Heroes of Card

Heroes of Card

Created using Figma
BSC largest NFT card game. Our main goal in the beginning is to create a turn-based card game.
22 мая 2021 г.
31 мая 2021 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
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О проекте Heroes of Card

Heroes of Card is a card game to win in the DCCG (collectible digital cards) style, developed by an individual team on the BSC network. It is a two player game in which each player has a hero, a deck of cards and plays in alternate turns. The cards in the player’s hand represent the heroes and skills that are the main resources the player can use to defeat
your opponent. In this game, the main objective is to defeat the opponent’s hero by combining cards (for example, character skills + skill cards) called a combo, to inflict greater damage, until the opponent’s hero runs out of life.

At the beginning, when the NFT Market system on the website is ready, we will make available closed packages with decks and a box system to sum up random cards, which may include


Each card will have its level of rarity and its specific abilities, Attack, Defense and a magic ability.

Initially we will launch the token that will be one of the rewards in the official game.
Come and see our work and join this adventure!

Heroes of Card Roadmap

  • Q2/2021

  • Inauguration of the website.
    Pre Sale
    NFT Sale
  • Q3/2022

  • Open Marketplace for players to trade nfts
    Opening of registrations for alfa testing
    Game launch for players to test
    NFT airfrops (Follow Regulation on twitter)
  • Q2/2022

  • Beta game test for some users
    Governance module
    Internal tests
  • Q1/2023

  • Test game
    Character event updates

Heroes of Card Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Heroes of Card Последние Новости

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