Project Shivom Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

SHIVOM is a decentralized block chain platform where people can get their genome sequenced and stored hence enabling the establishment of a highly scalable and fully integrated health care vertical.


  • Security: The merging of block chain and genomics enables the users to securely store  their genome sequenced data within the ecosystem  via a state of art cryptography
  • Increased market: The platform creates an open market free from exploitation by individuals  which enables the other providers to add their applications and services alongside the genomic data analytics
  • Incentives: The  platform incentivizes the patients directly for donating data to the research studies and organizations
  • Lower costs: The platform enables the whole process of genome tests to be conducted at a subsidized rates hence promoting mass production
  • Transparency: The platform users have full control over the accessibility of their data  within the platform  secure fashion
  • Good team: The platform has  a good team full of experience  led by  the CEO, Akash Guarav who is a block chain expert a and helped in facilitation of first block chain company in India
  • Improved global health: The  platform  eliminates third party involvement in handling the genome data of the patients and selling them to health organizations without the consent of the patients  through information control by the users hence increasing profits


  • The platform application mentioned is not clearly generated
  • The  OMIX token exchangeability with other crypto currencies is not captured by the platform


  • The platform management team should generate a user friendly application for all the users across the world
  • The OMIX token should be made exchangeable with other crypto currencies and fiat for easy  profit generation
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24-Apr: I have no plans to participate in Project Shivom.

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News, reviews

Judging from the negative point I have raised, the project does not sound of investment quality. However, the overall concept of the platform is unique, and the venture could face a revisit if the inefficiencies get the adequate solutions.

In conclusion for this stage, there is not enough information regarding the Shivom project. There is little information on the part of their operations and supposed partnerships or advisors. As such, I would not recommend on putting your investment in such a project.

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Strengths: signed partnerships; very strong team and world-renowned advisors. Thorough market research and clear vision of the market, business model is presented in detailed way.

Weaknesses: no financial plan/projection, no competitor analysis, no marketing plan. The product is technically advanced, this may require additional funds.

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Having researched the Shivom proposition, it is difficult not to like what this project is setting out to achieve. If the team do succeed in their vision, the impact will be far-reaching and positive for everyone all round.

Clinical researchers get access to larger as well as much more representative genomic data sets allowing them to pursue their research further; those who provide that data are able to both protect and monetise that data however they see fit; medical professionals will be better positioned to provide more personalised healthcare; and academic researchers will be able to expand their research remits.

Whilst it is difficult to judge the overall potential for success for this project – or any blockchain-based startup project, for that matter – the general early signs appear quite good: there are clear indications of engaged interest from the general public as well as private seed investor investors which should mean that the project team manage to raise the funds necessary to proceed with the proposition. After that, the project’s chances should simply boil down to its ability to execute well.

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