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4 мар. 2021 г.

Блок-блок 4-го поколения привносит эту технологию в полное первичное производственное приложение и расширяет текущее бизнес-ориентированное предложение с точки зрения хранения данных, децентрализации приложений, аудита, безопасности, надежности.
Multiversum предлагает сложную организацию данных вместо последовательности данных, расщепления цепочек и воссоединения, чтобы обеспечить большую масштабируемость и параллелизм, а также концепцию проверки достоверности целостности (то есть криптографическое доказательство кода сервера) вместо существующих решений о доказательствах работы или доказательства решений о ставках.
Кроме того, Multiversum будет включать интеграцию ERC20 / ERC23, позволяющую размещать монеты и жетоны из других решений в нашей цепочке и наоборот, с нотариальными услугами в качестве внешнего метода подтверждения.
Между тем, наряду с этими нововведениями, мы, безусловно, будем использовать несколько хороших решений, которые наши коллеги уже реализовали с течением времени.
16 апр. 2018 г.
10 июн. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$21 721 869
hard cap
62% cap завершено
Cap 35 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 65 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 MTV
    1 USD
1 мар. 2018 г.
31 мар. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$5 661 741
113% цель завершено
Цель 5 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 MTV
    1 USD
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Building a new one: Multiversum

О проекте Multiversum

Общественное здравоохранение, финансы и вся экономическая система вот-вот присоединятся к технологической революции, которую привел Блокчейн. Одна из наших основных целей - удовлетворить потребности каждого субъекта рынка, который требует высокой эксплуатационной безопасности и может повысить производительность с помощью технологии Blockchain. Благодаря нашим высоким стандартам безопасности и стабильности мы делаем концепцию Blockchain 4.0 реальным и оперативным, предлагая инновационные и эффективные решения при незначительных затратах. Философия, которая вдохновила и водит Multiversum, & lt; ldquo; & ldquo; Зеленая Воля & rdquo; манифест, который можно возобновить тремя словами


4-го поколения Relational Blockchain
Почему Multiversum 4.0 Blockchain?

<Р> & NBSP; </р>

- Скорость транзакции
Менее чем за 0,2 секунды средства передаются через кошельки, включая безопасную проверку транзакций. Среди самых быстрых в мире.

- Пропускная способность транзакций
Непревзойденная масштабируемость: до 64 000 Tps (1000 Tps / core) на сервере с 64 ядрами.

- Доказательство Целостность
PoS (Доказательство ставки) будет заменено PoI (Доказательство целостности).

- Экологичный
A Транзакция Multiversum будет иметь незначительные издержки и около нуля окружающей среды.

- Кошелек следующего поколения
Улучшенная безопасность при доступе и переводах средств с помощью биометрических входов.

- Откат
Дополнительный откат может быть активирован на токенах, размещенных в Multiversum.

- Divisible Chains
Ресурсы Оптимизация между узлами из-за цепной неразрывности.

- Relational Blockchain
Совершенно новый блокчейн, в котором представлены разные типы данных, связанные с многомерной структурой. </p >

Техническая информация

Multiversum нацелен на повышение поколений в мире цепочечных цепочек и в качестве уникальных точек продаж, мы предлагаем следующие задачи:
1. Достижение Crypto Relational DB с самонастраивающимися комплексными структурами данных
2. Разделимые / повторно соединяемые сети на основе текущей рабочей нагрузки системы (параллельная работа)
3. Облицовка данных (параллельная работа)
4. Расширенные возможности API
5. Откат (безопасность пользователя)
6. Замороженные кошельки (Безопасность пользователей)
7. Интеграция биометрических данных в качестве семян для электронной подписи
8. Интерфейс ERC23 (совместимость с другими цепочками)
9. Родные адаптеры вне сети для собственного ERC20 / ERC23 (совместимость с другими блочными цепями)
10.Национальные адаптеры вне сети для клиентов ERC20 / ERC23 (совместимость с другими блочными цепями)
11.Программа целостности (протокол Инновации)
12. Двойной блокировки доступа (структурная безопасность)
13.Отклонение доступа к доступу (структурная безопасность)
14. Подтверждение взаимной цепочки (совместимость с другими блочными цепями)
15. Интеграция для Java, Spring и Javascript
16.ACID model
17.Transactional Model
18.SQL-подобный язык

Multiversum Roadmap

  • Roadmap

  • - March 2018
    - April 2018
    - June 2018
    Start of the extended team development
    + 3 months
    DBMS on chain abstraction, drivers, libraries, integrations
    + 3 months
    Check and Update System
    + 3 months
    Proof of Integrity along with biometric data app on Android, Web, iOS
    + 3 months
    External DAPP system, multicoin and exchange support
  • September, 2018

  • DBRS on chain abstraction, drivers, libraries.
  • March, 2018

  • Pre-ICO
  • December, 2018

  • control and update system.
  • Прочитайте больше
  • April, 2018

  • ICO
  • March, 2019

  • Proof of Integrity (or other Anti-50%+1 Hijack System) along with biometric data app on Android, web, iOS.
  • June, 2018

  • Start of Extended Team Development
  • June, 2019

  • External “Ethereum-like” apps system, multicoin and exchange support.
  • +3 Months

  • DBMS on chain abstraction, drivers, libraries, integrations.
  • +3 Months

  • Check and Update System
  • +3 Months

  • Proof of Integrity (or other Anti-50%+1 Hijack System) along with biometric data app on Android, Web, IOS
  • +3 Months

  • External "Ethereum-like" apps system, multicoin and exchange support

Участие в мероприятиях

Multiversum Команда

Проверено 90%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Andrea Taini
Founder & CEO, Technology
Matteo Monti
Co-founder, Social Media & Marketing
Matteo Peterlini
Co-founder, Art Director
Etienne Tomaselli
Front-end & Mobile developer


$27 383 610

Ivan Zaccaron
Front End Developer
Andrea Di Michele
Tamás Györfi
Simone Costa
Operations management
Vanessa Balloni
Marketing & Communications
Lorenzo Giacomini
Marketing & Communications


Проверено 67%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Henry Monzon
Michele Orzan
Global Strategic Advisor


$29 346 942

Tobias Ratschiller

Бывшие сотрудники

Michele Roscelli
Co-founder, Infrastructure & Integration
Alessio Di Mario
Social Media Management
David Pelayo
Peter Foulkes
Infrastructure & Technical Support


$32 216 811

Simone Trifiletti
Crypto-Community Expert

Multiversum Интервью

Andrea Taini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the main founder and visioner of the of the project.
I cover the role of CEO.
Michele Roscelli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Taking care of the infrastructure and integration side of Multiversum technology. I'm a solution engineer with strong international experience, having lived and worked in 4 different countries, and a long time blockchain enthusiast.
Matteo Monti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Co-Founder In Multiversum. I am Digital Marketing Consultant, specialised in Social Marketing Planning. The Future is now ... is Multiversum Blockchain !
Matteo Peterlini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With Multiversum I tried to succed in an exential, pure but emotionally involving design our Brand Image needs neat but stunning visuals, to embody progress and the multitude of functionality.

I have 20+ years experience in Identity and Brand Design, Communication Design, User Interface Design and Advertisements
Etienne Tomaselli
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm part of developer team and i'm enthusiastic about this project
Ivan Zaccaron
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Web developer and support for the Multiversum server infrastructure. Passionate Linux and Blockchain.

Multiversum is the most innovative project I ever worked on.
Andrea Di Michele
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm part of the development team, i manage the development of the Web App and the integration with Blockchain
David Pelayo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Entrepreneur, Consultant, Software Craftsman with a wide experience overseas. I've worked with clients from Switzerland, Germany, USA and United Arab Emirates.
Enthusiast of Blockchain technology, my role is Developer and Consultant @ Multiversum.
Peter Foulkes
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Technical Support Advisor
Simone Costa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm the operations manager. I deal mainly with the organization of support and marketing at a technical and business level.
Multiversum is a gateway to the evolution of blockchains. I firmly believe in the project and I will work hard to ensure that it is successful
Vanessa Balloni
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Marketing and Blockchain enthusiast, I joined Multiversum to combine these two passions in a revolutionary project.

As co-responsible of the Marketing team, I am working as hard as I can to communicate our game-changing proposal to public and ensure its success.
Lorenzo Giacomini
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I work as Communication Designer, Editor, Translator and Marketing Strategist for this wonderful project!
Simone Trifiletti
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm Cryptocurrency Expert & Ico Strategist at Multiversum.
Alessio di Mario
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I deal with Strategic Marketing and believe that Multiversum will represent a great innovation for the world of blockchain.
Michele Orzan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a Digital Leader (Europe) of the World Economic Forum, I will oversee the social and environmental sustainability aspects of Multiversum, together with its Corporate Social Sustainability (CSR) side.
Besides, I will engage states, governments, global NGOs, and multinationals in its evaluation as their ultimate blockchain for all future strategic uses.
Multiversum represents the best solution ever imagined for the universal blockchain.
Tobias Ratschiller
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Back in the late 90s, when I started to use MySQL for creating web applications, I missed an easy to use administration tool. Existing apps were clumsy — anyone remember trying to get ODBC to work on Windows? It was slow, dropped connections, and just a pain to use. So I started to write a simple web-based admin tool and called it phpMyAdmin. Because of a great team of developers that picked it up after me and continued to enhance it, it became the defacto standard for managing MySQL, used by millions of people.

Slow transaction speed, high fees and high energy consumption for mining are some of the main challenges of current blockchains. So when Andrea of Multiversum decides to tackle these issues, it reminds me of the Internet 20 years ago. With his team of talented developers, and a bit of luck, he may just succeed in creating the next generation of blockchain technology. I’m happy to be onboard as advisor to help this venture.

Multiversum Последние Новости

5.0 15
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Multiversum Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

MULTIVERSUM is a platform that enhances data layer through a self verifying and distributed structure of organized data entities related to one another by symbolic links.


  • The use of multicurrency wallet boast the security level and  the platform reliability as there is protection of the users from scammers, hackings  and wrong transactions
  • The transactions carried on the platform have insignificant cost  which are next to zero  in the environmental footprint making  the platform use less costy
  • The platform application supported by Android and IOS  enables the users to effect easy transactions  as they are able to send and receive payments everywhere across the world ones downloaded and installed in their phones
  • The creation of Relational Crypto Database enables the platform to handle  a series of data grouped in graphs of complex data structures  related to one another
  • The funds are transferred across the  users wallets faster in less than 0.2 seconds  with a secure validation of the transactions
  • The platform technology enables it to run different transactions parallel and split region mechanism of block chain allowing for greater horizontal scalability  and increase  processing transaction capacity  with additional computational power
  • The  platform allows rollback of undesired operations which can be enabled on all the tokens and  application on the platform
  • The proof of integrity which replaces proof of work and  the proof of state in various shape  enables the verification of cryptographic validity of the compiled nodes  and uniformity of the various responses from the majority of these nodes


  • The white paper information lacks approval by law
  • The platform token use is restricted in some areas
  • The funds raised at the token pre-sale lacks insurance and warranty hence can be easily mishandled


  • The whitepaper should be fully approved and backed up by law to prevent misleading the users
  • The funds raised at the token pre-sale should be insured to avoid any losses


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ICO review website

Multiversum is a Blockchain 4.0 project. This blockchain generation terminology is far from being universally accepted, but is often used for marketing purposes. In a nutshell, the Multiversum project is a universal blockchain that can be used to facilitate transactions. Its features and characteristics will, it is claimed, put it far ahead of current solutions and will enable it to compete with various top blockchain platforms.

The team are planning to implement a range of innovations to ensure high network capacity and performance. The solution will employ a new consensus algorithm (Proof of Integrity) along with Crypto Relational DB, parallel computing and blockchain rollback.

At the moment the team are offering a testnet mobile app, which can be essentially considered as an MVP. Nevertheless, the project is still at an early development stage.  

One of the project’s shortcomings is its documentation. It is not very high in quality, given how complex and ambitious the project is. There are many aspects, especially technical, that have not been described in much detail; this makes it difficult to properly assess the project. Plus, the information provided on the site and in the white paper is inconsistent. At the moment, different sources provide different information on team members and advisors.

The main project risks are associated with how ambitious the project is. When a project claims its solution is “revolutionary”, it not only garners attention but also means higher quality requirements.  Development of advanced technologies is an important objective for fintech startups. However, it is also important to pay attention to market behavior and dynamics, otherwise the 4.0 or even 5.0 blockchains (these will enter the picture sooner or later) risk being unrealized and remaining simply ambitious projects.

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