Xircus Web3 Protocol

Xircus Web3 Protocol

Created using Figma

Last Update

Oct 8, 2023

Xircus Web3 Protocol is the first full end-to-end Web3, free to use, scalable infrastructure & open builder's tooling with a gamified DAO empowering developers, creators, entrepreneurs, token communities, businesses, and brands by facilitating a revenue-sharing, and community-driven ecosystem.
Private sale
Oct 30, 2023
Nov 19, 2023
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 990 000.00 USD
Cap 990 000.00 USD
  • 1 XW3
    0.1 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
All the Tokenomics can be found in our Xircus Web3 Protocol Whitepaper: https://xircus-web3-protocol.gitbook.io/xircus-web3-protocol/introduction/tokenomics/xw3-native-token
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Xircus Pte. Ltd.
Registered Country
Company Founded
Aug 8, 2021
Additional Details
All EVM Blockchains (multi-chain) + future updates for Solana, Near, Aptos, Tezos
Yes , from Oct 15, 2023 till Oct 29, 2023

About Xircus Web3 Protocol



  • User-Friendly Interface: In just a few straightforward steps, any user can freely create and launch their customized Web3 dApp.
  • Versatility: Xircus is not just a tool, but a comprehensive platform. It caters to a wide audience, including artists, influencers, content creators, collectors, and even brands, providing them the power to craft their personalized Web3 dApp.
  • Unique Value Proposition: At its core, Xircus acts as a multifaceted gateway to the exciting realm of non-fungible digital assets.
  • Decentralized SaaS (DSaaS): With a decentralized software as a service model, Xircus ensures that its platform remains open and accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise.
  • Diverse end-to-end dApp Development: Whether you're aiming to set up an NFT Marketplace, Launchpad, a Decentralized Exchange, or even Prediction Market, Xircus is tailored to accommodate all, even facilitating connections with oracles.



Xircus is unparalleled in the Web3 arena, offering a uniquely adaptive and rewarding approach to dApp development and deployment. It's one project that reshapes boundaries into endless possibilities!

  • Open for All: Whether you're a novice aiming to set up in a day, an expert who needs just a few days, or anywhere in between, Xircus is your go-to platform. It offers both no-code and low-code solutions that cater to everyone - from web3 enthusiasts and designers to enterprises and developers.
  • Progressive dApps: Your dApps evolve as your needs change. Xircus ensures that your applications can adapt over time. Whether it's an upgrade in appearance using XircusSkins or added functionality via XircusModules, modifications are seamless and can be implemented on-the-go.
  • Dynamic Ecosystem: Everyone who contributes to the Xircus Web3 Protocol reaps its benefits. Whether you're an active contributor or simply hold the utility, you're recognized and rewarded.
  • Comprehensive Web3 Solution: Xircus offers an all-inclusive protocol that covers every phase of a dApp's lifecycle. It starts with an idea and guides you through creation, deployment, crowdfunding, management, and scaling. Truly, one protocol to govern all your web3 needs.
  • Streamlined Niche dApps: Address industry-specific needs with precision. With Xircus, you can design and deploy dApps that fit your exact requirements. Customize your dApp's look and feel according to the nuances of your niche.
  • SCALING! Thriving Designer & Developer Ecosystem: Go beyond just building. With Xircus, designers and developers get a platform where they can create, trade, and evolve dApp aesthetics and functionalities. It's a marketplace of ideas and innovations.



The Xircus Web3 Protocol stands as a pivotal cornerstone for the evolving web3 landscape. Here's a straightforward rundown of what it brings to the table:

  • Cost-effective dApp Deployment: Xircus simplifies the process of launching dApps by offering cost-free deployments across diverse blockchain networks.
  • Enhanced Smart Contracts: Building on the foundational features of basic contracts, Xircus has developed smart contracts with enriched functionalities, bringing unique capabilities that only applications deployed via Xircus can tap into.
  • Smart Contract Manager: This tool allows for the seamless importation of pre-existing smart contracts, empowering users to integrate them into their custom dApps with ease.
  • Software Development Kits (SDKs): To foster innovation, Xircus provides SDKs for both its internal team and external developers. These kits push the boundaries of Web3 capabilities, ensuring it's not just limited to on-chain activities. They include features to swiftly deploy and oversee one's backend infrastructure using just a few lines of code.
  • User-friendly Page Builder: Emphasizing inclusivity, Xircus presents a drag-and-drop page builder. This means even those new to the domain can set up their dApp in mere minutes.
  • Skin Builder for Designers: Catering to the aesthetic needs of the web3 community, the skin builder tool enables designers to craft web3 dapp templates, ensuring a seamless blend of functionality and design.

Technical Info


Streamlining the integration of decentralized web technologies. The tech stack comprises an array of cutting-edge tools and platforms, facilitating seamless interactions with the web3 space.

Can be checked out 👉 https://xircus-web3-protocol.gitbook.io/xircus-web3-protocol/introduction/how-xircus-solves-these-problems/xircus-architecture

Xircus Web3 Protocol Roadmap

  • Q3 2023

  • ✅ Platform Xircus V5 demo.
    ✅ Litepaper Release.
    ✅ Product Validation Stage.
    ✅ Closed Alpha Testing .
    ✅ Onboarding Discord and Telegram Team.
    ✅ Start Seed Round.
    ✅ Xircus website UI/UX design + Content Improvement .
    ✅ Developer Documentation Release.
    ✅ Deck release.
    ✅ Fiat-to-crypto conversion integration with payment aggregators.
    ✅ Xircus SDK Release.
    ✅ Xircus V5 Platform Beta Launch.
    ✅ Commencing Partnerships with Blockchain Networks.
    🚧 Announcing First Partners and Advisors.
    🚧 Xircus Developers Community launch.
    🚧 Listing token community and projects to promote currencies.
    🚧 Kickoff Series of Hackathons in Partnership with Draper Startup House.
    🚧 Expanding Quality Assurance Team.
    Private and Strategic Sale Rounds.
    Beta Testing.
    Representing Xircus at Web3 and Blockchain Conferences.
    Finalization of Corporate Structure for Xircus Foundation.
    Whitelisting campaign $XW3.
    Xircus Studio First Major UI/UX Design Improvement Release.
    Start XircusPunks Release.
    Start XircusSkins Release.
    Marketing & PR Campaigns To Increase IDO Awareness.
    Promotional Airdrop Campaign for $XW3.
    Promotional for Web3 App Deployer.
  • Q4 2023

  • Expanding Marketing team.
    Establishing Business development team.
    Exploring ISO 20022 certification.
    Exploring the Shari'ah compliance framework.
    Xircus Academy Launch.
    Marketing & PR campaigns to scale ‘creators’ user base .
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in Asia.
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with different partners in Middle-East/North Africa.
    First release Mobile app iOS & Android.
    Coinmarketcap and Coingecko listing.
    First Centralized exchange listings.
    Start R&D for our own advanced Xircus DEX.
    Start XircusPunks NFT marketing campaigns towards the launch.
    Xircus Provider Release.
    Xircus Launchpad Release.
    Xircus Aggregator Release.
    XircusPunks NFTs sale.
    DAO Governance and community proposal release.
    Establish partners for “off-chain” solutions Xircus Real Estate proposition.
  • Q1 2024

  • Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in Europe.
    Start of marketing campaigns release of “provider, launchpad and aggregator” .
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with different partners in US.
    Hosting Xircus Hackathons at Web3/Blockchain events.
    Start R&D XircusNodes.
    Listing on multiple centralized exchanges.
    Own DEX launch.
    Release of pre-built deployable mobile app for Ringmasters and devs iOS and Android.
    Start marketing campaigns release of “pre-built deployable mobile app for Ringmasters”.
    Launch Xircus Real Estate proposition.
  • Q2 2024

  • Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in LATAM.
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with partners in specific industries .
    Onboarding industry specific advisors .
    Hosting Xircus Hackathons at Web3/Blockchain events.
    Giveaway Xircus Graph Provider to Individual GraphQL Providers.
    Transition to Xircus Node Service.
    Tier-1 centralized exchange listings .
    Xircus tv app for Apple tv & Android tv.
    Start R&D our own Blockchain.

Xircus Web3 Protocol Team

Verified 100%

Falco Pangkey
Michael Molina
Tech, Decentralization and Strategy
Erik De Groot
Founding Member & COO
Thea Wr
Founding Member & Operations Lead


Verified 33%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jason Hung
Ian Scarffe
Hamza Khan

Xircus Web3 Protocol Interviews

Falco Pangkey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsible for strategy & growth exploding creator economy around blockchain's most potent use case
What do you think about idea?
Revolutionary: cost-less, "no-code", rewarding solutions would benefit all the platform stakeholders
Michael Molina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m responsible in development, decentralization and technical strategy at Xircus. I have 15 years of solid experience as CTO / Solution Architect / Full Stack Developer in developing and managing top fortune 500 companies as outsourced provider.
What do you think about idea?
We are positioning Xircus as the decentralized version of Shopify. It’s multi-token, multi-dex, multi-chain architecture is the first of it’s kind! Never been done before by any platform. The goal is to bring all tokens to utility and give the power and control back to the community where blockchain is all about.
Erik de Groot
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is multifaceted. I spearhead initiatives like hackathons, learning courses, and events to engage our community and foster innovation. I'm also responsible for forging strategic partnerships that align with our vision, amplifying our reach and impact. Often described as a "spider in the web," I ensure seamless coordination across our teams, working closely with Thea, our operations lead. Together, we tackle challenges and ensure Xircus success. In essence, I'm focused on scaling our operations and ensuring everything runs smoothly!
What do you think about idea?
Xircus is poised to revolutionize the web3 space. As a platform that's entirely free and agnostic to chains, tokens, smart contracts, industries, and both front and backend systems, it offers unparalleled flexibility. More than that, Xircus empowers every contributor by making them a beneficiary, fostering inclusivity. By democratizing web3 business and transactions, it breaks down barriers and redefines participation. Xircus isn't just a tool; it's the future of web3 engagement. What's not to love?
Thea WR
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As Operations Lead at Xircus, I work closely with Erik, our COO. While he's often in the spotlight handling various operations and initiatives, I have a pronounced role in ensuring hackathons are orchestrated effectively. Behind his front-facing activities, I focus on the intricate operational details. Our roles often intersect, leading to collaborative efforts where we fine-tune processes and tackle challenges head-on. My main responsibility is to streamline operational aspects, complementing the broader strategies. Our balanced approach is what drives the consistent progress and success of Xircus Web3 Protocol.
What do you think about idea?
When I first heard about Xircus, I thought it was THE breakthrough for the web3 space. It's not just another platform – it's changing how things work and how we perceive web3 space.
It’s adaptable to different chains and systems, and benefits everyone involved.
In simple terms, Xircus Web3 Protocol not only feels like the next big thing in web3 - it actually is that, a disruptor that will revolutionize the space, and I'm really excited about it.
Jason Hung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I served as advisor.
I'm helping this project optimization, proof writing and reading for Chinese version materials. Also introduce fundraising service, investor and potential business partners.
What do you think about idea?
The project idea is fit to the market needs, especially for Chinese market. Government just announce the web3 white paper. A lot of small and medium business start to looking for the path from web2 to web3.

Xircus Web3 Protocol Last News

5.0 8
WEB3 Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team
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