Dreamster Music Web 3

Dreamster Music Web 3

Created using Figma
Web 3 Music Steaming Token gated platform and crypto ecosystem where fans can own music and connect directly with the musician in the new "Backstage Pass" feature
30 days
May 31, 2024
Jul 1, 2024
35% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Seed Round Allocation: The seed round allocation of 100,000,000 Dster allows early investors to participate in the project's growth. The initial release of 10,000,000 Dster (10%) after a 6-month cliff ensures that there is some liquidity available while still incentivizing long-term commitment through a 24-month vesting period.
Private Round Allocation: The private round allocation of 50,000,000 Dster provides an opportunity for strategic investors to support the project's development. The 10% initial release (5,000,000 Dster) after a 3-month cliff ensures early liquidity, and the subsequent 24-month vesting period encourages sustained interest and commitment.
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Dster Token, inc
Registered Country
United Arab Emirates, Republic of Panama
Company Founded
May 3, 2022
Bonus Structure
10% Bonus for everyone in phase one, 5% Bonus for everyone in phase two.
Additional Details
Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, MATIC, AVALANCHE, ARBITRUM, FANTOM
Yes , from May 4, 2024 till May 20, 2024

About Dreamster Music Web 3

Dreamster is leading the way, in music industry innovation by using Web 3 technology to tackle challenges and introduce new opportunities. Our main product, the Token Gated Music Streaming Platform is changing how music is accessed, shared and monetized all while building a community of music lovers.

However our commitment at Dreamster goes beyond that. We aim to empower our community with a range of Web 3 solutions. From our user wallet, to our licensed crypto exchange and NFT marketplace we offer music enthusiasts everything they need to navigate the ever changing world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

In this paper we will delve into the specifics of our platform and ecosystem showing how Dreamster is shaping the future of music while helping users embrace the potential of Web 3 technology. Come along with us on this journey where music meets blockchain and cryptocurrency.



1. Music Upload and Discovery


• Free and Token-Gated Uploads: Musicians can upload their music to the platform either for free or behind a token gated process, which requires fans to buy the music as a tokento access the music. This feature allows musicians to earn directly from their fans, and allows fans to now own music as a digital asset. • Smart Contract Tokenization: Musicians can create smart contracts for their albums, making them available only after a purchase. This digital ownership is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and security. • Revenue Sharing and Royalties: The platform supports split payments, allowing musicians to define what percentage of upfront sales and royalties should be paid to collaborators. Additionally, musicians can set up revenue-sharing from streaming, offering incentives for fans to purchase albums.


• Creating Accounts: Fans can sign up as users on the platform and build their own music libraries, choosing from free tracks or premium token-gated content. • Playlist Creation: Users can create and manage personal playlists, enhancing their listening experience. • Premium Access with Tokens: Fans use Dreamster tokens to unlock premium content, allowing for a direct monetary connection with their favorite artists.

2. Backstage Pass Feature

This feature utilizes Dreamster tokens for exclusive fan experiences:

• Virtual Meets: Musicians can set a Dreamster token amount for fans to send in order tojoin virtual meet-ups, providing intimate and engaging fan interactions. • Direct Messaging: Fans can pay Dreamster tokens to send direct messages to artists, fostering closer connections. • Exclusive Content Access: Musicians can offer access to exclusive releases, diaries, and participation in polls, all gated by specific Dreamster token amounts. This empowers artists to monetize unique content and experiences.

3. Staking Dreamster Tokens

• Incentivized Holding: Fans and musicians can stake their Dreamster tokens on the platform. The staking mechanism locks tokens and pays out monthly returns in additional Dreamster tokens, encouraging long-term engagement and investment in the platform. • Smart Contract Automation: The payouts and the staking process are managed through automated smart contracts, ensuring reliability and transparency.

4. NFT Marketplace Integration

• Music as NFTs: The platform allows musicians to sell their music as NFTs, which can include entire albums, special editions, or exclusive singles. • Fan Purchases: Fans can purchase music NFTs using crypto or credit or debit card, which can then be traded or sold within the platform or on third-party marketplaces.

5. Dreamster Crypto Exchange

• Token Exchange: Dreamster tokens can be traded on the Dreamster Crypto Exchange, allowing users to buy, sell, or trade their tokens against other cryptocurrencies. • Accessibility: Links to the crypto exchange are available directly from the platform, ensuring ease of access for all users * Decentralized Wallet to store NFTs, Cryptocurrency, single and multiple chain swaps, buy, send and recieve crypto, import wallets(including Metamask)

Technical Info

Blockchains: Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon Matic, Avalanche, Fantom, Arbitrum

BEP-20 Token

Solidity Smart Contracts

MERN Stack
Laravel, Node
Angular and HTML
Mysql database

Dreamster Music Web 3 Roadmap

  • Roadmap

  • https://dreamster.gitbook.io/docs/introduction/roadmap

Dreamster Music Web 3 Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Mario Butler Mba

Dreamster Music Web 3 Last News

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