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Verox is the artificial intelligence investment manager for crypto and deFi. We fuse the expertise of select crypto partners with artificial intelligence to achieve above human performance.
  • 市場
  • Bitforex
    VRX/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 24.56
    $ 162.949 K
  • Bilaxy
    VRX/ETH 1年前
    $ 4.62
    $ 12.147 K
  • CoinTiger
    VRX/USDT 1年前
    $ 10.80
    $ 10.04
  • Uniswap V2 (Ethereum)
    VRX/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 43.85
    $ 47.982 K
  • ProBit Global
    VRX/BTC ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 23.86
    $ 12.43
  • Decoin
    VRX/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 273.45
To be announced
プラットフォーム, モバイルアプリ

約 Verox

It’s a personalized advisor, product analyzer and a financial content provider.Verox uses AI to create a personalized match between the user’s financial needs and the best-suited, most cost-effective financial products. It finds the best investments in real time in crypto, DeFi and other markets, by scanning markets and processing massive sets of data to locate the optimal trading/investing opportunities.

Verox makes use of AI to help you find the best crypto and DeFi investments available in the market. Verox aims to help people get excellent returns by putting their money in a trustworthy AI investment management that supports faster, more confident decisions to achieve better performance.

Human Expertise Meets Artificial Intelligence

The AI system is constantly monitored, updated and overseen by a team of crypto traders and developers. The AI is backed by a team of highly skilled trading experts. Fusing the expertise of select crypto partners with AI and ML creates a hybridization to achieve above-human performance in data-processing, speed, accuracy and broadened overall market understanding. This hybridization creates powers of insight never seen before in crypto and Defi investment, helping all levels of crypto investors make better market decisions.


Verox is built from a motivated, multi-disciplinary and passionate team combining experts from the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, software engineering and crypto traders. As a global company, the Verox team is located in over six countries. This includes over 20 members from app developers, strategic advisors, graphic designers, to community moderators and more.



We aim for absolute accuracy and constant transparency. Verox processes massive diverse sets of data by gathering and processing data gleaned from various sources (crypto data sites, news articles, social media postings, financial statements, charts, etc...) and runs a variety of predictive models and deep learning algorithms to come up with crypto and defi-ranking rating.


Using AI and developed machine learning models, the platform recommends the daily top crypto and DeFi tokens, trading signals and provides a deep analysis to any chosen cryptocurrency, using diversified parameters combining technical analysis methods such as chart pattern recognition, fundamental analysis (development news, team rating, social media posts,...) and a history-based price forecasting engine.


Earn VRX while you sleep. Staking puts your assets to work, with a high annual reward rate.


  • November 2020

  • Vision & Comprehensive Project Research — How to create a solid quality-focused and friendly-user product and to apply the token’s best economic factors
    Recruitment of team - We built a motivated, multi-disciplinary, extremely ambitious and passionate team combining experts from diverse fields, with a proven track record
    Planning: BRD, SRF, FSD
    Legalization and regulation
    Creation of smart-contract
    Deployment of token
    Smart contract audit
  • December 2020

  • Website Launch + Whitepaper
    Beginning of pre-sale stage
    Smart marketing - using unconventional marketing and different promotion methods and strategies to create awareness, trust, and community growth
    Airdrop and giveaways to the community
    Partnering with one of the top agencies for crypto marketing & PR -
    Ranked number 1 in the world as AI influencer on social media
    Reached out by the legendary business consultant & strategist, top digital marketer and angel investor Brian D Evans - INC. 500 Entrepreneur
    Exponential growth on social media (more than 35k twitter followers + 5k telegram group members)
    Creating promotional and instructional videos in different languages
    Mentioned by the top crypto influencers, such as @CryptoNekoZ, @JoshRoomsburg, @HerroCrypto, @CryptoChihiro, @VEGETACRYPTO1, @cryptomocho, @beautyofhelin, and more
    Development of the AI and Machine Learning algorithims
  • January 2021

  • Recruitment of two more teams as external sources in addition to the existing one, in order to streamline processes, and to cover more currencies & analysis
    Cointelegraph Press Release and continous social media marketing
    Development & Testing - React Native, NODE.JS
    Staking Dapp Launch and staking contract audit
    Market launch, DEX & CEX exchange listings (six exchanges) and liquidity locking on Unicrypt for one year
    Listed on coinmarketcap, coingecko, coinpare, and Etherscan info updated
    2500 VRX tokens have been burnt, equal to 5% of the supply
    Partnership with Reblock Digital and welcoming on board one of the top 500 entrepreneurs in the world @BrianDEvans & his business partner @kenny_izevbigie via as strategic advisors to get mainstream attention, partnerships and help us growing
    Testing the AI algorithms: SandBox environment results from the algorithm in real time showing success fluctuation between 85% to 93%
  • February 2021

  • Start of UI/UX design for Verox App
    Followed by the Billionare investor, the one and only - Mark Cuban on Twitter, who turned out to be a VRX investor too!
    Completion of all the regulatory analysis papers for VRX as a utility token
    Hiring another 3 AI, ML, & Data Science developers for a new feature "Top Picks" - AI Module for long term crypto prediction initiation
    Discussing and finalizing future plans of potential development and integration of an AI-powered decentralized crypto exchange for automated trading
    Creating Verox NFT cards, to be listed on Opensea with VRX - The NFT card will be connected to the price data of VRX market through CoinGecko API:
    Art, Data, and Token Use in a single pack:
    Strategic partnerships (including partnerships with oracle analytics applications)
  • 続きを読む
  • March 2021

  • Publishing Verox DEX business plan: A crypto, derivatives, and synthetic assets protocol with next generation AMM and orderbook!
    Strategic partnership with PinPro - a widely-followed social media influencer group with strong backgrounds in finance and viral marketing
    AI module for long-term crypto predictions work in progress
  • April 2021

  • Significant improvement and giving a fresh look to the UI/UX design
    Verox DEX development as on business plan timeline
    Preparing a GitBook documentation for VeroxAI App, new detailed Whitepaper and a pitch deck for VCs and investors
    Score Analyzer module integration
  • May-August 2021

  • Technological partnership between Verox DEX and Polygon Network(Matic), to ensure scalability, low fees, and fast transactions!
    Depolyment and testing of VeroxAI app
    Launch of VeroxAI web and mobile applications (Android & iOS)
    Massive app digital marketing
    Integrating VRX payments in VeroxAI app
    Integrating AI module for long-term crypto predictions
    Continuous development and enhancements to VeroxAI app
    Development of Verox DEX
    Planning Future developments
    Strategic partnership with Conflux to accelerate increased growth, with a target of global scale.

Verox チーム

検証済み 0%


Nikhil Teltumbade
Project Manager
Aditya Joshi
App Developer
Snehal Teltumbade
Business Analyst
Saylee Joshi
Front End Developer
Sanket Bansode
API Developer
Onkar Lavhekar
Database Developer

Verox 最後のニュース

  • 情報の更新には時差がある可能性があるため、各ICOプロジェクトに関する正確な情報は、公式Webサイトまたはその他の通信チャネルを通じて検証する必要があります。
  • この情報は、ICO資金への投資に関する提案やアドバイスではありません。関連情報を自分で徹底的に調査し、ICOの参加を決定してください。
  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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このトークン販売の性質、妥当性または合法性について懸念がある場合は、 までご連絡ください。あなたの懸念事項に関する詳細情報と一緒に。