XOX Labs

XOX Labs

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XOX: The Next Gen Multichain DeFi Dapps & Web3 Solutions Provider
Revolutionary - Scalable - Sustainable
Swap, stake, store, bridge, refer, invest and earn with ease on the
leading Decentralized Blockchain Ecosystem.
To be announced
180.000.000 XOX

約 XOX Labs

Wide range of apps, utilities and solutions powering the protocol creating a True One-Stop Ecosystem for all your DeFi needs.

Revolutionary Multi-chain DEX with Dual Cash Back Rewards

Our Multi-chain DEX platform offers a unique opportunity for users to earn dual cash back rewards for every transaction performed. Through our multi-token ecosystem and revolutionary referral program, users receive XOXS Stable Coins and USDT or USDC not only from their own transactions but also from every user transaction using their Referral Code. This provides an unprecedented level of rewards and incentives for our users, setting our platform apart from traditional DEXs.

Liquidity Provision and Reward System

Our Liquidity Pool rewards system provides a win-win situation for users by allowing them to add liquidity and earn rewards. By contributing liquidity to a Liquidity Pool, users receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and a share in the fees generated by traders. This incentivizes users to hold their assets in our platform while also supporting the project. Users can easily remove their liquidity at any time.

Gamified Referral Program with Dual USDT/USDC Rewards

Our XOX Gamified Referral Program is the first of its kind and designed to give users cash-back rewards in USDT/USDC for every transaction performed using their referral code. The program is designed to be fun and interactive with a level system based on points. Users can earn points, level up, reach milestones, and claim their rewards in USDT or USDC. This innovative referral program sets our platform apart from traditional DEXs and provides an exciting way for users to earn additional rewards.

Meet XOXS. Our Hybrid Multichain Stable Coin.

Our XOXS token is specifically designed as a staking substitute for our governance token XOX. We have extensively studied staking behavior, chart patterns, and the impact of high APYs followed by high selling pressure from stakers. By implementing Stable Coins such as USDT and USDC, we have developed a passive income strategy that prevents supply inflation and selling pressure. Here are some facts about XOXS:

XOXS can only be obtained by purchasing our governance token XOX, and is provided as a bonus with auto-staking functionalities and flexible APY. XOXS can also be earned through community activities such as giveaways and completing tasks. XOXS ensures long-term sustainability, providing a risk-free and profitable experience for both token holders and the project. By implementing Stable Coins such as USDT and USDC, XOXS offers a stable and sustainable source of passive income for users.


XOX Labs 最後のニュース

5.0 10
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