Holdex Finance

Holdex Finance

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Holdex Finance is a full-fledged DeFi project that works with multiple chains. The focus is on providing utilities for any crypto investor, beginner, rookie, or professional. Holdex Finance’s overall purpose is to launch the Holdex Blockchain.
Phase 2st
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
  • 1 HOLDEX
    0.3 USD
Phase 1st
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
ゴール 50 000.00 USD
  • 1 HOLDEX
    0.1 USD
Maximum 100,000,000 coin supply distribution;
👉🏻50% Staking, Farm and Pool rewards (Locked)
👉🏻 15% Advertising, Marketing and Stock Exchange Listing
👉🏻10% Teams (Locked) will unlock 10% every 3 months
👉🏻10% ICO and Presale
👉🏻10% Platform Development
👉🏻5% Airdrop and Other Rewards
Airdrop: 10$ on twitter (Limited 50.000 user)
Every purchase bonus %5
Up to 1.000$ purchase +%5
Up to 5.000$ purchase +%10

約 Holdex Finance

Holdex Finance is a technology-enhanced finance management platform. Influencers and bad players easily manipulate the conventional finance market, causing an imbalance and occasional loss to small investors. With the highest ROI in the DeFi world and multiple investment options, Holdex Finance provides healthy earning opportunities to investors belonging to every class and sector. The platform utilizes three different systems, The Holdex Annual Percentage Yield (H-APY) Scanner, Holdex Auto Trading Bot (H-ATB), to provide its quality services and H-STAKING to make staking even easier.

↔️ Trade
Instantly swap crypto tokens: no registration or account needed.

The best choice
Holdex Finance always gives users the opportunity to trade confidentially, securely and quickly.

Low fees
Why pay more? HoldexSwap runs on Binance Smart Chain, a blockchain with much lower transaction costs than Ethereum or Bitcoin. Trading fees are lower than other top decentralized exchanges too, so that's a double win for you!

Trade directly from your wallet app. Unlike centralized exchanges like Binance or Coinbase, HoldexSwap doesn’t hold your funds when you trade: you have 100% ownership of your own crypto.

💸 Earn
Earn HOLDEX and other tokens for free with super high interest rates.

Earn tokens with Holdex Pools
Stake HOLDEX, earn free tokens. It's really that easy. HOLDEX holders are earning millions of USD worth of free tokens each week from major projects. New projects will join the party every day, so you can earn more, for even longer.

Earn HOLDEX with Yield Farms
Stake LP tokens, earn HOLDEX. You take on a little more exposure to market fluctuations than with the Holdex Pools, but can earn higher APR to offset the risk.

Earn Trading Fees
No farm? no problem. Even if your trading pair isn't supported on the Farms page, you can still earn trading fees when you stake your tokens in Liquidity Pools (LPs).

The H-APY Scanner gathers information about all interest rates on stable coins and let's you know about them. This tool from Holdex Finance makes it extremely easy for new investors to invest in more profitable platforms available on the DeFi space. The platform would also facilitate easy learning of the intricacies of the DeFi industry for the new investors.

On the other hand, the Auto Trading Bot has been made to allow busy investors to indulge in algorithmic crypto trading. Experienced traders can make huge profits with minor efforts by appropriately setting the parameters of this platform. The benefits of a trading bot like H-ATB are well known. They provide seamless trading capability and analyze the market trend in real-time and deduce the future prices based on historical data instantaneously with high accuracy. H-ATB implements many transactions rapidly and identifies the direction of change in the trend on the market. It now predicts the best time to complete the transaction so that maximum profit can be generated. The Holdex platform also features an automated market maker that replaced traditional ways to fight liquidity problems by providing liquidity pools that maintain adequate liquidity to keep the platform and the token in a healthy state. $HOLDEX is the platform’s native token compatible with Ethereum, Huobi Ecochain, and the Binance Smart Chain network.

The company’s innovative development team brought forward an outstanding idea that will change the way users use regular staking. Holdex users will be provided with a unique API to their wallets holding the Holdex tokens. Through this API, the company will observe how users behave with their token holdings and provide them with cyclic interest rates based on that. So, if the user is not transferring the token to any other wallet for a longer period they will earn rewards which will not only ensure price stability but also help in increasing the price floor. The Holdex team is also in talks with other crypto projects and is ready to offer them this unique API system. This might prove to be very useful for many projects who want to ensure more holders hold their token. It will give the developer an authority over where they want the users to store the token and then reward them on the basis of their behavior.


  • 2021-Q3

  • Listing Coingecko or Coinmarketcap
    Listing on DEX & CEX Markets
    DEX-DeFi Platform Launching Project v2.0
    HoldexSwap Launching
    Whitepaper v2.0
  • 2021-Q4

  • Launching Yield Farming
    Listing Big Exchange
    Holdex Stake Launching
    Holdex Chain Testnet
  • 2022-Q1

  • Auto Trading Bot Launching
    ICO Launchpad Platorm
    Holdex Wallet
  • 2022-Q2

  • Holdex APY ScannerLaunching
    Holdex Mobile App
  • 続きを読む
  • 2022-Q3

  • Holdex Chain Mainnet
  • 2022-Q4

  • The new Fin-Tech Ecosystem Project v3.0
  • 2023-Q1

  • Payment System Platform

Holdex Finance 最後のニュース

5.0 11
DeFi プロフィール ビジョン アクティビティ 潜在的な 製品 チーム
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