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Dcashcoin has as a finish line encourage in people the finantial education and be their own funds administrators without intermediaries and their high commission. We want to guide you to the world of cryptocurrencies and show you real and functional projects that give you reliability.
To be the leader in the interchange between goods and services in commercial establishments. In the future We see Dcashcoin accepted by the stores as another payment method not only in México but also in the entire Latin America.
To be announced

关于 DCashcoin

The Dcashcoin development is the result of an extensive marketing study about restaurants, department stores and similar. We are conscious that exist a considerable lack of credibility, acceptance and its interchange in the world of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain. Most of the cryptocurrencies have the lack of a real support, they are based on future projects and the wish to prosper. This is one of the principal reasons why several cryptocurrencies can´t get the finish line or they be considered “spam” or fraud, they never even get the exchange. Dcashcoin not only cover this point with a project working, the app “Vive México” that perform as a directory of commercial establishments to be use in the entire Mexican Republic, sectioned by states; but also, it provides a real solution about buying, selling and their rates. We know that the market is full of financial institutions that uses high commissions per transactions, handing account, annuities and more charges.


  • October 2016

  • The development of the app “Vive
    México” begins.
  • August 2018

  • The demo of the app “Vive
    México” is obtained.
  • November 2018

  • The develop of the Dcashcoin Project
    the cryptocurrency begins.
  • December 2018

  • The investors allocate capital to the
    Dcashcoin Project.
  • 阅读更多
  • January 2019

  • The app “Vive México” is already available to be downloaded from the platforms.
    The acquisition of commercial establishments to the app “Vive México” begins at the cities of La Paz, Los Cabos and Culiacan.
  • February 2019

  • The acquisition of commercial establishments to the app “Vive México”
    continues at the cities of La Paz, Los Cabos and Culiacan.
  • June 2020

  • Starts the rounds for the presale for ICO
  • July 2020

  • Second round of the presale for ICO
  • August 2020

  • Third round and the end of the presale for
    ICO Dcashcoin.
  • October 2020

  • The 50% of the states from Mexico will be covered, as affiliates to the app “Vive México”
  • December 2020

  • The commercial establishments start to use the app “Vive México”.

DCashcoin 球队

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Héctor Santiago Rodr...
Manuel Terán Noriega
Juan Pablo Ojeda Már...

DCashcoin 最新消息

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  • 这些信息不是投资ICO资金的建议或建议。请自行彻底调查相关信息并决定ICO的参与情况。
  • 如果您认为有任何问题需要纠正,或者您想提交自己的ICO项目,请给我们发送电子邮件。
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