

Created using Figma
PANDA devotes to build a bridge between the the P2E game and players and make the game not only for fun but also can make money!
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über PandaSwap

PANDA is a token on Binance Smart Chain boasting various impressive features.

Designed with burning mechanism, the total circulation supply of PANDA will be exponentially cut. Besides, by combining burning mechanism, innovative Auto-Liquidity function and NFT together,PANDA liquidity is allowed to increase rapidly. One of the most important features of PANDA is that it practices a large-scale decentralization which is rare for other tokens.

Mixing these three outstanding features together, users are able to get a power house token out of the hands of anyone, except the community.

PandaSwap Roadmap

  • PHASE 1

  • 1-Build and test smart contracts ✅

    2-Tokens go live on PancakeSwap ✅

    3-PANDASWAP.SITE platform

  • Phase 2

  • Second DeFi Project & Further Development

    More details about this will be revealed in the weeks ahead. Rewards from this project flow back to PandaSwap holders.

    There will be further development and features added to PandaSwap and Derpy Panda.
  • Phase 3

  • Community Involvement

    We will take votes from the community as to what direction to take at this point. Just know that we'll be working on this project long-term and we'll be serving our community and doing our utmost to further the cause.

PandaSwap Letzte Nachrichten

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