Created using Figma
The Global Care Token was created to care people and the future. ​ It is defined as the NGOs token, since it aims to be a network that groups together NGOs (non-governmental organizations) and NGODs (non-governmental organizations for development). A network that brings together organizations from various fields, national, international and local; giving our support to their activities and actions. ​ We take care of the most disadvantaged people, through actions selected by our owners. ​ We take care of our people (houlders), through static rewards. ​ We take care of the future, through ecological actions, reducing the CO2 footprint, among others. ​ The Global Care Token (GLCare) supports the development and functioning of the people mission through transactional fees coded in its smart contract. ​ Currently, the contract employs: Static Rewards, Charity, Liquidity Pool Provisioning and Marketing/Development. The total current transactional tax is 12%, as broken down in the following sections. ​ Global Care encourages holding by reducing the total supply of tokens over time, while creating increased demand for the utility token through the development of a highly functional and incentivizing donations, and the formation of partnerships to facilitate greater distribution.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1 2022

  • Idea created by Founding members.

    Create Governance-Enabled Token.

    Global Care Branding & Logo design.

    Website development.

    Expansion & Integration of Social Media.

    Token Listed on PancakeSwap, Trust Wallet.

    Implantation of the whale control system.

    Passed Audit.

    First 500 trees planted

    1st Charity Donations.
  • Q2 2022

  • 1.000 Holders

    1.000 trees pplanted

    1st Burn

    Create of the general network.

    Development of new social projects.

    Coingecko Listings.

    CoinMarketCap Listings.

    Social Campaign Launch.

    Contact youtubers & influencers

    Charity Donations.
  • Q3 2022

  • Enhanced Marketing Campaign.

    Collaboration with social projects.

    Large Charity Partnerships.

    Live Fundraising Events.

    Initiation of Social Actions.

    Exchange Listings & Increased Liquidity.

    Charity Donations.
  • Q4 2022

  • Network consolidation.

    Exchange Listings & Increased Liquidity.

    Charity Launchpad Feasibility Evaluation.

    Development of New Campaigns and Charity Actions.

    Charity Donations.


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Jv.jpeg Jv. Herraiz
Project Manager
non verificato

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

M. Amador
Charity Manager
non verificato


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