Xircus Web3 Protocol

Xircus Web3 Protocol

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Xircus Web3协议是第一个从头到尾的完整Web3,免费使用,可扩展的基础设施和开放的开发者工具,具有一个游戏化的DAO,加强开发者、创作者、企业家、代币社区、企业和品牌,通过促进一个收入分享、由社区驱动的生态系统。
Private sale
100% 完成
募集资金 - 无数据
目标 990 000.00 USD
990 000.00 USD
  • 1 XW3
    0.1 USD
All the Tokenomics can be found in our Xircus Web3 Protocol Whitepaper: https://xircus-web3-protocol.gitbook.io/xircus-web3-protocol/introduction/tokenomics/xw3-native-token
Xircus Pte. Ltd.
Aug 8, 2021
MVP /原型
All EVM Blockchains (multi-chain) + future updates for Solana, Near, Aptos, Tezos
, 从 Oct 15, 2023 直到 Oct 29, 2023

关于 Xircus Web3 Protocol


  • 用户友好的界面: 通过几个简单的步骤,任何用户都可以自由地创建并启动他们定制的Web3 dApp。
  • 多功能性: Xircus不仅仅是一个工具,而是一个综合性平台。它服务于广大的受众,包括艺术家、影响者、内容创作者、收藏家甚至品牌,为他们提供打造个性化Web3 dApp的能力。
  • 独特的价值主张: 在其核心,Xircus作为一个多面向的网关进入非同质化的数字资产的兴奋领域。
  • 去中心化的SaaS(DSaaS): 通过去中心化的软件即服务模型,Xircus确保其平台对每个人都开放且容易访问,无论他们的技术水平如何。
  • 多样化的端到端dApp开发: 无论你是打算建立一个NFT市场、发射台、去中心化交易所还是预测市场,Xircus都能满足所有的需求,甚至还可以帮助与预言家建立联系。




  • 向所有人开放: 无论你是一个新手希望在一天内建立,还是一个专家只需要几天,或者介于两者之间,Xircus都是你的首选平台。它为每个人提供了无代码和低代码的解决方案,从web3爱好者和设计师到企业和开发者。
  • 进步的dApps: 你的dApps随着你的需求而变化。Xircus确保你的应用程序可以随时间适应。无论是使用XircusSkins升级外观还是通过XircusModules增加功能,修改都是无缝的,并且可以在进行中实施。
  • 动态生态系统: 每个为Xircus Web3协议做出贡献的人都会收获其好处。无论你是一个活跃的贡献者还是简单地持有实用程序,你都会被认可并得到奖励。
  • 综合的Web3解决方案: Xircus提供了一个全面的协议,涵盖了dApp生命周期的每一个阶段。从一个想法开始,指导你创建、部署、众筹、管理和扩展。真的,一个协议统治你所有的web3需求。
  • 简化的细分市场dApps: 精确满足行业特定的需求。通过Xircus,你可以设计并部署符合你确切要求的dApps。根据你的细分市场的细微差别定制你的dApp的外观和感觉。
  • 扩展!蓬勃发展的设计师和开发者生态系统: 不仅仅是建设。在Xircus,设计师和开发者有一个平台,他们可以创建、交易和发展dApp的美学和功能。这是一个思想和创新的市场。



Xircus Web3 协议成为了不断发展的web3领域的关键基石。以下是它的简单介绍:

  • 高效成本的dApp部署: Xircus简化了启动dApps的过程,提供跨多种区块链网络的免费部署。
  • 增强的智能合约: 基于基本合约的基础功能,Xircus开发了功能丰富的智能合约,带来了只有通过Xircus部署的应用程序才能利用的独特功能。
  • 智能合约管理器: 该工具允许无缝导入已有的智能合约,使用户能够轻松地将它们集成到他们的定制dApps中。
  • 软件开发工具包(SDKs): 为了促进创新,Xircus为其内部团队和外部开发者提供SDKs。这些工具包推动了Web3功能的边界,确保它不仅限于链上活动。它们包括使用几行代码快速部署和监视自己的后端基础设施的功能。
  • 用户友好的页面构建器: 为了强调包容性,Xircus提供了一个拖放式的页面构建器。这意味着即使是领域的新手也可以在几分钟内设置他们的dApp。
  • 为设计师打造的皮肤构建器: 为web3社区的审美需求提供服务,皮肤构建工具使设计师能够制作web3 dapp模板,确保功能和设计的无缝融合。




在这里查看 👉https://xircus-web3-protocol.gitbook.io/xircus-web3-protocol/introduction/how-xircus-solves-these-problems/xircus-architecture


  • Q3 2023

  • ✅ Platform Xircus V5 demo.
    ✅ Litepaper Release.
    ✅ Product Validation Stage.
    ✅ Closed Alpha Testing .
    ✅ Onboarding Discord and Telegram Team.
    ✅ Start Seed Round.
    ✅ Xircus website UI/UX design + Content Improvement .
    ✅ Developer Documentation Release.
    ✅ Deck release.
    ✅ Fiat-to-crypto conversion integration with payment aggregators.
    ✅ Xircus SDK Release.
    ✅ Xircus V5 Platform Beta Launch.
    ✅ Commencing Partnerships with Blockchain Networks.
    🚧 Announcing First Partners and Advisors.
    🚧 Xircus Developers Community launch.
    🚧 Listing token community and projects to promote currencies.
    🚧 Kickoff Series of Hackathons in Partnership with Draper Startup House.
    🚧 Expanding Quality Assurance Team.
    Private and Strategic Sale Rounds.
    Beta Testing.
    Representing Xircus at Web3 and Blockchain Conferences.
    Finalization of Corporate Structure for Xircus Foundation.
    Whitelisting campaign $XW3.
    Xircus Studio First Major UI/UX Design Improvement Release.
    Start XircusPunks Release.
    Start XircusSkins Release.
    Marketing & PR Campaigns To Increase IDO Awareness.
    Promotional Airdrop Campaign for $XW3.
    Promotional for Web3 App Deployer.
  • Q4 2023

  • Expanding Marketing team.
    Establishing Business development team.
    Exploring ISO 20022 certification.
    Exploring the Shari'ah compliance framework.
    Xircus Academy Launch.
    Marketing & PR campaigns to scale ‘creators’ user base .
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in Asia.
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with different partners in Middle-East/North Africa.
    First release Mobile app iOS & Android.
    Coinmarketcap and Coingecko listing.
    First Centralized exchange listings.
    Start R&D for our own advanced Xircus DEX.
    Start XircusPunks NFT marketing campaigns towards the launch.
    Xircus Provider Release.
    Xircus Launchpad Release.
    Xircus Aggregator Release.
    XircusPunks NFTs sale.
    DAO Governance and community proposal release.
    Establish partners for “off-chain” solutions Xircus Real Estate proposition.
  • Q1 2024

  • Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in Europe.
    Start of marketing campaigns release of “provider, launchpad and aggregator” .
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with different partners in US.
    Hosting Xircus Hackathons at Web3/Blockchain events.
    Start R&D XircusNodes.
    Listing on multiple centralized exchanges.
    Own DEX launch.
    Release of pre-built deployable mobile app for Ringmasters and devs iOS and Android.
    Start marketing campaigns release of “pre-built deployable mobile app for Ringmasters”.
    Launch Xircus Real Estate proposition.
  • Q2 2024

  • Scaling Xircus Hackathons to multiple Draper Startup House locations in LATAM.
    Scaling Xircus Hackathons with partners in specific industries .
    Onboarding industry specific advisors .
    Hosting Xircus Hackathons at Web3/Blockchain events.
    Giveaway Xircus Graph Provider to Individual GraphQL Providers.
    Transition to Xircus Node Service.
    Tier-1 centralized exchange listings .
    Xircus tv app for Apple tv & Android tv.
    Start R&D our own Blockchain.

Xircus Web3 Protocol 球队

验证 100%

Falco Pangkey
Michael Molina
Tech, Decentralization and Strategy
Erik De Groot
Founding Member & COO
Thea Wr
Founding Member & Operations Lead


验证 33%


Jason Hung
Ian Scarffe
Hamza Khan

Xircus Web3 Protocol 面试

Falco Pangkey
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsible for strategy & growth exploding creator economy around blockchain's most potent use case
What do you think about idea?
Revolutionary: cost-less, "no-code", rewarding solutions would benefit all the platform stakeholders
Michael Molina
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I’m responsible in development, decentralization and technical strategy at Xircus. I have 15 years of solid experience as CTO / Solution Architect / Full Stack Developer in developing and managing top fortune 500 companies as outsourced provider.
What do you think about idea?
We are positioning Xircus as the decentralized version of Shopify. It’s multi-token, multi-dex, multi-chain architecture is the first of it’s kind! Never been done before by any platform. The goal is to bring all tokens to utility and give the power and control back to the community where blockchain is all about.
Erik de Groot
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
My role is multifaceted. I spearhead initiatives like hackathons, learning courses, and events to engage our community and foster innovation. I'm also responsible for forging strategic partnerships that align with our vision, amplifying our reach and impact. Often described as a "spider in the web," I ensure seamless coordination across our teams, working closely with Thea, our operations lead. Together, we tackle challenges and ensure Xircus success. In essence, I'm focused on scaling our operations and ensuring everything runs smoothly!
What do you think about idea?
Xircus is poised to revolutionize the web3 space. As a platform that's entirely free and agnostic to chains, tokens, smart contracts, industries, and both front and backend systems, it offers unparalleled flexibility. More than that, Xircus empowers every contributor by making them a beneficiary, fostering inclusivity. By democratizing web3 business and transactions, it breaks down barriers and redefines participation. Xircus isn't just a tool; it's the future of web3 engagement. What's not to love?
Thea WR
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As Operations Lead at Xircus, I work closely with Erik, our COO. While he's often in the spotlight handling various operations and initiatives, I have a pronounced role in ensuring hackathons are orchestrated effectively. Behind his front-facing activities, I focus on the intricate operational details. Our roles often intersect, leading to collaborative efforts where we fine-tune processes and tackle challenges head-on. My main responsibility is to streamline operational aspects, complementing the broader strategies. Our balanced approach is what drives the consistent progress and success of Xircus Web3 Protocol.
What do you think about idea?
When I first heard about Xircus, I thought it was THE breakthrough for the web3 space. It's not just another platform – it's changing how things work and how we perceive web3 space.
It’s adaptable to different chains and systems, and benefits everyone involved.
In simple terms, Xircus Web3 Protocol not only feels like the next big thing in web3 - it actually is that, a disruptor that will revolutionize the space, and I'm really excited about it.
Jason Hung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I served as advisor.
I'm helping this project optimization, proof writing and reading for Chinese version materials. Also introduce fundraising service, investor and potential business partners.
What do you think about idea?
The project idea is fit to the market needs, especially for Chinese market. Government just announce the web3 white paper. A lot of small and medium business start to looking for the path from web2 to web3.

Xircus Web3 Protocol 最新消息

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  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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