DropDeck is a funding platform that runs on the Ethereum blockchain because it requires this blockchain's features such as smart contracts, payment, consensus mechanism and its own digital token named DDD (Decentralized DropDeck). DropDeck is shaping the most innovative solution to address all existing issues in cross-border business funding for startups and SMEs, by issuing digital tokens and deploying smart contracts to incentivize all token holders to collaborate with each other and complement the A.I. development. The outcomes are 1) fundraising companies are as accurately scored and ranked as possible so that funders can put their money to optimal use, and 2) all participants in the ecosystem are financially incentivized to help funders get rewarded, so that funders can keep funding and attract more funders to join the ecosystem.
Companies from all geographies can submit information to the platform according to standardized funder-centric formats, or local agents called Hunters can help do so. Funders screen fundraising companies based on scores, and can select local agents called Delegates in the geography of the interested company to assist in further due diligence. After conducting full due diligence, the funders are ready to make the loan. The Delegate is required to enter into a legal arrangement with the funded company in order to enforce the repayment. Funders then make a payment in DDD to a smart contract. This smart contract involves the funders, the funded company, and the Delegate, so that the Delegate only gets paid if the funded company pays back. The Delegate receives either a percentage of the repayment amount, or a fixed amount held in escrow by the smart contract.
The loan can be paid back in the form of simple amortization with regular payments, or via royalties or with other amortization schedules for companies who are not generating consistent cash flow yet. The DropDeck reputation system encourages funded companies to pay back in order to attract further funding in the future, and encourages Delegates to protect the funders’ interests in order to attract more clients. The Decentralized DropDeck Token (DDD) will be issued and distributed to serve as the ultimate reward for all participants in the funding value chain (Delegates, Hunters, Evaluators, etc.). Since DDD's value reflects the overall success of funders and fundraising companies on DropDeck, every participant must collaborate in the best interests of each othe r (e.g. evaluate companies accurately, enforce repayment) and of DropDeck (e.g. contribute data to make scoring algorithms smarter) in order to increase the value of their rewards.
DropDeck helps funders allocate capital to the most deserving companies while being informed of these companies’ “Potential scores”, which reflects the degree of risk and potential in terms of profitability. For the underwriting part of the loan, the fundraising company and the funders can propose the terms (interest rate, royalty, schedule, etc.). DropDeck also makes suggestions with its A.I. algorithms. One or many Delegates consolidate information to make final proposals. The funders and the funded company who have “skin in the game” will come to a consensus to choose a proposal and the according Delegate to carry out the terms.
Компании по сбору средств исчерпывающе оцениваются и оцениваются так, чтобы спонсоры могут вкладывать свои деньги в самые быстрорастущие компании, по всему миру.
Финансисты могут «вносить взносы» (финансирование роялти) или «кредитовать» (задолженность финансирование) жетонов в компании по сбору средств в быстром, надежном и обеспеченный способ.
Все участники финансирующей экосистемы являются финансово поощряется, чтобы помочь финансирующим организациям получить вознаграждение, чтобы спонсоры могли финансировать и привлекать больше спонсоров для присоединения.
Phase 1
Фаза 1
Phase 2
Фаза 2
Phase 3
Фаза 3
Phase 4
Фаза 4
Phase 5
Фаза 5
Phase 6
Фаза 6
Проверено 0%
Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
Проверено 0%
Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
DROPDECK is a debt fundraising platform for the growing businesses based on smartcard and an incentive system with a decentralized drop desk token (DDD) that allows for evaluation and funding of businesses across all borders. This project employs a perfect combination of online- offline, ochain-offchain and machine-man made barriers to a break all the barriers in between the processes involved hence minimizing risks and maximizing the benefits for adequate improvements.
Improved trust. The project majorly operates on the trust principles as the funders can easily access detailed information about the companies .This information is clearly outlined in distinctive groups enabling the funders to screen through them very fast hence saving time in their decision making.
Easy evaluation: The users either easily see the hidden details about their funders by paying for this service which in return earns them an instant reward. This therefore promotes transparency which is a measure of speeding up the funded companies.
Improved trust circle: The inves tment procedures involved in the project are clearly outlined and has to follow well organized protocol making it easy to add a trusted customer as they can be easily screened before investing in the project. This creates a conducive environment for raising adequate funds for the project leading to the improvement of the businesses across the World.
The project full endorsement requires ample time as it has to go around all the stipulated stages. Skipping one vital stage can lead to the failure of the project as the funders will not be properly selected.
The growth of most of the companies is usually limited to the starting capital and the maintenance cost. Investing in this project will ensure that different companies and businesses get the right funders and as a result making more returns. The application of the decentralized drop deck token(DDD) as tool in in the project is key value as it encourages installment thereby reducing risks and keeps the tokens for the companies before all the requirements are met. This makes the investment very instrumental in promoting the growth of businesses.
Drop Deck provides a means for investors and creditors to make the payment of small loans to both individuals and businesses. The success of the DDD will come down to the amount of funding it gains, as well as the market appetite for ICOs and its future profitability.
Это предложение основано на информации, предоставляемой исключительно оферентом и другой общедоступной информацией. Событие продажи или обмена токеном полностью не связано с владельцем ICO, а владелец ICO не участвует в нем (включая любую техническую поддержку или продвижение). Продажи Token, перечисленные у лиц, с которыми не связан ICOholder, показаны только для того, чтобы помочь клиентам отслеживать активность, происходящую в общем секторе токенов. Эта информация не предназначена для консультаций, на которые вы должны положиться. Вы должны получить профессиональную или специальную консультацию или выполнить свою собственную должную осмотрительность, прежде чем принимать или воздерживаться от каких-либо действий на основе контента на нашем сайте. Любые условия, вносимые участниками в отношении приобретения Токенов, заключаются между ними, а эмитент Token и ICOholder не является продавцом таких токенов. ICOholder не несет никакой юридической ответственности за любые представления третьих сторон в отношении любой продажи Token, и любая претензия в связи с нарушением контракта также должна быть сделана непосредственно против зарегистрированного лица Token, перечисленного здесь. P>
Если у вас есть какие-либо опасения по поводу характера, приличия или законности продажи этого токена или лиц, участвующих в нем, обратитесь в info@icoholder.com с подробной информацией о ваших проблемах. Р> DIV>