

Created using Figma
The Token That Safeguards The Content Of The Everyday Musician
Content creators upload thousands of hours of content everyday. Are you doing enough to protect your creations?
To be announced
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О проекте NFTmusic

We are in the process of building Musette, an exciting live streaming app for music lovers all over the world. It aims to serve as the platform for the world’s most amazing and talented musicians to create everyday content and share their love for cultivated music. It will be an excellent avenue for classical, indigenous, cultural musicians and more to showcase their talents on a daily basis.Through the creation of Musette, we hope to support musicians to make their creations truly one-of-a-kind.

Musicians from Musette will be able to upload their creations onto our NFT platform and choose the amount to sell. The contract assures that every piece of content is unique.

Along with this, we will continue to source for and partner with like-minded apps or platforms who share the same values as us so that we can create a stronger community and contribute to the empowerment of musicians.

NFTmusic Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Contract Creationchecked

    Token Launchchecked

    Website Launchchecked

    Social Media Pageschecked

    Community Buildingchecked

    TechRate Auditchecked

    Whitepaper Launchchecked
  • Phase 2

  • Liquidity Lockingchecked

    BScScan Verificationchecked

    Apply for

    Apply for CoinGeckochecked

    Announcement of Burn Schedule for 500B

    Live Streaming iOS App Launch checked

    Roll out NFTMUSIC.AI Merchandise

    Marketing Campaigns and Influencer Partnerships

    Live Streaming Android App Launch
  • Phase 3

  • Listing on to different exchanges

    Secure more partnerships

    NFT Platform Launch

    NFT Platform Launch Marketing Campaign

NFTmusic Последние Новости

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