Scavenger Hunt Token

Scavenger Hunt Token

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Последнее обновление

7 февр. 2018 г.

Scenenger Hunt Token (SHT) - это первый ICO, где вы можете получать криптовые валюты, ходя в реальном мире. Получите жетоны, копаясь в разных местах, но другие охотники пытаются найти их перед вами. Чтобы выкопать токены SHT, вам нужно выйти на улицу. Посетите для получения всех необходимых сведений.

SHT работает в цепочке сетей Ethereum (ETH) и развертывается как распределенное приложение.
Full presale
28 янв. 2018 г.
1 июн. 2018 г.
100% завершено
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О проекте Scavenger Hunt Token

Будучи с Fujitsu, у меня есть почти 20-летний опыт работы в качестве старшего архитектора решений. Там я сосредоточен на предоставлении решений Fast-IT с использованием дизайна мышления и идей. Я совместно создаю проекты с нашими клиентами, используя ориентированный на человека подход. Мой опыт в области технологий - это Agile Development, автоматизация роботизированных процессов (роботы для программного обеспечения), Internet of Things (IoT) и технология Crypto Blockchain.


Dynamic and Responsive

Using the latest web technology we developed a website that works on a mobile, tablet and PC. Our backend runs on Node JS that directly communicates with the ETH network. This allows any webbrowser to access SHT without the need for extra plugins like MetaMask.


We keep your tokens and ETH secure by never storing your wallet encryption password. Your wallet data is encrypted before we store it our database, and only with your key it can be unlocked. That is why we use https and always ask for your encryption key.

3 Smart Contracts

We have distributed 3 smart contracts that store all SHT events and data on the blockchain. Our contracts are here:

SHT1 : 0x77f07B4831113143C24dd651a682c001D9d7E3b4 SHT2 : 0x8376fa08a88B649FB9e506574ED1754c09A79e09 SHT3 : 0x66bDcF4FE81029F8CC053ef7944e2EeE2B4C2F53

ERC20 Compliant

Scavenger Hunt Tokens (SHT) are fully ERC20 compliant, which means you can trade, transfer, buy or sell the tokens with other Ethereum users! They can be added to exchanges, to allow trading with them!

If you are an exchange that wants to support location based trading, get in touch with us. We provide our ABI for you here: shtExchangeABI.json. Look for the method: transferScavengerHuntToken that needs a GPS location converted to bytes32. getStringAsKeydoes this conversion for you.

White Paper

We have spent all our time and resources in developing the technology instead of writing paper. We don't want to re-invent the wheel and instead have used existing, proven and working technology. In our opinion 2018 must focus on working blockchain technology instead of chasing ideas.

Our technology stack

We have used a lot of proven technology. If you are interested, here is a list of what we use:

  • Ethereum Smart Contracts
  • Asynchronous JavaScript
  • Web3 JS
  • Node.js
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap CSS
  • jQuery
  • W3.JS
  • OpenStreetMap

Техническая информация

Мы использовали много проверенных технологий. Если вам интересно, вот список того, что мы используем:

Ethereum Smart Contracts
Асинхронный JavaScript
Web3 JS


Scavenger Hunt Token Roadmap

  • Oct 2017

  • Developing the Smart Contract for the Etheum blockhain.
    Setting up NodeJS to use Web3 JS for ETH communication and developing a web frontend framework for asynchronous development with Bootstrap and JQuery.
    Developing Ethereum Power Wallet to allow any browser to interact with ETH contracts and wallets.
  • Nov 2017

  • Registering the domain for our project and the launch of the ETH Power wallet website to the public.
    Building and running a private blockchain for developing and testing purposes.
  • Dec 2017

  • Developing the SHT Webfrontend application framework.
  • Jan 2018

  • Testing the SHT application application and finalizing implementation.
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  • Jan 24th 2018

  • Deployment of the SHT1, SHT2, SHT3 smart contracts on the Ethereum network.
    Alpha testing the SHT application application and finalizing implementation.
    Opening the ICO for initial investors
  • Jan 28th 2018

  • Launch of the Scavenger Hunt Token main (this) website.
  • Feb 2018

  • Promotion and announcing the SHT ICO to the main public:
    Registed Facebook and Medium accounts for SHT.
    Registering on Cryptotalk forum.
    Applying for ICO Bench rating.
    Announcing Launch on Reddit.
    Announcing Launch on Telegram.
    Announcing Launch to Youtube experts
  • March 2018

  • Development of Native SHT App for Android and Apple's IOS phones.
  • March 31st 2018

  • End of First Phase of Token Sale
  • April 2018

  • Develop Commercial Location Based Services on the SHT Platform.
  • April 30st 2018

  • End of Second Phase of Token Sale
  • May 2018

  • Setup SHT organization to support, develop and maintain SHT infrastructure, products and services.
  • July 1st 2018

  • End of Token Sale
  • Aug 2018

  • Release SHT Source Code to the public domain.
    Launch Native SHT Apps
    Launch SHT Commercial products and Services

Scavenger Hunt Token Команда

Проверено 100%

Julien Moorrees
Founder & CEO

Scavenger Hunt Token Интервью

Julien Moorrees
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

Scavenger Hunt Token Последние Новости

5.0 14
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Scavenger Hunt Token Обзоры
"Positives App Included: Scavenger Hunt Token does have an app where users can start searching around for tokens. As time progresses, we’ll be able to see this app become more widely used. Uses Proven Technology: Scavenger Hunt Token uses widely accepted technology such as Asynchronous JavaScript, Ethereum Smart Contracts, OpenStreetMap, Node.js, JQuery to create a powerful network for users willing to participate on its platform. 3 Smart Contracts: This platform has over 3 smart contracts which are used to store all SHT data and events on the blockchain: (SHT1: 0x77f07B4831113143C24dd651a682c001D9d7E3b4, SHT2: 0x8376fa08a88B649FB9e506574ED1754c09A79e09, SHT3: 0x66bDcF4FE81029F8CC053ef7944e2EeE2B4C2F53). Negatives No Whitepaper: Scavenger Hunt Token has stated on their website that they don’t have a whitepaper available. While their reasoning behind this is so that they can develop the application, the lack of a white paper will turn some investors away. Financial Information: SHT doesn’t have a direct fundraising goal, soft cap, or a hard cap and it can be difficult to determine what the project’s token goals are. Team Availability: On the site, it only displays the CEO (Julien Moorrees) of the project. This might lower its credibility for some investors that want to fund a project with a full team."
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News, reviews

The concept behind the platform is fascinating, the whole idea of getting out to interact with people while still being rewarded financially makes it worthwhile for individuals to get into. Plus, the fact that the best technology has been put in place to ensure your information and investment is kept safe just sounds even more exciting to be a part of. So go ahead and explore the scavenger hunt platform.

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