Bitocracy DAO

Bitocracy DAO

Created using Figma
Democratically Bringing Cryptocurrency & Legacy Finance Into Perfect Harmony
To be announced
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Di Bitocracy DAO

BITOCRACY DAO (BTCY) is the world’s first tokenized portfolio to merge cryptocurrencies and legacy finance; leveraging the inherent benefits of both sectors while simultaneously mitigating their risks. Governed by its members in a truly democratic and decentralized way its goal is to return power to its members when determining their financial future. Bitocracy DAO utilizes a fundamental investment strategy view focusing on major cryptocurrencies during bull cycles with sustained growth; however it will reallocate its treasury to asymmetrical tokenized assets such as gold, real estate, stocks, derivatives and commodities during bear markets with sustained cryptocurrency price devaluation. Bitocracy DAO has innovated a groundbreaking model for the modern DAO which will pioneer portfolio management and the DeFi sector.


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

85 ICOs

$208 370 905

Simon Cocking
Advisor, Europe
non verificato


$13 476 340

Jen Buakaew
Advisor, Asia & Australia
non verificato

15 ICOs

$61 829 903

Simon Choi
Advisor, Legal
non verificato
Chip Poncy
Advisor, Compliance (Ex-US Treasury Official)
non verificato

Bitocracy DAO Ultime novità

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