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Auditchain is a decentralized accounting, reporting, audit and analysis metaverse that automates and provides proof of assurance on the world's financial and business information.
To be announced

約 Auditchain

Auditchain is the world's first Decentralized Continuous Audit & Financial Reporting Protocol Ecosystem for digital asset assurance and disclosure. The DCARPE Assurance and Disclosure Framework is a network of CPAs and Chartered Accountants who externally validate the financial state of digital assets and DeFi platforms. The DCARPE Explorer renders real time financial state and audit analytics data to institutions and individuals.

The DCARPE Explorer will offer subscriptions to audit analytics and financial detail, as well as tools that allow users to build dynamically updating actionable research reports that ultimately have the potential to mechanize the foresight of oncoming risk and transform research.

We began our journey in 2017 based on a long observation of the lack of integrity, reliability, timeliness and usability of the global financial information that is used for investment thesis. Using the disruptive power of blockchain and Web3, we set out to optimize bottlenecks and increase accuracy and transparency across the accounting, financial reporting and audit information supply chain.

2022 was a critical year for us. As the result of spectacular public failures, investors and the general public received an education about the true nature of “Agreed Upon Procedures” engagements and the need for more internal controls in centralized finance.

The application of decentralized systems for financial disclosure and assurance has always been a guiding principle in our story. As the audit profession vacates the crypto space, this principle has become a reality.

We believe it has substantial benefits for all business as we march into the future of financial disclosure and assurance.

Our mission is to raise the integrity, reliability and speed of global financial state and sustainability disclosure. The population of an expert network for enterprises and society’s open-ledger based investor is what gets us there.

Auditchain チーム

検証済み 0%



$27 000 000

Guido Schmitz-Krumma...
President of the Board
Urs Bigger
Board Member
Jim St. Clair
Strategic & Corporate Development
Charles Hoffman
Product Manager - Lead Architect, Reporting and As...

34 ICOs

$123 839 354

Bogdan Fiedur
Lead Full Stack Developer
Christopher Jastrzeb...
Front End Developer

Auditchain 最後のニュース

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