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CAIZ is poised for public listing on April 4, 2024, across more than 50 exchanges, advancing its mission to offer a Sharia-compliant financial ecosystem. This move underscores their commitment to providing clients with access to fair, ethical financial products and fostering economic stability for all users.
100% 完成した
資金調達 - データなし
Token sales program - 80%
Pre sale - 5%
Reserve fund - 4%
Team and founders - 10%
Marketing and bounty - 1%
Funds allocation:
Investment in IT - 32%br> Operation - 16% br>Marketing & promotion - 18% br>Blockchain development - 18% br>Validator nodes - 8% br>Reinvestment - 8%
MVP /プロトタイプ
プラットフォーム, バンキング, ファイナンス

約 CAIZcoin

CAIZ represents a groundbreaking step in the fusion of traditional Islamic finance principles with the innovative world of blockchain technology. It is an ethical and morality-based cryptocurrency ecosystem that adheres to Sharia law, aiming to bring financial freedom and inclusivity to its users while maintaining a strong foundation in Islamic values. 

Central to the CAIZ ecosystem is its unique "DeCe" model, a visionary blend of decentralized and centralized financial systems. This combination ensures a harmonious balance of control, security, transparency, and speed, addressing the needs of a diverse user base. Moreover, CAIZ introduces the Islamic Federated Byzantine Agreement (IFBA), a significant blockchain advancement that guarantees compliance with Fiqh, the Islamic legal framework. 

The CAIZ token functions as a versatile digital currency within the CAIZ ecosystem. It's not just a medium of exchange in the CAIZchain. The token's primary role is to facilitate access to the various applications, products, and services available within the ecosystem, which includes trading, participation in CAIZearn, and unlocking premium features. 

The ecosystem of CAIZ is extensive and ever-evolving, featuring components such as CAIZstable, CAIZgold, CAIZchain, CAIZwallet, CAIZapp, CAIZcard, CAIZnft, and more. Each element of this ecosystem is designed to uphold the highest standards of ethical compliance and security, ensuring a seamless and safe experience for all users. 

A key aspect of the CAIZ ecosystem is the CAIZearn Program. This program is an innovative approach that allows holders of CAIZ tokens to earn additional tokens while enhancing the ecosystem's stability and accessibility. It utilizes a liquidity pool to ensure smooth transactions across various markets, further bolstering the ecosystem's growth and stability. 

CAIZ's commitment to providing ethical and secure financial solutions is evident through its rigorous testing and certifications by independent audit organizations. This commitment extends to compliance with global standards, including KYC and AML protocols, EU Crypto legislation, and GDPR, making CAIZ a benchmark in ethical cryptocurrency practices. 

CAIZ really offers a unique, Sharia-compliant financial ecosystem that integrates the best features of decentralized and centralized systems, underpinned by a commitment to transparency, ethics, and security. This innovative approach positions CAIZ as a key player in the domain of ethical and inclusive financial solutions. 


  • 2023 Q1

  • CAIZearn
  • 2023 Q2

  • CAIZchain with the governance API
  • 2023 Q3

  • Payment and Banking Partners
    Caiz Remittances
    Secret Product Release No. 1
  • 2023 Q4

  • Caiz Relief - Charity Program
    Caiz Gold
    Caiz Tokenization
    Secret Product Release No. 2
  • 続きを読む
  • 2024 Q1

  • Secret Product Release No. 2
    Caiz Stable
  • 2024 Q2

  • Caiz Multifunctional NFTs
  • 2024

  • Regulatory expansion

CAIZcoin チーム

検証済み 100%

Philippe Theunissen
Chief Executive Officer / Chief Blockchain Officer
Abdelhamid Azzagougu...
Head of Marketing
Moris Gayed
Legal Counsel
Steffen Rieger
Head of Sponsoring & Partnership
Saadet Güc
Head of Human Resources

CAIZcoin インタビュー

Philippe Theunissen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
CEO of Caiz
What do you think about idea?
CAIZ will provide financial freedom to the 2.2 billion financially underserved.
Abdelhamid Azzagougui
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is diverse, dynamic, and directly connected to ensuring that our project not only reaches the right ears, but that the message resonates and ignites action. From planning and implementing the inbound and outbound campaigns, to managing data and systems, analyzing results, and refining our strategies based on insights, I'm intimately involved in every aspect of the marketing lifecycle.
What do you think about idea?
CAIZcoin is an intriguing project with a unique focus on ethical, Islamic-compliant financial services. Its blend of modern blockchain tech with traditional finance principles could be transformative, providing new, inclusive pathways for global transactions. I'm excited to see how it develops!
Moris Gayed
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As Corporate Legal Counsel at Caiz, I provide comprehensive legal support, including contract drafting, negotiation, and compliance management. I formerly served as Business Unit Director for international corporate clients and monitored and managed legal activities succesfully.
What do you think about idea?
It's great!
Steffen Rieger
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am responsible for searching for new business opportunities and partnerships for Caiz. My team and I develop, coordinate, and implement plans to grow the existing business and explore new opportunities. Additionally, I am involved in strategic marketing and operational planning, setting goals, and determining methods to achieve those goals.
What do you think about idea?
Caiz is a groundbreaking idea, and I am actively seeking further business opportunities and potential business partners. Often, after explaining the vision of Caizcoin, I don't have to persuade the partners, as the vision itself inspires them to take action. Working on this project brings me joy!
Saadet Güc
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the Head of HR, my role involves managing the entire HR lifecycle, from talent acquisition and recruitment to employee onboarding, training, and development. I focus on creating a positive work environment, promoting employee satisfaction, and fostering a strong company culture. Identifying top talents in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry is crucial, as I collaborate with department heads to align recruitment strategies. I also lead the development of compliant HR policies and support employee well-being through benefits and wellness programs. Handling employee relations and ensuring professional growth within the team are vital to achieving the project's success.
What do you think about idea?
I really commend the project as the first fatwa-certified Islamic cryptocurrency that is in line with ethical values. Its mission to provide financial freedom while adhering to Islamic principles is inspiring. Its innovative and decentralized financial solution enables fast international money transfers and reflects a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity. Caizcoin represents a unique and responsible approach to cryptocurrencies, and I wholeheartedly support its vision for global financial empowerment.

CAIZcoin 最後のニュース

5.0 6
ICO プロフィール ビジョン アクティビティ 潜在的な 製品 チーム
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