

Created using Figma
The spiciest yield farming on Binance Smart Chain.
To be announced
Details token
Totale voorraad
100,000,000 $GOONG
Token Distributie
- 0.01% (10k GOONG) will be reserved for providing the initial liquidity.
- 70% (70M GOONG) will be reserved for yield farming for six months.
- 20% (20M GOONG) will be reserved for marketing plans, the unused GOONG will be burned. 🔥
- 9.99% (9.99M GOONG) will be reserved for the ecosystem & development fund (linearly unlocked by vesting period)
Geaccepteerde valuta's
aanvullende details
Binance Smart Chain

Over Tomyumgoong

Tomyumgoong Finance is a decentralized exchange running on Binance Smart Chain and Pancake swap exchange. With our unique features, users are allowed to deposit their funds without a fee when they locked Goong in our secure smart contract. Moreover, this mechanic provides an option for users to avoid losing their initial balance. Therefore, this is a unique feature that isn't presented anywhere, we did write tests heavily.


What we are trying to do is to create a deflation token which called "Goong" that allows a constant price pump with a sufficient burning mechanism. We are not trying to replace the swap & exchange feature, but to add value into our system by creating a suitable and sustainable environment for users in order to yield farms with high APR.

Everyone can enjoy earning yield by staking in our platform without worrying about rug pulls because we can't. There's no migrate function, no backdoor, no delegate call, no proxy, and all contracts ownership are 24-hours timelock.


- Lock Goong in the Masterchef contract while depositing to ignore the deposit fee.
- Get your locked Goong back when you withdraw.
- We hope to create a Goong token for everyone who farms on Tomyumgoong Finance! Earn Goong, and other coins (to be determined) while staking.
- Timelock added to contract at launch
- Removed migrator code (inherited from Pancake swap)

% naam% Roadmap

  • June 2021 (Phase1) website launch
    Provides Initial liquidity
    $GOONG Liquidity Mining Pools
    Pool (Single Token Staking)
    Marketing using our strong connections.
    Apply for Listings on Coinmarketcap, Coingecko, DappRadar, BscScan, etc.
    Submit audits
  • July - Sep 2021 (Phase2)
    Complete Audits
    Launch Goong Lottery (โต๊ด, เต็ง, วิ่ง 🏃‍♂️)
    Add mechanisms like buyback and many more burn mechanisms to make $GOONG long-term deflationary
    Partner with more projects to expand Goong protocol
  • Oct - Dec 2021
    Expand to other blockchains (Matic is the main target)
    More soon 🌝
    This roadmap shows you that our team working as hard as we can to make our protocol grow in many ways.
    This list might not be 100% perfect or some bullet might change in the future but it shows you the shape of the Goong protocol and its bright future 🌟

Tomyumgoong Laatste nieuws

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