Created using Figma
Harnessing blockchain technology to offer a complete tokenized economy symbiotically helping advertisers and putting money in the hands of people that need it most.
I dati non sono disponibili
  • Mercato
    Volume 24H
    24 ore (prezzo)
    24 ore (volume)
    ASIMI/DASH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.3343
    $ 8.36
    ASIMI/WETH 5 one year ago
    ASIMI/WAVES 5 one year ago
    $ 0.3571
    $ 412.92
    ASIMI/LTC 5 one year ago
    ASIMI/WBTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.3459
    $ 2.969 K
    ASIMI/WUSD 5 one year ago
    ASIMI/WEUR 5 one year ago
    ASIMI/ZCASH 5 one year ago
    ASIMI/LIQUID 5 one year ago
To be announced
Dettagli del token
Dettagli della Compagnia
Paese registrato
United States
dettagli aggiuntivi


Asimi is built to provide a powerful, easily accessible cryptocurrency token that everyone can understand, use and earn.

Technological hurdles have held a lot of people back from participating in, and benefiting from, the incredible shift crypto currency has brought to our monetary system. We have gone to great lengths to make this as simple as possible.


Experience has told us that crypto currency is here to stay. It has changed the way we use, move and earn money. We also see the increasing numbers of people that are looking online for ways to make money from home, and in a marketplace filled with choice, it can be difficult to know what works.​ 



The Asimi token provides two solutions:


  • A freely exchanged utility token for use within the online advertising industry,


  • A unique method of minting that allows anyone to earn it from home.


This symbiotic relationship brings two of the largest and most exciting online markets together:

Crypto Currency and Online Advertising.


Thank you for taking the time to review what we believe to be a revolutionary product and system within the crypto currency space. 


Billions of dollars are spent, traded and earned in both of theses sectors every year. The information below explains the simple and powerful way Asimi is earned and used.


To produce the most simplified minting experience that rewards users in real value for their contribution and effort. Designed for mass adoption; Asimi will lead the way as a value-based utility token with a true purpose within the online advertising industry, helping thousands of people around the world benefit from the incredible world of cryptocurrency.

Informazioni tecniche

Designed to be simple and user friendly, our technology connects advertisers and viewers in a unique way. It allows users to mint new Asimi through the effort of watching ads paid directly to their personal wallets. This first of its kind system is built upon the Waves blockchain, it's fast, simple and low cost to transact. Asimi tokens make crypto accessible for everyone around the world.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018

  • Asimi Company is formed.

    Asimi White Paper is released.

    Late 2018 the partner website "Hashing Ad Space" launches.

    Asimi Ad minting commences at a rate of 17,438 tokens per day creating circulating supply.

    It is free for members to watch ads and mint new Asimi.

    Free minting, lucrative affiliate program, and the exciting potential Asimi brings to the industry, result in fast community growth and adoption of Asimi - 10's of thousands of Asimi owners within weeks!
  • 2019

  • Development and Growth

    January marks the beginning of Asimi as a token with real world value as trading begins on the Waves decentralized exchange (DEX).

    Advertisers can purchase and use Asimi to buy advertising products.

    Asimi minters and affiliates can sell and trade Asimi.

    Over $1,000,000 worth of Asimi is traded within the first few months.

    The Asimi Minting/Staking function is introduced.

    New advertising products and additional ways to earn Asimi via ad views are implemented.

    Scheduled weekly Asimi burning begins using advertising sales revenue.

    The Asimi Silver 999 bullion coins are minted.

    Asimi's extended use begins with new websites and publishers.

    Asimi is listed on new exchanges.

    300,000 Asimi owners by the end of 2019.
  • 2020

  • Expansion and Decentralization

    Focusing on mass adoption through expanding the Asimi publisher network.

    Asimi broadens into new and exciting complementary products and services including; marketing services, advertising sites, education centers, new ways to earn, and more.

    Further progress toward a fully decentralized token economy.

    Planning and development of our own blockchain features.

    The listing of Asimi on popular exchanges increase confidence and access.

    Continued improvements to further increase the usability and popularity of Asimi.
  • 2021

  • The Pursuit of Greatness

    Now widely used, trusted and accepted, The foundation of Asimi is set.

    In 2021 and beyond it's our mission to continue to drive growth.

    We see Asimi as the household name for how you earn when viewing ads online. Asimi minters continue to create circulating supply and benefit immensely via ad views.

    Asimi remains dynamic.

    Our ingenuity and flair for innovation keep us expanding into yet-to-be-imagined aspects of our token economy.

    2021 is just the beginning of a long and exciting future.

    Our Mission to 1 Million Asimi users

ASIMI Ultime novità

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