Exploring Immortal Creed: Blockchain Integration, Gameplay Dynamics, and Player Empowerment

Exploring Immortal Creed: Blockchain Integration, Gameplay Dynamics, and Player Empowerment

Chris Reed, Creative Director / Founding Developer at Immortal Creed, delves into the integration of blockchain technology in the project, elucidating its impact on gameplay, asset ownership, trading mechanisms, and distinctive features compared to other Web3 games.

Can you explain how blockchain technology is utilized in Immortal Creed, and what benefits does it offer to players in terms of ownership and trading of in-game assets?

C: Immortal Creed allows players to move their game assets (cards, and currencies) from in-game to the HIVE blockchain or (Polygon blockchain, coming soon). This allows for ownership and trading of the game assets by players.

What role does the VALOR currency play in the game, and how is it earned and utilized by players?

C: VALOR is the main currency in Immortal Creed. Players earn VALOR by winning battles against other players and NPCs. That earned VALOR can then be used to purchase additional card packs from the game shop, or used to purchase card singles from the third party card market nftm.art with more utility for the VALOR token coming in the future.

Could you elaborate on the process of transferring card packs, game currencies, and unique game NFTs between the in-game wallet and a HIVE blockchain wallet?

C: Players' game assets such as VALOR, CREED, CRAFT, Immortal cards, and Equipment cards are stored in the players game wallet. From the Wallet game screen players can choose to transfer these assets to or from their HIVE wallet with zero gas fees. (This same utility for the Polygon network is coming soon.)

Once on the HIVE blockchain players can buy, sell, and trade these same assets through one of HIVE’s markets such as Tribaldex, Hive engine or Beeswap.

How does the game's ranking system work, and how do players progress through different ranks? What are the benefits of achieving higher ranks?

C: Immortal Creed has 10 Ranks, Novice through Infinity rank. All players have a PvP Rank and Rank Level representing their progress in the game. Players start at the Novice rank with a Rank Level of 1. Rank Level is increased by 1 for every 3 PvP matches won. Maintaining a win streak of 3 or higher will increase your Rank Level faster. Losing matches will lower your Rank Level. Once a player completes Rank Level 10 they will move to the next Rank, allowing them to earn higher rewards.


What is the significance of the Reward Pool in Immortal Creed's seasonal gameplay, and how is it funded and distributed among players?

C: A new ​Immortal Creed game Season starts every 14 days. At the end of the Season all players who have won at least one battle during the Season while owning a CREEDMARK will receive a portion of the Season's rewards.

The current Season's Reward Pool starts at a base value based on the prior Season's active player and matches won counts, with a minimum base starting value of 100 VALOR. During the season 5% of VALOR spent in the Shop will be immediately added to the current Season's Reward Pool, and 10% of Creedits spent in the Shop will be immediately converted to VALOR and added to the Pool.

The percentage of the Reward Pool awarded to a player is determined by the number of Season Reward Shares owned.


Can you describe the concept of Reward Shares and how they are earned by players? How do Reward Shares contribute to the distribution of rewards from the Reward Pool?

C: For each ranked match won (up to 10 wins per day) a player will accumulate Reward Shares based on the Rank of the match played. A Novice Rank match win earns 1 Reward Share, a Bronze Rank match win earns 2 Reward Shares, a Silver win earns 3 Reward Shares and so on. This allows a player to earn up to 1400 Reward Shares for a Season at the highest Rank.

After all players' Reward Shares have been tallied, the total amount in the Season Reward Pool will be divided by the total number of Reward Shares owned by all players. Each player's Reward Shares are then multiplied by the single Reward Share value and the amount is added to the player's game wallet.


A Player wins 10 Silver ranked matches each day throughout the season (14 days). The player's Reward Shares are equal to 140 * 3 = 420 Reward Shares.

All players have a combined total Reward Share count of 140,000. The Season Reward Pool contains 35,000 VALOR. Each Reward Share is valued at 35,000 VALOR / 140,000 Total Reward Shares = 0.25 VALOR.

Therefore the player receives 420 Reward Shares * 0.25 VALOR for a total of 105 VALOR.

Players may also receive cards and card packs as Season Rewards.

For each Reward Share earned the player will have a 1% chance to receive either a card pack or a card as a reward, with a 0.9% chance of receiving a single card and a 0.1% chance of receiving a card pack.

A card reward reduces the player's VALOR earned for the Season by 20 (a player must have at least 30 VALOR from Season Rewards to receive a card reward). A card pack reward reduces the player's VALOR earned for the Season by 100 (a player must have at least 110 VALOR from Season Rewards to receive a card pack reward).


What are the various currencies used within the game, and how are they obtained and utilized for trading and gameplay purposes?

C: VALOR is the main currency in Immortal Creed.

Players earn VALOR by winning battles against other players and NPCs. That earned VALOR can then be used to purchase additional card packs from the game shop, or used to purchase card singles from the third party card market nftm.art with more utility for the VALOR token coming in the future.


CREED is needed to combine Immortal cards to create more powerful Immortals. When used to combine cards, the spent CREED is destroyed.

CREED can be transferred to a blockchain wallet and traded, but must be transferred back to your in-game wallet before it can be used to combine cards in the game.

Burning an Immortal card creates CREED. The amount of CREED produced depends on the card's level, rarity and type of foil.


CRAFT is needed to combine Equipment cards to create more powerful Equipment cards. When used to combine cards, the spent CRAFT is destroyed.

CRAFT can be transferred to a blockchain wallet and traded, but must be transferred back to your in-game wallet before it can be used to combine cards in the game.

Burning an Equipment card creates CRAFT. The amount of CRAFT produced depends on the card's level, rarity and type of foil.


How do players combine cards using the CREED and CRAFT currencies, and what benefits does this provide in terms of gameplay?

C: Once you have multiple copies of an Immortal or Equipment card you can combine them in the Forge to create a higher level card. Combining cards also requires CREED for Immortal cards or CRAFT for Equipment cards. Higher level cards have increased stats and additional modifiers and abilities. All cards and CREED or CRAFT tokens used are destroyed in the act of creating the new card.


Could you explain the process of transferring Immortal and Equipment cards to a blockchain wallet as NFTs, and how this affects ownership and trading?

C: This is done through the in game Wallet screen. There players may choose to transfer game assets such as currencies or NFTs into or out of the game to a blockchain wallet.

Transferring an in game asset such as an Immortal or Equipment card to a blockchain wallet allows the player complete ownership of the card. With this ownership the player may sell or trade their owned NFTs with other players or on a marketplace.


What mechanisms are in place to facilitate the trading of cards, card packs, and other game assets between players, both within the game and through third-party marketplaces?

C: Immortal Creed has partnered with the nftm.art marketplace. NFTs such as Immortal and Equipment cards can be moved out of game to the players HIVE wallet and then traded or sold on the nftm.art market.

Currencies such as VALOR, CREED, CRAFT and ORIGINS card packs can be transferred out of the game to a HIVE wallet and then be traded, sold, and bought on various HIVE network markets such as Tribaldex, Hive engine, or Beeswap.

 How is Immortal Creed different from other Web3 games?

C: Several things make Immortal Creed different from other Web3 games.

The first notable difference is that Immortal Creed is a hybrid Web2 / Web3 game. Players can create game accounts with either a Web3 wallet or by validating an Email and password. Immortal Creed also accepts cryptocurrency payments as well as fiat payments. This provides an on-ramp for both Web3 and Web2 players. Since game assets are stored in an in-game wallet Web2 players aren’t forced to create Web3 wallets to play the game and can later connect a Web3 wallet should they choose to. Players familiar with Web3 can take full advantage of everything Web3 has to offer.

The second difference is that Immortal Creed did not offer an ICO’s, presale to VC’s or airdrops prior to release. This means there is no large supply of game tokens that can be dumped on the market. The currency tokens of Immortal Creed (VALOR, CREED, CRAFT) can only be earned by the players themselves by playing the game. Anyone wishing to buy these currencies would have to purchase the currency from a player. This puts the Immortal Creed players directly in control of the market for game assets on the blockchain.

Lastly, Immortal Creed offers a low cost of entry ($4) with opportunities for increased earning as the player progresses through the game. The team's focus is on gameplay while allowing players to earn with the goal of creating a long lasting, fun and sustainable game.