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KimchiSwap is a fully decentralized protocol built on the Ethereum network for swapping, providing liquidity, creating markets and staking.
KimchiSwap is not a fork of Uniswap nor alike to many other AnySwaps, TrustSwap or any other out there entering the DEX market. But it contains some of the same functionality/Operations and coding methodologies, but it’s unique in its core coding. The KimchiSwap platform is powered by its own native token, SWAP, an ERC-20 token built on the Ethereum Blockchain. It is not built on uniswap code, it is in fact built from the Scratch. The KSWAP token will be used for discounts on services, dividends from
staking, and as a governance token allowing the community to vote on how foundation funds are spent. Staking the tokens at KimchiSwap will allow holders to receive a share of all said fees that are paid in KSWAP. With a maximum total supply of 100M tokens minted and the implementation of staking and deflationary tokenomics, we expect this utility token to offer significant benefits when being used on the KimchiSwap platform.
100% abgeschlossen
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KimchiSwap Roadmap

  • September 2020

  • - Website Launch
    - 1 Month Private Token Sales
    - dApp development sprint
    - Sales & marketing drive
    - Token staking activated
  • October 2020

  • - beta testing week
    - launch
    - Initial Staking rewards paid
    - major exchange listing
  • January 2021

  • - New features added
    - Additional Exchange listings
    - Multi chain integration
    - DEX integrations

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