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5 Mar 2021

Apa itu GSTAR?
GSTAR adalah sistem Blockchain berbasis seluler. permainan seluler adalah penambangan. Semua bisnis dilakukan oleh seluler.

Apa bisnis utama GSTAR?
1. Game mobile berbasis web untuk penambangan, 2. Program audisi global untuk penyanyi dan penyiaran Mobile.
1 Jan 2019
20 Mar 2019
100% lengkap
$3 000 000
100% tujuan lengkap
Tujuan 3 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 GOX
    0.04 USD
Detail Token
Total pasokan
Distribusi Token
ICO & Mining 50%
Cost of Listing 10%
Marketing 10%
Partners 15%
Foundation 15%
Mata Uang yang Diterima
Kontribusi Min
Detail Perusahaan
Nama Perusahaan Terdaftar
Kan Global co., Ltd
Negara Terdaftar
Perusahaan Didirikan
Feb 8, 2018
Struktur Bonus
February: Bonus 20%
01/March ~ 10/March: Bonus 10%
11/March ~ 20/March: Bonus 0%
detil tambahan
iya nih

Tentang GSTAR

Gstarcoin (GOX) adalah cryptocurrency berbasis rantai blok seperti Bitcoin. Sementara Bitcoin memperbarui buku besar setiap 10 menit, GOX diperbarui setiap menit. & Nbsp;

Kami membawa berbagai sektor (komunitas) Industri Kreatif di dunia nyata ke dalam ponsel pintar dan dunia nyata. & nbsp; Kami meluncurkan game seluler berbasis web menggunakan GOX. Game mobile berbasis web tidak perlu diunduh dari Google atau Apple store, tidak seperti yang berbasis aplikasi, sehingga gamer dapat menikmati game di mana saja di dunia. Kami kompetitif karena kami menerapkan game dengan teknologi dan pengetahuan kami sendiri. Game smartphone kami dapat dimulai dari game sederhana yang dapat dimainkan siapa saja, berapa pun usianya, hingga game kasino yang lebih kompleks.

Kami menjalankan program audisi global bersama dengan banyak stasiun penyiaran di berbagai negara. Program audisi ini diharapkan akan menarik lebih dari 3 juta pelamar per tahun, yang akan diadakan setiap dua tahun di lima negara, termasuk Cina. Semua pendapatan dan pengeluaran terkait, termasuk biaya iklan, biaya partisipasi, biaya dukungan, dan biaya acara, dibayarkan di GOX. Sebanyak 3 juta pemirsa muda dalam setahun, serta keluarga dan teman yang mendukung mereka, akan menjadi pengguna yang menggunakan dan mendukung GOX.

Kami membangun komunitas penyiaran internet baru menggunakan GOX. Penyiaran internet adalah media satu orang dan banyak orang berpartisipasi. Pemirsa memberikan hadiah atau hadiah berbayar kepada BJ favorit mereka, dan GOX akan menggantinya. Karena pemirsa membayar GOX langsung ke BJ tanpa melalui agensi, BJ tidak harus mengambil risiko penyelesaian, yang akan membuat ia tenggelam dalam penyiaran, dan pemirsa memiliki keyakinan bahwa koin mereka dikirimkan 100% dengan aman ke BJ . & nbsp;

& nbsp;


What’s the merit of GSTAR?
Our business model is not for the distant future, it is the realization in the near future. In 2019, people around the world will experience our business models. We have already prepared our business models. We have 20 experts including games, entertainment and blockchain. We will do it without wasting our time. Our business model is clear, and our business model has the following characteristics.

Problem and Solution
Waste of Electricity --- No Waste of Electricity
Waste of Computer Hardware --- No Waste of Computer Hardware
Waste of Land(factory) --- No Waste of Land(factory)
Difficulty of access to Mining --- Ease of access to Mining
Expert only can mine Crypto --- Anyone can play game
Monopoly(Mass mining) --- Shared economy(Personal mining)
///Now the game also produces the value.///


Advantages of GSTAR game

The age of real games has come. Now the game also produces value.


  1. Mobile game mining, rewards program

Now mining is no longer labor. Let's enjoy mining. in 2019, new mining will emerge.  The game itself is mining. Not just one or two, but about 10 are launched at the same time. A new age comes to mining. GSTAR opens a new mobile mining era. So far, there was no compensation program ~ !!!

Mining can be done by investing in cash, but users who purchase GSTAR can reinvest and mined GSTAR. If you buy GSTAR now, you will get two benefits. If you reinvest in mining with GSTAR, which you initially bought at a cheap price, your profits will be multiplied.


  1. Competitive Rewards Games

It is a program that rewards all the users from all over the world by ranking them from the first to the last. Imagine it. It is an exciting reward game program where thousands of people and millions of people compete in massive competition. It gives rewards to the last. What is my rank?


  1. The existing mining Agency should go away.

Even if you invest only 45 seconds, it will be mined. It is always possible to be mined when taking a break in the subway, toilet, etc. It is not uneasy because the user can directly mine the game and check it immediately. Anyone in the world can mine. It is very simple, not complex. Mining is possible without teaching.


  1. New mobile mining era, no waste of resources.

Are you going to the North Pole for mining? I play and mine. It does not cost expensive electricity like existing mining. No space needed. Time is also saved. It may take a while.


  1. A truly shared economy has been begun.

Mobile mining is not as monopolistic as existing mining. 1 person, 1 mobile mining only. A true shared economy begins.


  1. Coins mined in the game, used in the real world.

Now, play produces value. It will be used for various Internet contents and shopping with coins mined while playing. We plan to apply various contents such as self-prepared and affiliated Internet contents. For example, content can be used in many places, including education and download services.


  1. GSTAR mined is traded on the exchange.

The coins mined are of course traded on the exchange. It can be converted into the currency of each country through the exchange and used in reality. We are already negotiating with various countries to list on various exchanges.

Info Teknis

Kami menggunakan ERC20 Token dan Main blockchain bersih.

Token ERST20 GSTAR akan digunakan untuk perdagangan sebagai saham di bursa dan digunakan sebagai mata uang berfluktuasi untuk transaksi.

Net utama & nbsp; akan digunakan untuk membeli konten seperti game. Net utama adalah cryptocurrency harga tetap sebagai dolar.

Dua & nbsp; cryptocurrency dan blockchain akan ditukar secara bebas.

% name% Roadmap

  • 2018 Pre-ICO

  • Pre-ICO on Exchange of from Nov.12~Dec.14
  • 2018 Pre-Sale

  • Pre-Sale in ASIA
  • 30th/Mar/2019, Listing on Exchange

  • 30th/Mar/2019, Listing on Exchange of
  • April~May/2019, Listing on one more Exchange

  • April~May/2019, Listing on one more Exchange.
  • Baca lebih banyak
  • April~May/2019, Beta service of mobile game for mining

  • April~May/2019, Beta service of mobile game for cryptocurrency mining
  • May~June/2019, launching service of mobile game for mining

  • May~June/2019, launching service of mobile game for cryptocurrency mining


Diverifikasi 40%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

Sung Joon Moon
Co-Founder, Global investment
In Sik Kim
Co-Founder, Marketing & Entertainmet
tidak diverifikasi
Jae Hyun Shin
Co-Founder, Company Cooperation
Byoung Youl Jeong
Trading with Middle East
tidak diverifikasi
Dae Kyung Kim
Public Release
tidak diverifikasi


Diverifikasi 0%

Perhatian. Ada risiko bahwa anggota yang tidak diverifikasi sebenarnya bukan anggota tim

127 ICOs

$668 101 546

Ian Scarffe
Blockchain and Crypto Advisor
tidak diverifikasi
Byoung Youl Chung
Manufacture of gold
tidak diverifikasi
David Gutierrez
IR officer
tidak diverifikasi

12 ICOs

$19 758 682

Carlo Buonpane
Blockchain Advisor
tidak diverifikasi


$3 333 595

Anthony Abunassar
tidak diverifikasi


$53 957 253

Hugo Jacques
tidak diverifikasi

Mantan anggota

Tom Kim
Richard Noh
Networks & Platform
Hyun Lee
Game Development

GSTAR Wawancara

Tom Kim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am Founder of GSTAR. Total management and development, planning.
Our goal is GSTAR is ranking 10..
What do you think about idea?
GSTAR is Mobile Blockchain and Mining is also by Mobile. Our all Business model are based on Mobile.
Sung Joon Moon
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I had worked for broadcasting corporation producing many kinds of entertainment TV program.
I would be producing large scale auditon program with chinese and vietnamese TV.
Now I am in charge og foreign sector in Gstar.
What do you think about idea?
We have equiped with block chain technology for cryptocurruncy.
GOX will be very popularly used in on line entertainment ecosystem.
Jae Hyun Shin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
*Musem_CEO, Cannavis Cosmetical Lab.

Assigned task
*Global Partner Alliance......
What do you think about idea?
Gstar's Advantages
1. Accessibility(mobile) should be good.
2. Everybody mining must be possible..

GSTAR Berita terakhir

5.0 6
ICO Profil Penglihatan Aktivitas Potensi Produk Tim

% name% Ulasan

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

GOX was started with an aim of applying the concepts of Coin and Token in real life. Gstar defines some parts of the cultural industry in the real world as the GOX community and brings them into the mobile phone to structure GOX's ecosystem that links to the GOX. The GOX will flow through the ecosystem and will play a role in linking the GOX ecosystem within the community, between the communities, and with the real world.


  • GOX can be used in online games. Web-based mobile games do not need to be downloaded from Google or the Apple store, unlike application-based ones. It combines a mobile game with block-chain technology to launch a mining game.
  • The project team will hold a biennial audition program with over 3 million people including volunteers, their friends and family are participating in 5 countries. All of them will become GOX users and GOX will be applied to all transactions that accompany the audition process, including participation fee, prize, and advertising expenses.
  • Gstar is planning to build a new internet broadcasting ecosystem using GOX. By applying GOX to internet broadcasting, viewers will be assured that their gifts will be transmitted to BJ safely, and BJ will be able to steadily immerse in the program, which will further stimulate the internet broadcasting industry.
  • GOX is the cryptocurrency of GS algorithm based on the block chain. The total amount that can be mined is about 10 billion. The GOX is more secure than Bitcoin or Dash, and the block chain ledger update rate is very fast, at 1 minute. The transaction speed of GOX will be only a few seconds in early days.
  • Since the GOX will work in conjunction with a reliable bank, the node will not be kept unless the bank permits. The difference between the GOX and other cryptocurrencies is that GOX is actually used offline and generate demand.
  • The Gstar may issue additional tokens for extensive use of GOX. The issuance of tokens is a means of assisting the use of the GOX. They are also planning various revenue models for GOX owners.
  • Gstar team members include internet broadcasting program planners and participants.


  • The project whitepaper lacks specific and important data on the terms of investment, the value of the GOX coin, the compensation system, etc.
  • The platform token doesn’t give its owners a right to take part in a decision making process.
  • Gstar project is still under development, so the final product may be different from the ideas described in the whitepaper.


  • Rewrite the WP to make it more informative and understandable for potential investors.
  • Motivate GOX token holders by engaging in the decision-making process.
  • Develop and improve the Gstar concept to make the project competitive and viable.


GOX started with an aim of applying the concepts of Coin and Token in real life. GOX has created a coin for public use by reducing the fee and transmission cost. In addition, it has built a system that can process thousands and tens of thousands of transactions per second by reducing the transaction time. The GS algorithm was developed in more various ways than Bitcoin, and security is improved. This project seems to be promising, but due to lack of information, I would not invest in it.

Baca lebih banyak
Feb 26 2019
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