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Ultimo aggiornamento

10 lug 2018

Vibeo è l'applicazione di messaggistica istantanea più completa e avanzata alimentata da una blockchain di Ethereum. Gli utenti possono inviare e ricevere token da MEW o qualsiasi portafoglio ERC-20 al portafoglio elettronico all'interno della app, effettuare scambi all'interno della comunità di utenti Vibeo e utilizzare ETH per effettuare pagamenti dall'interno dell'applicazione. Gli utenti possono scambiare ETH per beni e servizi con
commercianti registrati in tutto il mondo e possono persino interagire con tali commercianti (come effettuare ordini o prenotazioni) dall'app di chat.
I dati non sono disponibili
2 ott 2018
30 nov 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
berretto 2 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 40 000.00 ETH
Pre Sale
18 set 2018
2 ott 2018
100% completato
Fondi raccolti - nessun dato
Hard cap 10 000.00 USD
Dettagli del token
Offerta totale
Distribuzione di token
45% - Avaliable for crowdsale
5% - Team
8% - Advisors
10% - Treasury
10% - Partnership
10% - Community rewards
10% - User adoption
2% - Marketing & Legal
Valute accettate
Dettagli della Compagnia
Nome della società registrata
Vibeo Ltd.
Paese registrato
dettagli aggiuntivi
Lista bianca
Paesi con restrizioni
criptovaluta, Media, Divertimento

Di Vibeo

Informazioni su Vibeo

Vibeo mira a mitigare le attuali carenze intrinseche delle app di messaggistica istantanea costruendo un'applicazione di messaggistica mobile che dà accesso a un'economia e una comunità blockchain in tutto il mondo. Creerebbe comunità in cui i commercianti possono ricevere pagamenti dagli utenti in modo sicuro tramite l'applicazione; gli utenti possono effettuare scambi finanziari; i commercianti possono interagire in modo sicuro con i clienti ed effettuare transazioni, e; utenti e commercianti possono costruire una community più forte attorno alla blockchain.

Il protocollo Vibeo è progettato per creare il sentimento di comunità tra tutti gli utenti. L'app incorpora una funzione di localizzazione della mappa in cui è possibile scoprire un'economia completamente decentrata; trova mercanti e altri utenti Vibeo nella tua località e scegli di interagire con loro. Ciò motiva sia gli utenti che i commercianti a scambiare valuta, scambiare idee e persino a fornire servizi all'interno della piattaforma, aiutando così il movimento per il decentramento a crescere e svilupparsi di più. Il protocollo include inoltre funzionalità di sicurezza fondamentali, non solo all'interno della tecnologia dell'app, ma anche nella sua applicazione, per garantire che gli utenti possano essere sicuri sia all'interno dell'app che nella vita reale. La sicurezza arriva con l'invio di pagamenti all'interno di chat e la crittografia predefinita su tutti i messaggi basati su protocolli peer-to-peer da server decentralizzati. Le funzionalità chiave come la funzione Safe Trip garantiscono anche la sicurezza nella vita reale.


  • Call-Video
  • Chat
  • Blog mini timeline
  • Geolocalizzazione
  • Viaggio sicuro
  • Mappa & nbsp;

% name% Roadmap

  • January 2018

  • MVP: Vibeo iOS and Android v 1.1
  • February 2018

  • MVP: vibeo iOS and Android v1.2
  • July 2018

  • Vibeo iOS and Android v3.1 with video call feature and geolocalized map.
  • September 2018

  • Vibeo Token Sale: Launch of the public token sale
  • Leggi di più
  • November 2018

  • Listed on 2 exchanges
  • December 2018

  • Vibeo iOS and Android v3.2: e-wallet added

Vibeo materiale

Vibeo Squadra

verificata 14%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team

Angelina Borisova
non verificato
Amarbat Oyunbileg
WebRTC, XMPP & SIP Expert
non verificato
Eric-Sébastien Décha...
Founder and CEO
non verificato


$500 100

Kalin Tsekov


$500 000

Petar Markov
non verificato
Miroslava Ivanova
non verificato
James Long
non verificato


$500 000

Nick Todorov
non verificato
Cristian Veselinov
Blockchain Developer
non verificato


$11 265 207

George Spasov
Blockchain Developer
non verificato
Mikhail Sidorov
Sys Admin
non verificato
Ben Smiley-Andrews
IOS and Android Developer
non verificato
Ivo Dimichev
Social Media
Aleksandra Marinkova
Social Media
non verificato


verificata 0%

Attenzione. C'è il rischio che i membri non verificati non siano effettivamente membri del team


$10 360 000

Ilya Anikin
Advisor Russia
non verificato


$33 271 215

Aly Madhavji
non verificato

29 ICOs

$44 771 479

Amarpreet Singh
non verificato
Jared Polites
non verificato

15 ICOs

$61 058 688

Simon Choi
Legal Advisor
non verificato

127 ICOs

$667 980 646

Ian Scarffe
non verificato
Hank Shin
Advisor Korea
non verificato

Vibeo Interviste

Ivo Dimichev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Ivo is passionate about the innovations in the world of technologies and strives at being a step ahead of the progress, to be a part of the innovation itself. Having a background in Sales and Customer Service gives him the needed expertise in customer relations and tackling the problems before they arise.
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:

% name% Recensioni


Mainly, Vibeo is the go-to messaging app if you enjoy private conversations. Not only does it have a messaging platform, but users are able to create their own brand with it. While its invention might not do too much for the social media industry, it will change the way how users conduct transitions within the platforms. Unfortunately the inexperienced team and lackluster MVP and development makes us believe Vibeo will struggle to succeed.

Security: Messages that are sent through the platform have a default encryption. And, there are peer-to-peer protocols which are placed on decentralized servers to prevent manipulation or hacking.
Decentralization: The decentralized economy has no central authority and helps merchants and users take place in the digital community.
Saturated Market: We are concerned about how it will dominate the messaging market. There are hundreds of apps made already so that Vibeo will face some serious competition.
Inexperienced Team: By communicating with the team we’ve found them to be inexperienced and unable to show much for the amount they’re attempting to raise.
No Pictures Of The Team: Alongside the team being inexperienced they refuse to show their faces on their website, potential scam risk.

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News, reviews

Message applications have for long been in use for blockchain function. However, using a blockchain messaging platform as a portal for economic transactions is a unique trend. For VIBEO’s case, the age of digital communication can facilitate its adoption especially for the crypto enthusiasts who want less effort when it comes to the efficiency of the application. In conclusion, VIBEO does have the potential to revolutionize not such the age of interaction but how we could transact in the future.

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Market competitive environment:
The mobile messaging segment of the market is the largest, and continues to grow at a very significant rate due to strong adoption of mobile technology globally.
The Enterprise instant messaging network segment is also growing significantly, as more and more enterprises are coming on board in adopting enterprise-related functionality and security features.
Applications such as Snapchat have security features that destroy selected messages and media that are found to be suspicious. Similarly, applications such as BBM and Telegram provide extreme secure communication, while WhatsApp has encrypted messaging features on all messages. China's WeChat and Japan's LINE had a rapid increase in the number of their users of up to 500 million within two years of being launched.
The global Instant messaging market at enterprise level was valued at $6.42 billion in 2014. The consumer IM market is expected to grow at a faster rate and it is likely to reach close to $ 12 billion by 2019. According to Statista, total number of monthly active users on the top ten instant messaging applications come to a total of 5 billion accounts.
The major competitors to the Vibeo mobile application are some of the top instant messaging applications on the global market. They are Facebook Messenger, WeChat, WhatsApp, Snap Chat, Google Hangouts .
The largest IM are direct competitors actively study the opportunities of adopting blockchain-technologies into their systems.
WeChat currently has 1 billion active monthly users. It is worth €100 billion and is a major lifestyle spending contributor within China, helping earn up to €1.76 billion
WhatsApp is recognised internationally, with about 58% of its global coverage accessing the app several times daily. Currently, it is owned by Facebook, who acquired it for €19 billion in February 2014.
Snapchat had 300 million daily active users globally by the first quarter of 2018. Capitalization - $21.01 bln
Facebook Messenger: Registered users - 1.3 bln, Monthly active users - 1.2 bln, Capitalization - n/d
Telegram: Registered users - 200+ mln, Monthly active users - 180 ml, Capitalization - n/d
Skype: Registered users - 500+ mln, Monthly active users - 300 mln, Capitalization - $8.5 bln
LINE: Registered users - n/d, Monthly active users - 200+ mln, Capitalization - $9.8 bln
Kik (Kin):Registered users - 300+ mln, Monthly active users - 15 mln, Capitalization - n/d

Project advantages:
The Vibeo app gives more functionalities than conventional applications with Advanced Location features that offer travel updates to selected loved ones or groups, currency transfer from one user to another, the creation of a strong community revolving around a decentralised economy using crypto-currencies to carry out transactions, and where the VBEO token gives platform users leverage in the use and development of the application.

Project’s popularity in social networks and at topic forums
As of August 20, 2018, the user base in social networks of the project counts less than 13k users and the audience’s activity is low.
Medium – 27 followers, from 0 to 65 claps. The average number of comments per post - 0 pcs. Audience’s activity is low.
Reddit – 14 subscribers. Audience’s activity is very low.
Profile in BitcoinTalk – the level of Jr. Member. The topic was read 1k times, audience’s activity is low.
Twitter - 1.2k followers, from 0 to 10 likes per tweet. The audience’s activity is very low

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