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Last Update

Apr 1, 2018

The MBYS platform will serve as a decentralized online professional network, and the MESH token protocol will automate the retrieval of and create the market for professional data, such as education and work history, therefore eliminating the B2B model of online recruiting by enabling consumers to directly sell their talent data to employers.
Jul, 2018
Jul, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
May 5, 2018
Jun 15, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
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About MBYS

MBYS (pronounced moe-bee-uh-s) is a concept for a decentralized professional networking platform. We aim to disrupt the current B2B model of professional data analytics through the Mutual Exchange Service Hash (MESH) Token Protocol. MBYS users would be compensated if companies using the platform choose to purchase their professional data using MESH Tokens. MBYS seeks to offer a platform where the everyday professional can securely connect with others and validate credentials, and effectively upgrade their network for the emerging blockchain ecosystem.

Capitalism is based on forming business relationships, getting your services noticed by employers, and recruiting of candidates to grow businesses. There is a lack of a medium that facilitates secure professional networking, and no system exists that can facilitate the direct purchase of profile information.

User-generated data is unjustly stolen and is sold to human resources and employment data analysts, typically without consent, or even the user’s knowledge. Additionally, middlemen like LinkedIn make a killing off the data that users themselves took the time to produce. The owners of the professional networking profiles never see a dime.

MBYS aims to offer a seamless way for working and job-seeking professionals to connect with each other through the MBYS Platform, which would be the first use case of the MESH Token Protocol. Users access the platform by purchasing MESH Tokens, which would also be granted for a variety of activities on the platform; including making connections, being an intermediary for connections, and voluntarily selling professional data to businesses.

Additionally, MBYS seeks to offer talent recruiting data pools that are accessible only in exchange for MESH Tokens. Businesses would pay a variable amount of MESH Tokens to use the service. These sales fuel participation rewards on the platform.

MBYS proposes to pre-sell credits (tokens called Mutual Exchange Service Hash, or “MESH” Tokens) to access and utilize the full functionality of the platform. Following the MESH Token sale, MESH will also be available to purchase from the MBYS Platform. The MESH Token that buyers will receive in the presale will contain a secure download link to the mobile platform beta.

Technical Info

Please refer to our Github to view our current progress.

MBYS Roadmap

  • 2018 Q2

  • Conclude early access token sale and release beta version to contributors.
    Bring on two full time platform developers and an additional solidity developer.
    Release Beta v2 and continue recruiting companies to use the platform.
    Promote the protocol to other startups for integration with Indorse, Status, and other potential partners.
    List the token on an exchange.
    Allow for open market purchases of MESH Tokens.
    Integrate other decentralized platforms.
    Full suite of user and corporate level features.
    Continue recruiting clients that use the MBYS Platform.
  • Q3, 2018

  • Optimize and update the token protocol.
    Major focus on abuse-mitigating mechanisms.
    Integrate MESH executive search into the MBYS platform.
    Build Primary MBYS user base and support and incentivize user driven contributions
  • Q4, 2018

  • Update MBYS platform.
    Gather feedback and resolve issues discovered in Beta V1.
    Release MBYS Beta v3.
    Open discussions.
    Licensing deals and partnerships with commercial organizations for increased data sales, posting, and advertising.
  • Q1, 2019

  • Contingent on meeting all milestone expectations.
    Design development of new platforms using the MESH token protocol.
    Official launch of MBYS platform and online marketing campaign.


Verified 14%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Muteramyi Nintunze
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
Omar Zaki
Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Mirza Uddin
Chief Operating Officer
Kevin Kusch
Solidity Developer
Emeka Alozie
Chief Marketing Officer
Paa Adu
Full Stack Developer
Zachary Dimartino
UI Developer


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jared Polites

39 ICOs

$193 232 636

Nikolay Shkilev


$2 759 175

Richard Krawczyk
Olav Sorenson

Former members

Matthew Wilkens

MBYS Interviews

Omar Zaki
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
CTO of MBYS. MBYS hopes to change the way we think about professional data. Users should have a choice about who to sell their data to, and to receive compensation for it. Let's end the professional data kleptocracy.

MBYS Last News

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