JetTon Game

JetTon Game

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約 JetTon Game

The gaming industry is undergoing significant changes and transformations in the era of digital technology development and the emergence of cryptocurrencies. With the growing interest in finance and the advancement of blockchain technology, the gambling entertainment sector is facing new challenges and opportunities. JetTon Games is a project that has emerged to revolutionize this industry.


  • What is this project about?
    The JetTon Games project is an innovative gaming platform built on blockchain technology, offering a unique gambling experience. The essence of the project lies in creating a secure and transparent space for players to engage in gambling activities, make bets, and win using their own cryptocurrency, JETTON. This platform addresses several trust, security, and limitations issues prevalent in the gambling industry by introducing innovative solutions such as decentralization, a transparent rewards system, and integration with the Telegram messenger. JetTon aims to become a key player in the realm of crypto gambling, delivering an outstanding gaming experience while ensuring security and user satisfaction.


What makes the project unique?


The JetTon Games project stands out among other gaming platforms due to several key unique features:

  • Utilization of Blockchain Technology: JetTon Games is built on cutting-edge blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security within the gaming process, while also enabling the creation of a decentralized platform.
  • Proprietary Token JETTON: JetTon Games introduces its own cryptocurrency token, JETTON, providing players with a convenient and secure means to participate in gambling activities and receive rewards.
  • Integration with Telegram: The JetTon Games project is seamlessly integrated into the Telegram messenger, making it accessible to a vast audience of users.
  • Transparent Rewards System and NFTs: The platform offers an innovative affiliate rewards system built on blockchain technology and NFTs.
  • Addressing Security and Trust Issues: JetTon Games tackles the existing lack of trust within the gambling entertainment industry by offering a secure and fair gaming environment built on blockchain technology.

These factors make JetTon Games a unique project that aims to revolutionize the gambling industry.


  • 2023 Q2

  • Starting developing JetTon Platform

    JETTON GAME token minted
  • 2023 Q3

  • Play and Earn (Play games to get JETTON)

    Listing on DEX DeDust

    Listing on CoinMarketCap/CoinGecko

    Start Marketing start KOL's
  • 2023 Q4

  • NFT Marketplace at affiliate system

    Buy Back 33.33% of profits are utilized for buybacks meaning you be the house by owning $JETTON.

    Listing to TIER2 CEX
  • 2024 Q1

  • Staking (Once you’ve got and hold JETTON tokens on JetTon you can receive a part of the platform's profit from the Staking pool.)

    Cash Back Play your favourite games, level up your Rank and get some JETTON back!

    Listing to TIER1 CEX


JetTon Game チーム

検証済み 33%


Irina Faynshteyn
Chief Operational Officer
Marat Minkin
Sergey Shapovalov
Co-Founder, CEO JetTon

JetTon Game インタビュー

Sergey Shapovalov
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
What do you think about idea?
5.0 11
ICO プロフィール ビジョン アクティビティ 潜在的な 製品 チーム
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