De.Fi 2.0

De.Fi 2.0

Created using Figma


After four years of relentless development, we are approaching the goal of our mission. Our objectives are ambitious, aiming beyond the ordinary.
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über De.Fi 2.0

We are De.Fi 2.0

We embody the pure essence of DeFi, providing the most comprehensive ecosystem in the industry. Our deep ambitions are driving an unprecedented revolution in the world of decentralized finance.


 The Decentralized Finance Phenomenon Security Issues Rekt Database DeFi - the ecosystem of financial applications that recreates traditional financial products and services with blockchain technology - has been one of the most exciting trends and main forces moving the entire crypto market since June 2020. Its noncustodial, open, transparent, flexible and decentralized nature along with spectacular yield opportunities led to the exponential growth of the industry in recent years: the total value locked in DeFi applications has risen from $800M in the beginning of June 2020 to almost $190B in the middle of September 2021, an increase of more than 200 times. Hundreds of ventures have been coming up with their top-notch solutions for decentralized lending, borrowing, crypto asset exchange, yield farming and asset management.

De.Fi 2.0 Roadmap

  • Q3

  • 500+ DeFi Protocols Integration
    De.Fi Social Profile Power-ups
    Earn XPs by following other users and sharing your journey

    Custom Yield Alerts
    Setup customized alerts in the Explore Yield tool to never miss a farming opportunity

    Token Security Dashboard
    Verify and compare the security profile of all EVM tokens at a glance

    De.Fi Telegram Bot
    Conveniently check the threats and vulnerabilities of any tokens or smart contacts without leaving your telegram channel

    Rekt Database v2
    In-depth and comprehensive review of all scams, hacks and exploits in crypto, powered by interactive charts

    Yield Sustainability Score
    AI-powered evaluation of APR sustainability for all
  • Q4

  • Cross-Chain Bridge Aggregator
    Cross-Chain Swap
    Security Alerts
    Receive alerts on your email and social profile as soon as we detect a potential threat to one of your accounts

    Portfolio Analytics
    Historical data on Profit & Loss and pools rewards
    NFT Dashboard v2
    Monitor your portfolio and NFT collections over multiple EVM chains with our advanced NFT dashboard

    Web3 Security Conference 2023
    Bringing together leading Web3 projects builders, founders and distinguished experts from across the globe

    IDO-TGE for the $DEFI token
    $DEFI token staking / yield farming v1
  • 2024 Q1-Q4

  • 750+ DeFi Protocols Integrations
    De.Fi will continuously expand protocol integrations over all the major chains

    Chains integrations: Aptos, Sui, Tron, Polkadot Ecosystem, and more
    Android and iOS De.Fi Mobile App
    $DEFI stablecoin full ecosystem
    Including $DEFI token staking / yield farming v2

    De.Fi DCA
    User Profile v2 and partnership
    De.Fi Shield v2
    De.Fi chain testnet
    De.Fi Connect
    Explore Yields v4
    De.Fi GPT

De.Fi 2.0 Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Artem B
Senior Software Engineer
Frontend Developer
Data Scientist
Beka Tchulukhadze
Head of Delivery
Board Member
Head of Product
Head of Communication

De.Fi 2.0 Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 13
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft
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