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ICO review website

High level of competition in the field of scalable blockchains: ICON, EOS, LIsk, Ark, Lisk, Cardano, Hedera, QuarkChain, Zilliqa, Credits.

The Mainnet launch is only expected in Q2 2019. No MVP available. There is no link to GitHub. Whitepaper explains the HashNET Network in a Very Basic Way. The intended product functionality seems too broad and complex for development. The whole list of competitive advantages of Tolar Hashnet over ICON, EOS, LIsk, Ark, Lisk, Cardano, Hedera, QuarkChain, Credits, or Zilliqa is unclear. It is unclear how many tokens will be needed to run a masternode.

Now there are no announced partnerships. Only one board member has previous blockchain experience. Other 7 board members have background in management or finance. Not every team members' experience can be validated on LinkedIn. Only 2 out of 8 tech team members have previous blockchain experience. Plenty of the team members came from various roles at COTRUGLI Business School, not from real business.


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Ian Balina
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Crypto Calibur

Tolar is positioning as next step of blockchain system — faster, more scalable then existing projects. Unfortunately there is no testnet available currently, but according to the team a promising MVP performing 100,000 tps will be available before ICO. We are excited to see the project’s development among the upcoming months and find out whether Tolar can truly compete with the current heavyweights that are aiming to bring a scalable and rapid blockchain to the masses. Furthermore, we believe that Tolar’s hype will steadily increase up until the crowdsale, however post-ICO, the team needs to step-up their marketing efforts if they want their product to remain relevant among investors and the cryptocurrency community as a whole.

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ICO Pantera
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Our thoughts on buying the tokens for flipping and investing for the long term are as follows:
For flipping: C
The project has been fundraising for a few months (presale started since May and is still ongoing) and the team gave presale access to many pools. The momentum for the project has stalled. 
We believe there isn’t enough demand to reach hard cap. In this market, we believe one can purchase tokens at a lower price after they are listed.
For long-term holding: B
The TPS number is looking good, but there are more and more projects with similar claims. Blockchain protocol projects need to ensure adoption and one way is to secure partnerships (which Tolar doesn’t seem to have much). Therefore, we are neutral about the long-term viability of the project.

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Positives Team Quality: Tolar is backed by a large team that has a large scientific background.

The team is based in Croatia and Slovenia, and has developers confident on driving the project to completion. Decentralized Governance System: Tolar uses the Magnus Consilium structure to help users vote on proposals. This means that this a democratic system where each token holder votes for the future of the project.

Unique Blockchain: Tolar is using its own HashNet framework as a blockchain platform. This makes it faster than traditional blockchains and able to process more transactions.

Negatives Competition: Since its framework is on a different blockchain, how will it obtain market share against major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum?

No GitHub: We’d like to see this ICO have a public GitHub to show its code. This will help investors and developers understand its blockchain and how it works.

Early Stage: Tolar is still in its early stage in project development. The team expects to complete its roadmap by Q4 2019, which can be long for some investors.

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News, review

Great fundamental design, one that I look forward to see in the testnet, as soon as it is out. I think it can make a real difference in both finality and transaction throughput. It does lock them into Proof-of-Stake, since redesigning consensus will be a ground up design, but I don’t think that is inherently bad. All in all, good code, novel design, excited to see where this goes.

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Founders made assurance that Tolar advantage over Hashgraph is lower power consumption and support of other blockchains.
The project technical support answered the questions “By what means energy will be lower than in Hashgraph?” and “How compatibility with other blockchains is realized?”: “We don’t know the exact coefficient of the use of the power of Tolar masternode and Hedera masternode and we cannot be 100% certain. Although Hedera is a public register, nobody saw it and had access to it. So far, we are certain in huge saving of energy as compared with PoW blockchains. The support of other blockchains will be implemented through contracts, working over HashNET”.
The problem of Hedera Hashgraph consensus model is that model has signs of centralization, since limited masternodes make decisions on net management: 39 companies with equal shares by 2,6%. There’s also the risk that a limited group of persons will accumulate power. The next information was provided by technical support regarding Tolar masternodes: HashNET has no limits concerning the number of masternodes, as Hashgraph, which makes the HashNET transactional capacity higher. Hashgraph is limited by 39 nodes, and the number of HashNET masternodes can increase to 10.000 units. And we use proof-of-stake, while Hashgraph masternode votes are fixed.

The information on the Tolar project is limited: the technical part is described formally, HashNET network wasn’t carried out. The “rumors protocol” methodology HashNET is based on is positively accepted by the market. The independence of Tolar technology, compatibility of Hashnet with other blockchains, the increased number of masternodes as compared to Hedera Hashgraph provide Tolar with significant competitive advantage.

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One more project promising to make transactions on blockchain fast and reliable, but what makes them remarkable is a working demo that provides 150 thousand TPS all over the world. These numbers and results really deserve respect. Bad news – these guys are playing on the field of Ethereum and Neo, so it will be a tough game for them. Anyway a long term perspective is excellent, and hype is quite good. Add here team’s plans to create a platform for DApps, and you’ve got the entire picture.
That case when a promise is not just a promise. 150 TPS right now, and this is what we’ve been waiting for.

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Team & Advisors – 8/10
Roadmap – 8.5/10
Token Metrics – 8/10
Positive - for short term flip
Neutral - for long term hold

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