Geisha Tea House

Geisha Tea House

Created using Figma
Public Sale Starts at 9 PM EST 11th January The Geisha Tea House NFTs are 10,000 randomly generated Geisha, out of the Akirelu Tea House, with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain. The Geisha Tea House NFTs are characterized by charming beauty, thoughtful design, and endless utility. Your Geisha NFT doubles as your Tea House invitation, and grants access to members-only benefits, the first of which is access to our monthly Tea House Events, and our launchpad, among many others.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Geisha Tea House

In Japan, a geisha is a female professional entertainer of men. No no, hear us out. Although some have ravishing looks that could be misinterpreted as flirtatious, geisha are not to be mistaken for courtesans and prostitutes.

Once a Geisha accomplishes her training, she is hired to perform during banquets in tea houses, places where the well to do gentlemen meet for business and leisure.

Apart from having entertainment qualities, geisha are also sources of important information obtained while overhearing their hosts’ conversations during performances. Yes, we also like that part.

And last but not least, geisha are patronized by only the wealthiest businessmen and most influential politicians.

Geisha Tea House Mannschaft

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Danna Luke
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Danna Vandy
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