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The New Guinea Singing Inu ($NEWINU) is a deflationary meme DeFi coin with Automated Rewards Farming (ARF) technology built in. The longer you hold, the more $NEWINU will reward you!
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
100 Q
Distribuzione di token
dettagli aggiuntivi

Di NewInu

NEWINU was created to provide a meme coin and utilize extreme hype for dogs, particularly surrounding Japanese dog breed: “Inu”. However, NEWINU aspires to be more than your regular meme token and deliver something great like giving more publicity to the New Guinean Singing Dog and offering a real use case of NEWINU. On the surface, this is a meme token, albeit a compelling and impactful meme, but it comes with great features, as well; One of the most exciting aspects of $NEWINU is the redistribution mechanism that rewards 2% of every single buy or sale directly to existing holders. When you hold $NEWINU, your allocation will increase automatically. New Guinean Singing Dog Inu was fairly launched, and no team tokens were distributed. This means that we, just like you, had to buy tokens on the open market, integrating ourselves equally in the community. Join us in unprecedented growth and community development, and help own a part of it.

NewInu Ultime novità

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