Token Morocco

Token Morocco

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Welcome to Morocco Token! One of the very promising project morocco token is the first Moroccan crypto project ever we aim to be listed in the top crypto list of the world if you are trying to invest this is the place to be we trust we can and we will Morocco token is the future we believe that we will reach there together morocco to the moon
abr., 2023
ago., 2026
33% completou
Fundos arrecadados - sem dados
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
Moedas Aceitas
Contribuição mínima
Detalhes da Companhia
Nome da empresa registrada
País registrado
Saudi Arabia
Empresa fundada
Apr 29, 2023
detalhes adicionais
Binance Smart Chain

Sobre Token Morocco

Welcome to Morocco Token! One of the very promising project morocco token is the first Moroccan crypto project ever we aim to be listed in the top crypto list of the world if you are trying to invest this is the place to be we trust we can and we will Morocco token is the future we believe that we will reach there together morocco to the moon


Welcome to Morocco Token! One of the very promising project morocco token is the first Moroccan crypto project ever we aim to be listed in the top crypto list of the world if you are trying to invest this is the place to be we trust we can and we will Morocco token is the future we believe that we will reach there together morocco to the moon

Informações técnicas

Welcome to Morocco Token! One of the very promising project morocco token is the first Moroccan crypto project ever we aim to be listed in the top crypto list of the world if you are trying to invest this is the place to be we trust we can and we will Morocco token is the future we believe that we will reach there together morocco to the moon

% name% Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • • Stealth Launch on pcs
    • V1 Website launch
    • Create and build TG Community
    • Lock LP – 3 Months
  • Phase 2

  • • V2 Website Launch
    • Whitepaper released
    • Audit
    • Partnership Program
    • Initial partnerships announced
    • Marketing
  • Phase 3

  • • NFTs go live
    • Phase 3 Marketing / AMA tour
    • Major partnerships announced
    • CMC listing
    • CG Listing
  • Phase 4

  • • Large scale marketing
    • Development of partnerships
    • CEX listings

Token Morocco Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Ben Mhassoun Mohamme...
não verificado
Saad Chemaou
Business development
não verificado
Somaia Saad
Marketing and social media manager
não verificado

Token Morocco Últimas notícias

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