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Zabercoin ist ein Asset-gestütztes ERC20-Ethereum-Token, das von Cryptocurrency Engineers entwickelt wurde. Es rühmt sich mit einem dynamischen und effizienten Management-Team, das die größten Kryptowährungs-Bergleute in der südlichen Hemisphäre repräsentiert. Darüber hinaus verfügt das Management-Team über umfangreiche Erfahrung in den Bereichen Business, Immobilien, Investment, Finanzen, IT und Recht und unterhält enge Geschäftsbeziehungen zu vielen einflussreichen Weltmarktführern.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 250 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 50 000 000.00 USD
  • 35 ZAB
    1 ETH
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 842.00 ETH
Limit 168 350.00 ETH
  • 61.25 ZAB
    1 ETH
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
South Africa
Weitere Details

Über Zabercoin

One of the main concerns and critical questions asked around the world is whether cryptocurrencies have intrinsic or real values. Some people believe that it may even have a value of zero.

Zabercoin is an asset backed cryptocurrency. Therefore, with Zabercoin we aim to resolve this problem by combining the blockchain technology with physical asset investments like real estate and lucrative companies more specifically located in emerging markets were earnings growth remains profitable. The potential for growth remains high which will be explained and demonstrated thoroughly in this document.

Zabercoin limits your exposure to the downside risk. Zabercoin has a floor price right from the time of its inception. Each Zabercoin token will be backed by lucrative property such as real estate making this cryptocurrency unique and sustainable with sound recurring income re-invested to ensure future growth, research and development. These tokens will be accessible and convertible via exchanges to ensure liquidity.

Zabercoin prides itself with a very strong and dynamic management team with over 100 years of experience combined in the asset management space. Cryptocurrencies fundamentally and drastically change the way banking is done by removing synthetic and man-made barriers caused by legacy financial institutions. Therefore, cryptocurrencies, including Zabercoin allow for:

  • Verifiable and accurate peer-to-peer payments all over the world
  • Nominal transaction fees and processing time compared to banking in fiat currencies
  • Cutting out the majority of middlemen institutions means less fees and bigger return
  • Securing financial privacy by means of payments between pseudonymous or onymous parties. Therefore, both parties use assumed names for identification purposes
  • Non-reversible and permanent transactions preventing chargebacks and fraud

When the question is raised whether or whether not fiat money has any intrinsic value, clarity is found when reference is made to the Nixon shock of 1971. The most significant measure undertaken by the US President at that time was the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the US Dollar to gold. Since then the exchange rates of national currencies have been free floating. Therefore, it is not accurate to claim that fiat money has an intrinsic value. It is backed by the government issuing it, but that is not intrinsic value. With central banks having the power to print as much currency as they please, combined with the destructive effects of inflation, the purchasing power of fiat money experiences a steady decline. It is therefore safe to say that fiat currency is made valuable by a government's artificial monetary policy. Inflation is a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

When the coins go on sale at the Initial Coin Offering (ICO), there will ONLY be 10,000,000 tokens available to buy. Following the ICO, anyone will be able to buy and sell Zabercoins freely through several international channels or platforms

  • Zabercoins are indestructible and stable, and can be kept securely in your cryptographically wallet
  • Zabercoins have an intrinsic value because it is backed by physical assets with profitable earnings
  • The Zabercoin ecosystem offers merchant applications (apps) and payment processing services, allowing Zabercoins to be an excellent medium of exchange all around the world.

Real estate has long been a favoured investment class due to its hands-on quality. As currencies come and go, real estate always has and will always have a willing seller and a willing buyer. Added advantages for users investing in Zabercoin are:

  • Diverse asset type investment for a much-reduced commitment in various geographical areas
  • Added premium to the value of Zabercoin because of its usage and on-going market demand
  • The intrinsic value of Zabercoin will stand through the test of time since it will always remain an asset backed digital currency
  • The limited number of only 10,000,000 Zabercoins will ensure a healthy and gradual growth in its portfolio with no middleme


Zabercoin kombiniert die Blockchain-Technologie mit physischen Anlagen wie Immobilien und lukrativen Unternehmen, die sich insbesondere in aufstrebenden Märkten befinden, wo das Ertragswachstum rentabel bleibt.

Technische Information

Technische Details: & nbsp; Zabercoin verwendet eine Proof-of-Stock-Blockchain, bei der die Blockgröße auf 1 MB mit einer Blockzeit von 1 Minute begrenzt ist. Der Quellcode: & nbsp; Der Code des Produkts ist nicht verfügbar. Entwicklernachweis: & nbsp; Öffentliches Team.

Zabercoin Roadmap

  • Kauf lukrativer Schwellenmarktimmobilien

  • Siehe Webseite
  • 10. November 2017 - 25. November 2017

  • Vorverkauf (min 10ETH)
  • 1. Dezember 2017 - 16. Januar 2018

  • Öffentliches ICO
  • 1. April 2018

  • Kauf Lukrative Eigenschaft in Südafrika, um von Art 13 Geschlecht zu profitieren
  • Weiterlesen
  • 1. Mai 2018

  • Zabercoin auf Cryptocurrency Börsen weltweit auflisten (bereits von genehmigt und in Kürze GCEX auf den Markt bringen - siehe unsere FAQ).
  • 1. Januar 2019

  • Immobilienkauf in anderen Emerging Markets (EM) Ländern.
  • 1. Juli 2019 - Entwicklung

  • Entwicklung und umfangreiche Recherche in einem dezentralen Blockchain-basierten Sachkonto, das alle Immobilienverträge, Registrierungen und verknüpften Rechnungen erfasst.
    Nutzung der Blockchain-Technologie zur Entwicklung einer kosteneffektiveren Struktur für dezentralisierte Open-Source-Buchungen Öko-System zur Anmietung von Hotelzimmern, Privatimmobilien und Unterkünften ähnlich AirBNB
    Verwendung von ZAB-Tokens als Zahlungsmethode für Transferkosten auf Immobilien - bereits im Grundsatz von der Anwaltskanzlei Barnards Incorporated genehmigt.

Zabercoin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 100%

June Engelbrecht
Bachelor in Business and Economics, MBA
Juan Engelbrecht
Hons. Acc & Stockbroker
Izak Viljoen
Frikkie Van Biljon
IT Developer
Ettiene Pretorius
Real Estate Developer
Braam Kruger
PR and Marketing
Johan Hatting
Property Developer


Verifiziert 100%

Yaroslav Belkin
Founder & CEO at Belkin Marketing
Bobir Akilhanov
Serial IT entrepreneur, consultant and investor
Dmitrii Sunka
Business Development Manager at GateON
Ronan Sartena
Director of Business Development at The Real Start

53 ICOs

$289 063 054

David Drake
Chairman at LDJ Capital
5.0 0
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

While it’s not completely clear how well the Zabercoin company will fare in the future, there are some points we can analyse right now. First, there are no visible problems with the Zabercoin’s plan. It’s an altcoin that is also a share. There are no red flags indicating a scam or anything like that.

Another positive point about Zabercoin tokens is that they also work as shares of the company.

So, if you are interested in this company, go for it. While Zabercoin might not be the most original company around, it looks pretty solid and most probably the company will not go bankrupt anytime soon.

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