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Get the #1 Meme Token Now! Click the Pre-Sale IDO button below. Connect your wallet. Send USDT (BEP20) and RickRoll (ROLL) Tokens will be credited to your Binance Smart Chain-compatible wallet, for you to claim after the Pre-Sale IDO.
549 days or until cap is met.
41% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 3 400 000.00 USD
Limit 3 400 000.00 USD
• Initial Supply - RickRoll (ROLL) Token starts out with 100 Billion Tokens.

• Pre-Sale - 34 Billion tokens are to be sold to generate BNB for the RickRoll (ROLL) Token PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool. The RickRoll (ROLL) Token price during this Pre-Sale is immutable, meaning the RickRoll (ROLL) Token Pre-Sale price of $0.0001 will not change. Ensuring a fair purchase price for all participants involved, first to last!

Once the soft cap is met, all RickRoll (ROLL) Tokens which are not sold during the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pre-Sale IDO will be forever burned. Further restricting the available overall supply. Causing the value, in theory, to rise over time as supply shrinks and demand grows.

Under The PancakeSwap Liquidity Pre-Sale IDO. RickRoll (ROLL) Token will launch a Smart Contract driven, Pre-Sale, Initial Decentralized Exchange Offering (IDO), utilizing the trading pair USDT/ROLL. To ensure IDO token holder value is maintained prior to the locking of liquidity, for 99.999 years, in the RickRoll (ROLL) Token PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool. Which will initiate public Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Automated Market Maker (AMM), BNB/ROLL pair trading.

After 34 Billion Pre-Sale tokens are issued, the BNB liquidity generated will be locked on PancakeSwap, for 99.999 🤪 years.

• PancakeSwap - A maximum of 34 Billion tokens are allocated for trading on top of "post soft cap" generated BNB pre-sale liquidity. Tokens not meeting the PancakeSwap Liquidity Pre-Sale IDO Hard Cap will be burned.

• Burn - 5 Billion tokens will be sent to the BSC burn wallet, making these tokens gone forever! Every token holder will be able to identify this and all future burns by simply searching for RickRoll (ROLL) Token in the BSCScan "Token" dropdown menu, located where the dollar amount of all tokens burned is displayed.

Character limit was met…

Please continue reading via our whitepaper (https://www.rickrolltoken.me/whitepaper).
Akzeptierte Währungen
The RickRoll (ROLL) Token Pre-Sale IDO Is 100% Fair Launch...!
Weitere Details
Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Über RickRoll

RickRoll (ROLL) Token is a tribute to Rick Astley and his work. Rickrolling is the #1 internet meme in the world and has been around since 2007. The song used in Rickrolling, Rick Astley's - "Never Gonna Give You Up", was his debut single in 1987. Since the songs release, hundreds of millions of people have come to know and love Rick Astley throughout the world. It is our desire that our efforts here provide to you, Mr. Rick Astley, another Millennium of success. We ❤️ you Rick.

For those of you whom are not familiar with this phenomenon, or the men behind the music. Take a step back in time to see where it all began at Stock Aitken Waterman. Additionally, if you would like to book Mr. Rick Astley for a special event or concert. Please contact Oscar-nominated producer and manager Lene Bausager or co-managing partner Simon Moran of SJM Concerts & GIGS AND TOURS for further information regarding special event or concert ticket pricing.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Keeping Rickrolling Alive In 2021 And Beyond!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

RickRoll (ROLL) Token has been developed and designed with the Rickrolling & Meme Coin/Token Communities in mind. Our token does not require resource intense mining like other well known meme coins (Hey Doge...). Therefore, we as a community project are a Green Energy Token and Earth Friendly! Not only are we a Community Focused Green Token, we believe in complete transparency, you will not find anything hidden here! RickRoll (ROLL) Token Tokenomics & Distribution speaks for itself. RickRoll (ROLL) Token has a Maximum Supply of 100 Billion Tokens! Making it one of, if not thee, lowest known token supply meme coin/tokens in existence today. Our goal is to make RickRoll (ROLL) Token the NumberOneMe.me Token in the world! Through our Tokenomics, the token supply will reduce automatically with every transaction made, via the Burn & Buyback functions, which were purposely incorporated into the Token by design. The Burn & Buyback functions will constantly add value to all RickRoll (ROLL) Token Holders wallets with every transaction preformed. Forever reducing the available overall supply!

Making RickRoll (ROLL) Token a 100% Hyper-Deflationary Token Project users will benefit from and enjoy for decades to come!

In Summary: The RickRoll (ROLL) Token, Hyper-Deflationary Model Smart Contract. Automatically rewards all token holders, adds liquidity to the trading pool, destroys/burns tokens, buys tokens back, donates to charity and to top it all off. Automatically controls whale attacks against the project via the built-in anti-whale wallet and transaction control mechanics incorporated within!

These mechanisms ensure that the token supply decreases, leading to scarcity, with the potential of an increase of overall value over time. Making RickRoll (ROLL) Token a completely transparent, community focused and fairly launched product. A digital currency with stable True Hyper-Deflationary Tokenomics providing sustainable long-term value.

RickRoll Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Awareness Marketing Push
    Website Dev & Launch
    Token Creation
    Token Pre-Sale IDO
    RickRoll Meme Development & Submissions + Airdrop #1
    Grow Social Media Members
  • Phase 2

  • Influencer Marketing Push
    List On PancakeSwap
    Lock Pre-Sale Liquidity On PancakeSwap
    Airdrop #2
    Website Updates
    Grow Social Media Members
  • Phase 3

  • Key Influencer Marketing Push & Token Distribution
    List On CoinGecko
    List On CoinMarketCap
    Burn Tokens
    Renounce Ownership
    Grow Social Media Members
  • Phase 4

  • Extreme Marketing Push
    List On More Exchanges
    List RickRoll (ROLL) On More Referrer Websites
    Develop Payment System
    Intro To Rock In ROLL Land™
    Grow Social Media Members


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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Terry Watson

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