With the human population exploding, so is the number of vehicles on our roads. Each of these vehicles contribute a small amount of pollution, playing a major role in Climate change.
Current vehicle designs are also becoming obsolete. With many of the world’s city centers becoming overpopulated, combustion engines are falling out of favour. Firstly, due to the pollution they contribute to the confined geographical areas, and also due to their inefficiency and noise.
While the world has long dreamt of a solution in the form of hydrogen or electric vehicles, the public is only now being presented with viable solutions.
Uniti is fully aware of these problems, and over the last 3 years have been developing a vehicle that can play a role in alleviating the issues at hand.
Uniti One is the name of their flagship product. This is a small, sleek, electric vehicle. As their tagline for this product suggests, this vehicle is designed with a broad audience in mind – ‘designed in Sweden, built for the world’. This vehicle will provide the range needed for those that require it, while still retaining a small stature. This will allow the vehicle to appeal to both in-city, and out-of-city drivers.
After making a splash at the 2018 Auto Expo in India, Uniti has revealed plans for multiple vehicles in the coming years. While the Uniti One is a two seater that will launch in 2019, the will also be offering a 5 seater in 2020.
To fund their continued development of not only their 2 seater, 5 seater, and future products, Uniti is taking part in an STO. Hosted by listings platform Neufund, Uniti will distribute security tokens to interested investors.
Being a forward thinking company, it isn’t surprising that they should turn to the next-gen means of fund-raising. Investors that take part in the distribution event will benefit from the liquidity and flexibility that security tokens afford. Meanwhile Uniti will benefit from a more diverse, and deep pool of investors.
Обратившись к своему проекту, Uniti открыла заказы на свой Uniti One с полностью возвращаемым депозитом. & nbsp; Uniti надеется, что это безрисковое обязательство перед компанией вызовет шум и интерес к их продукту. & Nbsp; На сегодняшний день эта тактика работает, и компания уже собрала более 60 миллионов долларов в предпродажах. Для тех, кто заинтересован в проекте, вы можете получить информацию о компании от Uniti. & Nbsp; Здесь компания указывает, что они активно работают над своим техническим документом, и что он скоро должен быть выпущен.
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