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Letztes Update


Als 3D-Marktplatz, der es Benutzern ermöglicht, Virtual Reality (VR) -Erfahrungen zu erstellen und zu teilen, verspricht ViMarket einen dringend benötigten Durchbruch im globalen E-Commerce-Ökosystem. Die von ViMarket verwendete VR-Technologie wird in Online-Spielen eingesetzt, um den Kunden beispielloses Vertrauen und Wert zu bieten, während sie von einem ihrer mit dem Internet verbundenen Geräte einen Kauf tätigen. Mit seinem proprietären Editor ermöglicht ViMarket Benutzern, interaktive, fotorealistische VR-Simulationen unabhängig von ihrer Berufserfahrung oder Ausbildung zu erstellen. Zurzeit konzentrieren sich die Hauptbereiche von ViMarket auf die Bereiche Immobilien und Innenausstattung. Sehr bald wird es jedoch voraussichtlich auch Mode-, Automobil- und letztlich alle E-Commerce-Branchen umfassen.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 250 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 VIT
    1 USD
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 250 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 VIT
    1 USD
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Limit 250 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 VIT
    1 USD
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
United Kingdom
Weitere Details
Plattform, Unterhaltung, Verkauf

Über ViMarket

ViMarket und seine Störung des Einzelhandels Marketing!

Die Gründung von ViMarket UK Ltd als spezialisierter Service Unternehmen, ist das Ergebnis der Erforschung von High-Tech Fortschritte in der Erstellung von 3D-Inhalten, virtuelle, erweiterte Realität, künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen. ViMarket visualisieren Kaufentscheidungen und Bestrebungen der Menschheit durch die Umwandlung der traditionelle 2D-Browsing-Erfahrung in immersive VR, via unsere Station und Citizen Builder Tools. Unser Einblick in die Zukunft der Bestrebungen unserer Verbraucher in der Welt des Einzelhandels, das Engagement zu maximieren und Kontaktaufnahme mit Händlersponsoren bei gleichzeitiger Virtualisierung der Wunschliste und die wachsende Herausforderung der Aufgabe von Einkaufswagen anzugreifen, Verluste von 6,4 Billionen Dollar pro Jahr.


Wenn Sie ViMarkets digitale Währung ViTokens verwenden, können Sie virtuelles Eigentum erfahren, bevor Sie eine Lieferung in Realtime vornehmen.

ViMarket Roadmap

  • Januar 2015

  • VIMarket wird in London gegründet.
  • März 2015

  • # W3DC - Unser erstes Experiment zur Erstellung, Erfassung und Crowdsourcing von 3D-Inhalten.
  • August 2015

  • Erwerb einer Community von 5000 3D-Entwicklern nach der erfolgreichen Durchführung der World First World Developer-Challenge auf der Games Developer Conference.
  • Januar 2016

  • Start eines Ambassador-Programms für Entwickler und Marketing-Partner, das auf Entwickler-Herausforderungen aufbauen soll.
  • Weiterlesen
  • August 2016

  • Starten Sie das 3D-Editor-Tool für unsere 5.000 User Modeling Community, um 3D-Objekte für Merchant-Partner zu erstellen und zu rendern.
  • Januar 2017

  • Begann Machbarkeitsstudie über die technische und kommerzielle Machbarkeit des ViMarket-Geschäfts und die damit verbundenen technologischen Risiken, einschließlich der Viabilität von ViToken und der Blockchain-Entwicklung.
  • Februar 2017

  • VIMarket beginnt mit der Entwicklung von Stationsbuildern.
  • Juni 2017

  • Abgeschlossene Machbarkeitsstudie und Beginn der 3-jährigen Roadmap für die Produktentwicklung und des Investitionsplans für ViMarket, bestehend aus Entwickler-, Händler- und Verbraucherfahrplänen.
  • August 2017

  • 400.000 3D-Modellbauer. ViMarket beginnt Vermarktungsplan durch Abschluss der Alpha-Phase der Raumkonfigurations-Software.
  • Oktober 2017

  • VIToken Verkauf angekündigt mit Daten von Freunden und Familie, Vorverkauf und ICO.
  • November 2017

  • Phase 2 VIMarket startet Pre-ICO von ViToken.
  • Dezember 2017

  • Phase 3 VIMarket ICO.
  • 2018

  • Start von Stationen, Nation und VIwallet. Nachfolgende ICO's.

ViMarket Mannschaft

Verifiziert 14%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Prudence Mcnellis
Marketing Visionary
Guy Robert
Technical Visionary
Laurent Velazquez
Creative Visionary
Richard Westbrook
Development Visionary
Simeon Mladenov
Development Visionary
Kseniia Ovchynnykova
Community Visionary
Sergey Kuznetov
Development Visionary


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

53 ICOs

$296 423 887

David Drake
Founder - LDJ Capital Inc
Will Fang
Joe Daniels
Matt Hagger
Keith Kaplan


$22 500 000

Feroz Sanaulla
Younghoon Lee

ViMarket Interviews

Richard Westbrook
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
I'm involved in defining processes and technical roadmaps for ViMarket. I have extensive experience with the development of 3D products, previously being part of a team that developed and ran the World’s first 3D developer challenge at GDC.

ViMarket Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 11
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

This is a propriety technology that enables the community of citizens to create their own lives virtually through the purchase of virtual 3D assets.

1. Technology oriented as it utilizes new technology through the creation of immersive
2. Allows the users to create and share virtual reality(VR) experience using any device that is
connected to internet hence easy to use
3. The Ethereum based VI Token enables the consumers to acquire virtual goods and services from
VI market
4. The ecosystem created enables the customers to visualize their lives and aspirations
5. High professional team
6. Detailed whitepaper

1. Lack of proper contact between the merchants and the customers
2. The promotional channels missing
3. The VI Token exchange with other crypto currencies is not well elaborated

1. Allow for the exchange of the crypto currencies with other local currencies to encourage even
the local citizens
2. The users contact is minimal. Create an easy channel where the users can easily access the
available goods
3. Clearly highlight the promotional channels of the goods and services to fasten the customers
decision making

The technological advancement aided by ICO has led in the prosperity of different project through the
use of the crypto currencies. I would like to invest in this project as it is backed up by ICO geared
towards easening the way citizens can acquire beneficial assets at a reduced cost

ICO review website

High-level competition on the market by leading technology companies - despite the fact that there are no ViMarket analogues yet, the market players have all the resources for replicating such business model, if its market acceptance will be fully confirmed. It should be noted that there are a lot of strong players in each target segment of ViMarket: Houzz in interior design, and inVRsion in e-commerce. Currently, there are no confirmed agreements with potential clients.

Most solutions are only conceptually developed, i.e. there is no MVP. To the number of functioning, services can be attributed only ViMarket editor. The concept of the product is rather unintuitive, there is a need to work on integrating the service into the existing Internet space in order to make the transition to the platform logical for the user. The product development roadmap is devoid of useful information and noted timelines are stretched over a long period of time. There's no competitive landscape analysis in WP. There is a risk that it will not be possible to establish relations with corporate clients, who by their presence on the platform create the bulk of the value of the service. Use of blockchain technology doesn't have any positive impact on operational and economic components of the project. ViMarket will be launching their own proprietary and secure exchange. There is no mechanism for returning funds to investors. The company does not provide any forecasts of its financial activities (estimating revenue, net income and free cash flow for future periods) The system of huge discounts (30-60%) to the base token price creates a risk of premature exit from the investment of a significant part of the investors (especially those who entered the project at the stage of open preliminary sales) and, as a result, the risk of token price collapse. Judging by the hard cap, the potential size of this ICO round seems to be too high relative to the size of comparable venture capital transactions in the early stages of project development: according to the Pitchbook report, the median size of the Round A rounds in the US venture market in the end of 2017 promises to be 6 million USD. Apparently, the project had no experience of attracting the funds of "qualified" venture investors.

The absence among the team members of a sufficient number of specialists with experience in blockchain development. Team remenuration (16% of the tokens.) should Not Be Linked to KPIs Performance. Team has been developing ViMarket since 2015, but couldn't achieve stable traction and raised venture capital for the next stage of development (Round A).


From the facts that have been shared through the company’s whitepaper and from its novel concept, this 3D asset marketplace ticks all the right boxes to become a rock-solid investment. The company’s team has done a good amount of planning and has rich experience under its belt. Further, there are no red flags as such and the entire investment plan looks so promising.

Because of this, it is possibly a great idea to get some VIC tokens before the sale ends. If, however, you have a few doubts regarding how the value of this token will move in the coming time, then it makes sense to go through ViMarket’s whitepaper without wasting any more time.


Vimarket seems like a very solid investment. The company has a good planning and already has some experience. There are no visible red flags and it looks like your investment will generate profits with time. Because of this, it could be a good idea to invest in this company.

If you are still unsure, be sure to read the whitepaper of the company to know more details before you invest to be sure that you are making the best possible investment before deciding how to act about the Vimarket’s ICO

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