Investors can use services to divide their investments between various services like P2P loans, crowdfunding, etc. The first version of the TBCT allows startups to launch and manage crowdfunding and ICO campaigns.
TBCT Trusted Token is a platform for TBC Investors and professionals. Traders and Funds participating are carefully selected and reviewed. We conduct Due Diligence of all traders. And no fund can withdraw assets from a client’s account. The Rating System and “Advisory Service” can assist you in making the optimal choice of the traders represented on our system.
Investors can make mutual settlements utilizing their own token according to the relevant Smart Contract. This token is an analog of a Fund Unit, and its value depends on the profitability and dynamics of any fluctuation in portfolio capitalization. Investors can purchase the tokens, store them and nurture them to maturity. Tokens can also be accessed on organized markets – exchanges.
Q1 2019
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Q1 2021
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