

Created using Figma
EcchiCoin is a BSC token inspired by anime, animated series, play 2 earn games, NFT marketplace.
  • 市場
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    ECCHI/BUSD ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0002
    $ 17.185 K
  • LBank
    ECCHI/USDT ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0001
    $ 64.532 K
  • PancakeSwap (v2)
    ECCHI/BUSD ] 1、Inf [%count%1年前
    $ 0.0002
    $ 2.841 K
To be announced
プラットフォーム, ゲーム

約 Ecchicoin

We are an anime fantasy powered project that is both a token, NFT marketplace, and much more. We plan on incorporating our Anime characters into not only our website, NFT’s, but also games and eventually a fully animated series. We hope the community will be so inspired by our characters and their stories that we will be able to raise enough capital to fund an entire season of our animated show.

Isekai Island is our original Fantasy themed Anime series that we are looking to make once we reach our funding goal. We have a live tracker on our web site showing our progress so investors can see how soon we will be going into full production. We have hired an amazing screenwriter who has begun writing our screenplays for the season which will each be ten, 30-minute-long episodes. Our incredible composer, Raj Ramayya, is already at work crafting more fabulous original music for our project. The Ecchicoin team are in contact with some of the biggest stars in all of Anime to voice our lead characters: Cherami Leigh, Morgan Berry, and Kira Buckland.

Automatic Liquidity Pool (LP) BUSD Pairing

We are using a unique solution of BUSD as the pairing for our EcchiCoin token (ECCHI) on PancakeSwap. 4% of each transaction is split 50/50, half of which is sold by the contract, converted to BUSD, and paired with remaining ECCHI tokens. This pairing is then added as a liquidity pair on PancakeSwap, allowing for an incremental increase in the price floor.

Manual Burns

Token burns will be controlled by the team, with the tokens sent to a dead address. These burns will be based on certain milestones being achieved and will be part of the rewards program.


The anti-whaling feature will prevent transactions larger than 0.3% of the total circulating supply occurring. An additional anti-whaling feature prevents holders owning more than 5% of the total circulating supply.


Community Events where the winners will have BUSD airdropped to their wallets. The conditions for the events will be advertised and tracked.

Anti Dumping

We aim to prevent early dumping through vesting. This is where the tokens are released over a duration of time. We will have vesting for the Whitelist and for the private sale at 1 month and 4 months respectively, to ensure that we do NOT have large sells immediately after launch.

Marketplace - Buyback

For each NFT purchase or sell on the EcchiCoin marketplace, a 2% (max) or 1% (min) fee is applied, which is split 50/50, half of which are used to purchase EcchiCoin by the smart contract and paired with the remaining BUSD This is then added as a liquidity pair on PancakeSwap.


Ecchicoin 最後のニュース

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このオファーは、オファーと他の一般に公開されている情報によってのみ提供される情報に基づいています。トークンの販売または交換のイベントは、ICOholderとは全く無関係であり、ICOholderはそれに関与していません(技術サポートやプロモーションを含む)。 ICOholderとの関係がない人物からのトークンの売り上げは、顧客が全体のトークンセクター内で行われている活動を追跡するのを助けるためにのみ表示されます。この情報は、あなたが頼りにするべきアドバイスにはなりません。弊社サイトのコンテンツに基づいて、行動を取る、または控える前に、プロフェッショナルまたはスペシャリストの助言を得るか、またはお客様のデューデリジェンスを実施する必要があります。トークンの取得に関してコントリビュータによって入力された条件は、トークンの発行者とトークンの発行者であり、ICOholderはそのようなトークンの販売者ではありません。 ICOholderは、トークンの販売に関して第三者が行ったいかなる表明についても法的責任を負いません。また、契約違反の申し立ては、ここに記載されたトークン発行会社に対して直接行われなければなりません。     

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