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MELD is a full-suite non-custodial DeFi banking protocol that allows users to securely lend and borrow crypto and fiat currencies and earn yield—all while maintaining custody of crypto assets.Taking the interaction between crypto and traditional currencies to the next level by bringing the most innovative parts of DeFi like smart contracts and leverage and using them to provide access to much-needed finance tools and instant liquidity. MELD hopes to be able to empower financial independence in the DeFi ecosystem by developing self-sovereign, inclusive financial tools.
البيانات غير متوفرة
To be announced
تفاصيل الرمز
مبرقة كاتبة
تفاصيل اضافية

حول MELD

MELD is a decentralized and trustless lending protocol initially built on the Cardano Blockchain using smart contracts and governed by the MELD token. It provides a fast, safe, and transparent set of tools for anyone to lend and borrow crypto and fiat currencies.

MELD lends fiat currency provided by fiat lenders to borrowers that collateralize their cryptocurrency in a MELD Smart Contract. The lender receives an interest rate from secure investments, whilst the borrower can maintain their crypto positions and see them grow, which has had an average annual rate of 32% (BTC IS 196%) CAGR. We stake the collateral in community-managed liquidity pools for our revenue which is divided 50% to MELD and 50% to MELD token holders

1. Fiat Liquidity Lending
Fiat liquidity providers lend fiat to the MELD protocol, through the MELDapp, to earn high-interest yields. The yields for lending fiat on MELD are sourced from various places, including interest paid from the borrower, trading fees APY from the liquidity pools of MELDed assets and protocol rewards.

2. Crypto Collateral
For a borrower to gain access to fiat loans, the borrower must deposit cryptocurrency (ADA, BTC, ETH, or BNB) to the MELD loan Smart Contract. Once deposited and locked into the Smart Contract, the borrower will be able to take up to 50% of the value held within the cryptocurrency through a crypto-backed loan or a line of credit.

3. Fiat Borrowing
MELD will offer two fiat borrowing services, crypto-backed loans, and a line of credit. From a collateral perspective, both services function similarly. A borrower will have to deposit 2x the desired fiat in cryptocurrency to utilize either service. Borrowers receive fiat currency via wire transfer directly into their account for crypto-backed loans or gain access to a line of credit utilized by the MELD Debit Card, after depositing their crypto.

4. MELD Vaults (Liquidity Pools)
The liquidity pools run by the MELD protocol are single-sided MELD/Token pools. When a user makes a crypto deposit, the deposit is locked to a smart contract and placed into the respective MELD/Token pool. The benefit of this is that the deposited crypto can be exposed to trading fees APY from external DEX aggregators/routers. The MELD protocol has integrated impermanent loss protection for crypto depositors.

5. The MELD Token
The MELD token provides a few utility functions for the holder. First, MELD issued to pay for some transactions on the protocol. Second, you can stake MELD and earn 4% APY rewards. The MELD staking pool acts as an insurance solution for protocol. The staking pool protects against problems that might arise in the protocol and against impermanent loss in the MELD liquidity pools. The APY for the staking comes from 50% of all protocol fees, such as MELDed assets and trading fees.

6. Loan Repayment
MELD offers crypto-backed loans and a line of credit to crypto depositors. Borrowers of fiat through these instruments pay back the principle & interests monthly until paid off.

7. Crypto Collateral Returned
The crypto collateral is unlocked and withdrawn from the respective liquidity pool to the user’s wallet, and the smart contract is completed upon loan repayment.

8. Fiat Liquidity Returned
At any time, fiat liquidity providers can withdraw their money. If a crypto-backed fiat loan position suffers a liquidation event, then the underlying crypto asset is sold and transferred to fiat to ensure the fiat lender doesn’t suffer any losses.

٪ name٪ خريطة الطريق

  • 2021

  • Q2
    MELD Launch
    Initial Stake Pool Offering Launch
    Token Private Sale
    Launch of Marketing Initiatives
    Partner Program Launch

    MELD Ambassador Program
    Liquidation System
    Complete the first PoC for lending & borrowing
    UTXO research on economics models & concurrency
    Formalize MELD protocol

    MELD Protocol Audit
    MELDapp Audit
    Initial Stake Pool Offering Close
  • 2022

  • Q1
    MELD Token Launch
    MELD ISPO Airdrop
    MELD Vesting & Locked Staking
    MELDapp 1.0
    MELD on Exchanges (BiTrue, FMFW, Cardano DEXes like MuesliSwap, SundaeSwap, MinSwap, and more)

    Akamon white papers
    Akamon Alpha Testnet
    MELDapp 2.0 with Akamon integration

    Akamon Beta Testnet

    Bank Managers 3D Artwork
    Cardano: Lending & Borrowing Protocol Smart Contracts
    MELD Shop
    MELD Finance Entity Established
    Tier-1 Exchange Listing (MEXC)
  • 2023

  • Q1
    MELDapp Testnet Launch
    Cardano: Lending & Borrowing Protocol Testnet Launch
    MELD Network: Avalanche Subnet Testnet
    MELD Finance Legal & Tech Stack

    MELD Network: Avalanche Subnet Mainnet Launch
    MELD Cardano Token Migration
    $MELD Token on Ethereum & Avalanche
    MELD Multisig Cardano Wallet Technology Stack
    Bank Managers Minting & Launch
    MELDapp Beta Desktop Mainnet Launch
    Protocol Audits (Token, Multisig, DAO)
    MELD DAO Development

    MELD DAO Mainnet
    MELD Finance Launch*
    MELDapp Beta Mobile Launch
    MELDapp BSC & Polygon & Moonbeam blockchain integration
    MELDapp Wallet Connect Integration
    MELDapp Staking v2
    Bridging $MELD across 4 blockchains (Cardano, Ethereum, Avalanche, MELD)

    MELD Finance Debit Cards*
    MELD Finance On/Offramping*
    MELD Borrowing & Lending Testnet
    MELDapp BTC support

MELD الفريق

التحقق 0%

انتباه. هناك خطر من أن الأعضاء الذين لم يتم التحقق منهم ليسوا أعضاء في الفريق

Duc Nguyen Anh
Project Manager
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Dai Truong Ngoc
Senior Blockchain Engineer
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Thanh Vuong Hai
Blockchain Engineer
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Lawrence Ong
Special Projects
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Patrizia Peitler
Executive Assistant
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Dat Duong Thanh
Senior Blockchain Engineer
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Karlo Novak
Senior Back-End Engineer
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Tuan Tran Quoc
Chief Economist
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Ivo Kosir
Senior Software Engineer
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Sasha Bogicevic
Senior Blockchain Engineer
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Matthew Nash
Governance & Community
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Tam Nguyen Hung
Quantitative Researcher
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Ken Olling
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Hai Nguyen Quang
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Heval Yucedag
Marketing Analyst
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Nicholas Collinson
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Stuart Hollinger
Social Media Übermensch
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Thuy Vu Thi Thuy
Blockchain Engineer
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Dong Nguyen Thi Phuo...
Blockchain Engineer
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An Le Mai
Blockchain Engineer
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Matej Bilić
Senior Graphic Designer
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Marin Pranjic
Technical Lead
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Trung Tran Kien
Quantitative Researcher
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MELD آخر الأخبار

  • نظرًا لوجود اختلافات زمنية في تحديثات المعلومات ، يجب التحقق من المعلومات الدقيقة حول كل مشروع ICO من خلال موقع الويب الرسمي أو قنوات الاتصال الأخرى.
  • هذه المعلومات ليست اقتراحًا أو نصيحة بشأن الاستثمار في تمويل ICO. يرجى التحقيق بدقة في المعلومات ذات الصلة بنفسك واتخاذ قرار بشأن مشاركة ICO.
  • إذا كنت تعتقد أن هناك مشكلات أو مشكلات يجب تصحيحها على هذا المحتوى ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال مشروع ICO الخاص بك إلى القائمة ، فيرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
يرجى قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. عرض إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. <ديف إد = "ديسكليمر-لونغ-تكست" ستايل = "ديسبلاي: نون">     

تنويه & أمب؛ تحذير المخاطر     

يستند هذا العرض إلى المعلومات المقدمة فقط من قبل العارض ومعلومات أخرى متاحة للعموم. إن حدث بيع أو تبادل الرمز المميز لا علاقة له بكامله تجاه أصحاب الحيازات الدولية، ولا يمتلك أصحاب الحيازة أي مشاركة فيه (بما في ذلك أي دعم تقني أو ترويج). وتظهر مبيعات الرمز المميز المدرجة من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم علاقة بين أصحاب الحيازة فقط لمساعدة العملاء على تتبع النشاط الجاري في قطاع الرمز المميز العام. وليس المقصود من هذه المعلومات أن تصل إلى المشورة التي يجب أن تعتمد. يجب عليك الحصول على المشورة المهنية أو المتخصصة أو تنفيذ العناية الواجبة الخاصة بك قبل اتخاذ أو الامتناع عن أي إجراء على أساس المحتوى على موقعنا. إن أي شروط وأحكام يتم الدخول فيها من قبل المساهمين فيما يتعلق باقتناء الرموز المميزة هي بينهم وبين مصدر الرمز ومالك الشركة ليس البائع لهذه الرموز. لا يتحمل صاحب المشروع أية مسؤولية قانونية عن أية بيانات مقدمة من أطراف ثالثة فيما يتعلق بأي بيع رمزية وأي مطالبة عن خرق العقد يجب أن يتم أيضا مباشرة ضد الكيان المصدر للإصدار المميز المذكور هنا.     

إذا كانت لديك أي مخاوف بشأن طبيعة أو خصوصية أو قانونية هذا البيع المميز أو الأشخاص المتورطين فيه، فيرجى الاتصال مع معلومات مفصلة عن المخاوف الخاصة بك.