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Next Generation Financial Protocol for Businesses.
Velo is a blockchain based financial protocol enabling digital credit issuance and borderless asset transfer for businesses using a smart contract system.
  • 市場
  • OKX
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%分前
    $ 0.0174
    $ 4.376 M
  • Bithumb
    VELO/KRW ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0063
    $ 1.001 M
  • HTX
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0025
    $ 2.686 M
  • OKX
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0025
    $ 517.724 K
  • Bitfinex
    VELO/USD ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0022
    $ 208.51
  • Bitfinex
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%か月前
    $ 0.0028
    $ 51.19
  • Bithumb
    VELO/BTC 1年前
    $ 0.0079
    $ 877.44
  • Indodax
    VELO/IDR 1年前
    $ 0.0022
    $ 142.183 K
  • Poloniex
    VELO/USDT 1年前
    $ 0.0022
    $ 380.58
  • Bitfinex
    VELO/UST ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0021
    $ 22.12
  • Bitazza
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0244
    $ 8.116 K
  • Bitazza
    VELO/THB ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0245
    $ 7.813 K
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0561
    $ 3.893 M
  • KuCoin
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0724
    $ 6.112 M
  • MEXC
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.1446
    $ 65.352 K
  • VCC Exchange
    VELO/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.7252
    $ 50.582 K
To be announced

約 Velo

Velo’s mission is to revolutionize the world of blockchain utility through the transformational power of blockchain technology. We started with building a decentralized settlement network that allows participants to safely and securely transfer value between each other in a timely and transparent way. We believe this can be the next-generation platform that addresses the many shortcomings of today’s financial services based on outdated and slow legacy systems. Combining Web 2.0 & 3.0 as Web3+ infrastructure with the compliance-friendly approach, Velo Labs’ “Web3+” ecosystem will serve as a core infrastructure to onboard the current global economic activities to the blockchain along with multi-assets, chain, kyb/kyc/anonymous interoperability.

In our efforts to build our products, we have learned that there is a need to find solutions that work within the current regulatory framework, especially when it touches the utility of cryptocurrencies. A hybrid solution that combines current real world legacy services and web 3.0 is needed to provide a real viable platform for mass adoption and usage. As such, our core focus will be to build a next-generation financial platform around the concept of “Web3+”. This means taking fundamental aspects of Web 3.0 technology such as being trustless, decentralized, and built around a distributed ledger on a blockchain (putting control into the hands of the users), and integrating the important aspects of traditional finance to ensure maximum interoperability with current market practice, and satisfying regulators.

We are creating a trustless financial infrastructure that supports crypto payments and smart contracts. The next generation of financial users won’t only rely upon trusted intermediaries such as banks or brokers but will also have the option to use an automated, peer-to-peer network, making financial transactions cheaper, faster, and more accessible.

Value exchange takes many forms: money you hold in your hand, gold that you mine from the ground, or equity in a company in the form of shares or tokens. Our Web3+ ecosystem provides a landscape where all assets are formless and can be transacted against their real-world value. You won't need to own a whole of something to transact or trade and can fractionalize your investments to suit your needs.

We are building an ecosystem for the borderless transfer of currency and assets to anyone on the network. It provides an innovative suite of financial products and services that make it possible for users to transfer, invest, borrow, or lend funds across the globe.

We imagine a world where money and innovation are limitless. It knows no forms or boundaries; your imagination is the only limit. Powered by our Web 3+ ecosystem, your financial freedom is unlocked! Via a regulator-friendly framework, it seamlessly integrates with traditional finance networks to allow you to easily move funds anytime, anywhere, for any purpose.

Velo チーム

検証済み 0%


Chatchaval Jiaravano...
Tridbodi Arunanondch...
Vice Chairman
Mike Kennedy
Chief Executive Officer
Suvicha Sudchai
Chief Product Officer
James Wu
CTO Of Velo Labs
Ilya Zusman
Digital Finance Director

Velo 最後のニュース

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  • このコンテンツに関して修正すべき問題や問題があると思われる場合、またはご自身のICOプロジェクトをリストに載せたい場合は、電子メールでご連絡ください。
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