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Letztes Update


ADAB Solutions entwickelt die FICE - First Islamic Crypto Exchange, basierend auf den Normen der Scharia.

Infolgedessen wird durch die Umsetzung des ADAB Solutions-Projekts eine globale Infrastruktur geschaffen, die auf den Grundsätzen der islamischen Finanzen basiert und der Gemeinschaft, die die Entwicklung der islamischen Kryptoökonomie reguliert.

ADAB Solutions wird das Problem der Halal-Kryptowährungstransaktionen lösen, indem der muslimische Ummah, der 22% der Weltbevölkerung ausmacht und islamische Finanzanlagen mit einem geplanten Volumen von 3,8 Billionen USD verwaltet, Zugang zum Kryptowährungsmarkt bietet.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Bitforex
    ADAB/ETH % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 19.23
  • Bitforex
    ADAB/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.0240
Crowd sale
100% abgeschlossen
$2 570 000
harte kappe
13% ziel abgeschlossen
Ziel 18 700 000.00 USD
Limit 2 500 000.00 USD
Harte Kappe 18 700 000.00 USD
  • 1 ADAB
    0.1 USD
18700000 USD
For the development: - 21.00%
Equipment, Software: - 24.00%
Marketing (including forum, portal): - 20.00%
Unforeseen and other expenses: - 12.00%
Operational costs: - 17.00%
Legal issues (including licenses, permits): - 4.00%
Consultation services: - 2.00%
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
ADAB Solutions FZE
Eingetragenes Land
United Arab Emirates
Firma gegründet
May 15, 2018
Private sale: - 25%
Pre ICO: - 15%

ICO 1st week: - 12%
ICO 3nd week: - 7%
End of ICO: - 5%
Weitere Details
MVP / Prototyp
Ja , von Jul 25, 2018 bis Oct 18, 2018
Plattform, Kryptowährung


Um ADABs Solutions als Kryptowährung-Projekt Halal zu ermöglichen, sind folgende Maßnahmen geplant:

Die Entwicklung des Projekts basiert auf den unternehmerischen Bemühungen der Organisatoren und ihrer Arbeit. Gemäß den Normen der islamischen Ethik ist es richtig, dass die Quelle des Wohlstands die eigene Arbeitskraft und die unternehmerischen Bemühungen sind .

Beim ersten islamischen Crypto-Tausch wird die Möglichkeit von spekulativen Transaktionen, Margin-Geschäften und Operationen, die nicht der Scharia entsprechen, vollständig ausgeschlossen. Dies schließt den Gharar-Maisir und -ban aus Arbeit der Börse.

FICE-Plattform, die in der Lage ist, 3 Millionen Anfragen pro Sekunde abzuwickeln, was FICE zu einem der schnellsten Krypto-Börsen macht. Es wird garantiert, dass ihre Anwendungen niemals aufgrund von Überlastungen der Server angehalten werden Plattform.

ADAB Solutions ist gegründet worden, um eine Plattform für Halal-Projekte zu schaffen, in der die Normen des Islam und der islamischen Finanzen voll eingehalten werden. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, Muslimen und der Gemeinschaft von Crypto-Investoren zu helfen Um zu verstehen, was auf dem Markt die Kryptowährungen den Scharia-Regeln entspricht, und was nicht.

ADAB-Lösungen gehen von der Tatsache aus, dass dieses Projekt im Allgemeinen dem Markt zugute kommt, da Halal-Projekte in ihrem Wesen von Nutzen und Wert sind und ihre Definition zur Entwicklung nützlicher Ideen und zu einer Verringerung der Anzahl an ADAB-Lösungen beiträgt Projekte auf dem Markt, die in ihrem Kern haram sind.


The importance of the Adab Solutions project for participants and its uniqueness:

  • The Adab Solutions project has no analogues in the world. Today, there is not a single cryptocurrency platform or a crypto exchange, which would guarantee activities based on Shariah. Adab Solutions will be the first project that will allow performing cryptocurrency transactions in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance and on the basis of Shariah norms.
  • The Adab Solutions project is aimed to a huge  audience of 1.8 billion potential Muslim users of the cryptocurrency market.
  • Projectibility of the project. The Adab Solutions project is designed in accordance with the highest security standards and has unique technical features of key software solutions.
  • The Adab Solutions project forms a system of values ​​based on Shariah norms and principles of Islamic finance, which will become the basis for self-regulation of the cryptocurrency market and will increase the level of confidence in a key cryptocurrency instruments.
  • Full transparency of the Adab Solutions project. Transparency of the project and safe jurisdictions will make it possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat money.
  • Objectives and mission of the project
  • The ADAB Solutions project is developing the FICE- First Islamic Crypto Exchange , based on the norms of Shariah.
  • The purpose of the ADAB Solutions project is the creation of a crypto -exchange platform, a stock exchange and services that comply with the norms of the Shariah and operate on the principles of Islam.
  • The mission of the ADAB Solutions project is to create conditions and services based on the high moral and cultural values ​​of Islam and provide access to all users of crypto economics.
  • The key task of ADAB Solutions is to create a structure that will establish new ethical standards for doing business in the industry.
  • ADAB - standards of behavior prescribed by the norms of the Shariah, including good manners, standards of decency, courtesy, humanity.
  • The name of ADAB Solutions is a big responsibility for the creators of the project.
  • ADAB is a way of life in Islam, which the founders of the project consider not only natural in everyday life, but an obligatory foundation of business relations.

Technische Information

  • Das Projekt wird unter Einhaltung höchster Sicherheitsstandards entwickelt.
  • Die Sicherheit der FICE-Plattform wird von den besten Entwicklern auf dem Gebiet der Cybersicherheit gewährleistet, einschließlich der hohen Transparenz der Unternehmen. Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) und alle Feldstandards werden übernommen. FICE wird die Bedrohungsmodellierung und STRIDE-Analyse, statistische Code-Analyse (SAST), dynamische Programmanalyse (DAST) und einen Penetrationstest implementieren.
  • FICE wird von der NIST (AES-256, SHA256 / SHA3) empfohlene Datenverschlüsselungsstandards übernehmen und keine proprietäre Kryptographie verwenden. Alle Benutzerdaten, einschließlich des internen Datenverkehrs, werden verschlüsselt.


  • June 2017- September 2017.

  • Beginning of the study of the cryptocurrency market in the Islamic community.
  • September 2017 - November 2017

  • Formation of goals and objectives to solve the problem of access of Muslim population
    to the cryptocurrency market.
  • December 2017 - May 2018

  • The development of the philosophy and mechanics of the exchange, based on the principles of
    the Islamic financial model.
  • September 2018 - November 2018

  • ICO to finance and promote the Islamic cryptocurrency exchange.
  • Weiterlesen
  • July 2018 - September 2018

  • Development of the program mechanism of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • October 2018 – December 2018

  • Registration of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange. Start of work on AdabCrypto (News Portal & Forum) and Adab Charity.
  • December 2018 – February 2019

  • Alfa release of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange, functionality and security check.
  • December 2018 – December 2019

  • Launch a large-scale marketing campaign, in order to attract new users on a large scale.
  • April 2019

  • Beta release of the Islamic Exchange First Islamic Crypto Exchange with the support of cross-platform trading clients.
  • July 2019

  • Official launch of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • June 2019 – December 2019

  • Expansion of the functional content of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange.
  • August 2019

  • Run Adab Charity.
  • December 2019 - July 2020

  • ormation, on the bases of ADAB Solutions platform and First Islamic Crypto Exchange, of a reliable and developed infrastructure based on the principles of Islamic finance.


Verifiziert 82%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Timur Turzhan
CEO, Founder
Sulaiman Al Fahim
CSO, Co-Founder
Rustam Turzhan
COO, Co-Founder
Maxat Salpyn
Deputy CEO of Islamic Finance
Alexandr Mamsidikov
Director of Marketing
Dmitry Rovenskikh
Director of project promotion
Mufti Faraz Adam
Internal Shariah Compliance Officer
Asset Barakbayev
Pavel Krayev
Head of development Department


$2 570 000

Khalil Ben Sassi
Graphic designer
Abeer Mousa
Community development manager


Verifiziert 33%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Ali Al Khamis
Business Development Advisor

12 ICOs

$69 302 635

Igor Karavaev
Strategic Advisor
Mickael Damour
Investment Advisor


$2 804 000

Vladimir Malakchi
Crowdfunding Advisor
Shane Rushent
Technical Advisor


$3 170 000

Shohel Alam
ICO Advisor


$5 822 440

Gaurav Areng Chakrav...
Jorge Rodriguez
Mr. Muhammad Abu Bak...
Advisor on Islamic Finance


59 ICOs

$198 385 874

Naviin Kapoor


Mickael Damour
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
ICO advisor. Linkedin influencer . social media marketing . social media optimization . growth hacking
What do you think about idea?
ADAB SOLUTIONS have all the right skills to launch a powerful exchange platform. Good team, Nice idea, and a unique product !
Timur Turzhan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Adab Solutions - it is my idea, to create exchange for Islamic world. I am founder and CEO Adab Solutions. I hope it is good idea will find support and recognition among investors and clients.
Sulaiman Al Fahim
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
ADAB Solutions present First Islamic Crypto Exchange(FICE), which is the first cryptocurrency exchange operating in accordance to Shariah rules.
FICE has no analogues in the world, created in accordance with the highest security standards, and has unique technological programming solutions.
The aim and mission of the project
We solve the problem of cryptocurrency conformance to the highest moral and cultural values of Islam, by creating the global cryptocurrency platform for the Muslim people and for the rest of the world.
We have a great team of professionals with experience and huge expertise in the field of Islamic finances.
Sulaiman Al-Fahim is part of the team as an Advisor on Investment and Strategic Development. He will be responsible for raising investments and corresponding with large investors, business development and growth. Also, being responsible for raising company awareness in the Arabic countries.
Rustam Turzhan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Rustam Turzhan COO & Co - Founder ADAB Solutions.
The project ADAB Solutions, my responsibilities include team management, conducting of negotiations with partners ADAB Solutions.
ADAB Solutions is a project that has no analogues in the World today.We solve the problem of compliance of crypto assets with the high moral and cultural values of Islam and create a global cryptocurrency platform for Muslims and the world as a whole
Our team makes every effort to implement it and attracts the most influential figures in the field of Islamic Finance and experts in blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market
Maxat Salpyn
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
FICE is a platform not only for Muslims and Islamic blockchain startups; it is an open marketplace for anyone who wants to build an honest and technological business.
Alexandr Mamsidikov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
ADAB Solutions project is the creation of the First Islamic Crypto Exchange fully complliant with Shariah principles to allow access to the Muslims comunity to the crypto economy.
I am responsible for the Marketing of the project.
Dmitry Rovenskikh
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
ADAB Solutions creates the world's first crypto-exchange in accordance with Shariah standards. This project will allow all users cryptocurrency in the world to use Islamic finance instruments in cryptocurrency.

In the project I'm doing promotion and search for investment as well as negotiations with potential partners.
Mufti Faraz Adam
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the internal Shariah compliance officer, I have been developing the Shariah screening criteria to ensure that there is a robust framework to filter out any non-compliant tokens and ICOs. I will continue to develop policies and protocols for the exchange to ensure Shariah compliance . I will also be involved in monitoring, advising and screening on an ongoing basis.
What do you think about idea?
A Shariah compliant crypto exchange is an excellent initiative knowing well that there are millions of investors seeking Shariah compliant investment opportunities.
Asset Barakbayev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a CTO I am resposible for all aspects of the developement and IT implementation of the crypto exchange. Architecture, used technologies and algorithms as well as the Plan of the Development is under my control.
I think it's a greate idea and a wonderful challenge for me to provide fast and safe system which to be implemented.
Pavel Krayev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Founder and head of own IT projects. Development experience is more than 6 years. There is participation in the development of High-Load services and information security.

Bachelor of ISS (Information systems security)

Experience: Web-development, Information Security, BlockChain, Artificial neural networks (ANNs), Artificial intelligence, Microservices, High-Load Services
Gaurav Areng Chakraverti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Excited to be a part of this project and team. There's a lot of relevant experience within this group of people, and I am certain there's a definite gap in the market that this project is capable of filling.
Jorge Rodriguez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Security Advisor

ADAB SOLUTIONS Letzte Nachrichten

$ 4.723E-5
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 35.18
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0005
ICO Price~$0.1000

% name% Bewertungen

Jeremy Khoo
Group CEO | Blockchain Entrepreneur | VeChain ICO Partner | Fund Partner | Exchange Founder |

Really interested in this! Have been looking at projects around Islamic Crypto. This could truly open up a multi billion dollar market. Team needs to follow through with execution.

Nikolay Shkilev
PhD | Entrepreneur | CEO | ICO Advisor | Crypto enthusiast | Blockchain expert | Public speaker | Mentor

Very unusual idea. Now it is heavy to foretell what from this will turn out, but I am sure that the huge Islamic world will approve this project and will inhale fresh blood which is very necessary for this industry in general on ICO market. Therefore I put the five to this project especially as strong team, MVP is ready. I will watch the project further. I wish you will progress greatly!

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