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Nexus is a next-generation blockchain technology that is re-building the internet from the ground up.
To be announced

約 Nexus

Imagine a scalable, quantum-resistant blockchain securing an uncensorable and free internet through a hack-resistant Operating System, virtualizing access to your desktop and digital content from any computer in the world. Nexus is bringing this possibility to life with an end-to-end decentralized platform designed to empower every human being with technology to reclaim their digital identity.

Your gateway to Nexus begins with a username, password and PIN. Send free and reversible transactions, while staking NXS to receive rewards. Uses range from invoicing clients, to issuing contracts, creating NFTs or Namespaces (Dot-com equivalent).

Nexus’ integrated API makes developing decentralized applications (DApps) easy with “no-code” web tools like Bubble. Create tokens and assets (NFTs), design contracts, or use our templates. All our features are available on the public network or a private (hybrid) chain.

Nexus is a vibrant and creative community with a passion to decentralize the world. Whatever your calling, you can shape the future through your contribution or by simply spreading the word.



  • The key architecture of this upgrade was the seven Layered Software Stack, which includes a 64-bit register-based Virtual Machine. Each layer carries out specialized processes, increasing the efficiency, while the design also exposes contract functionality by an integrated API. Tritium also introduced Signature Chains, which replace UTXO.

  • This upcoming upgrade includes many performance enhancements, and many additional APIs and contract templates that make developing easier. Augmented Contracts will extend the Virtual Machine to provide additional functionality including, but not limited to, methods, functions, operator overloading, and polymorphism.

  • Amine will provide the opportunity for nodes to run in ‘shard mode’, lowering their disk and memory usage, even when the network is experiencing high load. Shard mode will be voluntary, meaning a user will have to opt-in to a shard to begin processing in Amine state channels. This also provides the additional benefit of allowing the shards to mature over time to prove technological capabilities, before becoming mandatory with Obsidian.

  • Obsidian is the final stage of the deployment of the 3DC, which will move the voluntary mode of Amine and Tritium into mandatory. It activates the L3 lock layer, which is responsible for the Proof-of-Work ‘seal of approval’ that completes a single 3D-block. UTXO will no longer be supported at this point, and shard processing will become the standard.

Nexus 最後のニュース

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