assets, headed by the developers behind RACEconomy and RACEtoken
To be announced
aanvullende details

Over yRace

yRace protocol is a DeFi protocol to:

Allow existing and growing RACE community user to enjoy staking rewards
Unleash liquidity to ecosystem projects
Allow access to protocol layer
Enjoy 0 fee trading and staking on our platform

% naam% Roadmap

  • Q2 2021

  • Liquidity provision DeFi protocol conceptualized
    Market research of DeFi ecosystem completed
    Tokenomics and mining schedule designed
    Non-ERC20 blockchain staking research completed
    Liquidity pairs established
    Feasibility research on technology stack completed
    Constant Product Market Maker design completed
    Adaptation of AMM design to RACE fintech platform established
    Liquidity mining rewards programs
  • Q3 2021

  • Launch of low fees DEX
    Exploration of layered farming
    Launch on alternative protocols such as BSC and Solana
    Integration to other wallets
  • Q4 2021

  • Bug bounty program
    Community products
    RACE alliance
    Launch of vaults
    Development of oracle layer
    CEX listings

yRace Laatste nieuws

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